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35 members on line at one time!

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  • 35 members on line at one time!

     Wow - at about midnight today (Thailand time) there were 35 of us in and out of here at the same time!

    For all those lurkers out there... post and let us know who you are!

    Stogie Bear!  
    Attached Files

  • #2
    U da man, stogie! since this is your forum after all......and you did a damned good job making it and getting all these people to view our little lovefest here.

    now....for all you lurkers out there......what are you waiting for? say something! it's always the same 9 or 10 guys up here and it would be cool if we had more diverse posts and thoughts from ladyboy-lovers.


    • #3
      There are a few things that are going our way right now...

      More and more members, of course!

      We have finally removed that horrible 'cloak' which slowed up the load process when trying to actually see the forum...

      We have made a few cosmetic changes and cleaned up the confusing layout that we had before...

      And by the way... if anyone reading this can actually contribute in the way of a regular feature or would like his (or her) own column in the Clubhouse or the forum, then let us know...

