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If  you must send money to thailand

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  • If  you must send money to thailand

    remember the very wise words of the immortal Chuck Wow when reading this post; "I am not sure  what your money is buying you, but it sure as hell ain't loyalty"

     or the simple yet effective terminology  that Blue Ballz  gives to guys who send their hard-earned cash to ladyboy hookers;  "More baht than brains"

       5 years ago I met a special little girl through a  childrens charity from the slums of Din Daeng in Bangkok. We started to sponsor her, and once or twice a year I am lucky enough to meet with her.  2 months ago  we had another great visit; she and her sister and mom came to my apartment and then down to tesco-lotus for a shopping trip.   It was so cool to see my little angel  go from a  young girl who used to buy barbie dolls and toys into a pre-teen  who now prefers   make-up and clothes and I even  got her a boom box and some CD's from some Thai boy bands.  We had a nice lunch, and I gave the Mom 10,000 baht before they got into the taxi to go back to their 1500/month  1-room  shack with no plumbing in the  slums.  from her I got a deep Wai and a smile, and a  sincere "Kampun Ka"; from my 12-year old angel I got a hug and a kiss and  "Kampun Ka; Chun Rak Khun" [I love you].  Worth it?  sure.

             Now, if you tried sending a paltry 10,000 baht to a ladyboy hooker, her first response would be "Is that all?"  I mean, she can make that in 2 or 3 dates so what's the big deal?  The  100 bucks a month I send to my child is 4000 baht and enough to help her family immensely;  send that to a ladyboy and she will laugh and buy some new shoes.  I have seen guys send 30,40, even 50,000 baht and more per month to these bargirls and ladyboys [believe me, I know it's insane but it happens every day], and their girls are STILL not faithful.   They could send 100,000 per month, doesn't matter; if the sucker is only in Thailand 1 or 2 months per year his girl WILL be seeing other guys for money and/or have a Thai boyfriend.  If you guys that are sending dough don't believe this and you think your beloved is home watching the tube until you come back in 4 months, please get a clue.

             send money if you choose, but pick  the target correctly.  I will know my girl from the time she was 7 hopefully for her whole life, and in 10 or 15 years I can look back and say that the cash I sent to help her grow was well-spent.  I have NEVER seen a farang/ladyboy relationship last more than  a year or 2 max, so exactly what are they sending the cash for?

      One ladyboy and myself were having a good laugh about this recently [in bed, by the way].  She was getting 40+ or more every month from some guy  in the states, who of course figures she is  being faithful; her friends  didn't even want to know his name or what he looked like or the fact that he was twice her age, just " what have you gotten from him lately?"   same with her; as a matter of fact, she dreaded his 2 or 3 trips per year there because she actually had to spend time with him!  and all along this guy who is in a non-reciprocal love affair  apparantly feels it is more important to buy his girl the latest Gucci handbag or some 300 dollar dress than help his own family or some poor family who needs it much more than she does.

             guys  spending hard-earned money on girls that look at you as a walking ATM and not as a love interest, despite what she may be telling you... wake up.  and if you don't like reading the truth about this shit and prefer to believe that  you are the one and only,  than  don't read here.

  • #2
    This must be the single, best, most intelligent, truthful post I have ever read on this forum!!!!

    Spot on with the charity donation. Pick a deserving case not some idiot fashion addict.


    • #3
      if you could see some of the foolish money that is being thrown around on these people by middle-aged guys who should know better it would make you barf. also to fault are the ladyboys wasting their donated cash on brand name designer garbage that means nothing in a 3rd world country, where most people live on about 100 bucks a month.


      • #4
        My name is Stogie Bear...
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Originally posted by
          I have NEVER seen a farang/ladyboy relationship last more than a year or 2 max...
          What the fuck am I - Scotch mist?

          Also I think RoadRunner is on for a record...

          All long distance relationships are tricky. Come to think of it so are short distance ones!

          But you are spot on about sending money. It's really a mugs game, but then if you earned it then it's up to you to burn it!

          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by (stogie bear @ July 29 2004,03:26)
            What the fuck am I - Scotch mist?  
            I met you and Kui in november of 2002.....2 year soon...have you ben together much longer than that? anyway, you know what I meant......the long-distance deals rarely work out, mate; if you have the luck to live in paradise year-round, like you or Mickey or Snick, and YOU CAN KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND, than yes, true love between a farang and a ladyboy could happen. 99% of the people who view this site can't do that, however, including me


            • #7
              Originally posted by
              ...have you ben together much longer than that?
              We sure have me ol' pal!

              Kui and I met on the internet when I was still living in Mexico. She met me at the airport in Bangkok and was the very first person I ever met in Thailand. In Asia, come to think of it!

              But your point is well taken. Like all relationships it's a two person effort!


              • #8
                Fantastic post!! This is proof that JaiDee DOES have a heart!! I was starting to wonder!! These schmucks that sedn money to hooker deserve what they get-SHAFTED!! What suckers but hey should we be shocked? Not at all there is plenty of evidence that what PT Barnum said was correct, "Theres a sucker born every minute." You cannot legislate against stupidity-if that were the case most of America would be locked up!! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!! and if you are offended by these words you are one of those guys who has MORE BAHT THAN BRAINS!!!


                • #9
                  I am very poor, but I still have more Baht than brains...

                  That makes me what exactly?

