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3 months and counting

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  • 3 months and counting

    you guys ever do 'the countdown'? you know, start counting down the days in between trips to the LOS because you are bored silly? a quick look at my calender tells me about 98 more days of fat-girl hell and bad weather before I can be back in paradise....not bad!

  • #2
    Seem's like a lifetime does'nt it ?
    I have to wait until December !


    • #3
      Hey Jeff.....remember, you invited me up to Issan to do some scouting........don't think I have forgotten that! do some scouting first and I will come up around the new year, camera's blazing.

      featured on ATS in January; "Welcome to Issan"


      • #4
        I never forget...unless I have been drinking.
        You see, I drink to forget and it's working . Went out last night for a few to many. I dont know why I do it . Guys tripping all over themself's trying to impress a fat, ugly pasty , white chick.
        These are NOT the type's to tell them about Thailand.

        I will call you when your room is ready


        • #5
          My heart goes out to you JD..
          Exactly 21 hrs from now will be in Bali,,I know its not bkk, that will have to wait another 29 days..
          If and I probably will run into the (cocks in frocks) I will pass on your good wishes.
          Taking 2 guys from work and intend to show them the ropes and get a bit of Lb on the side...
          But will catch you up in october/nov some time,,pattaya hopefully.



          • #6
            wow....bali-Ken is still around! how great! you lucky doggg....please say Hi to little Mary [Naomi] and Monica and Fiona.....I have GOT to get back there [and Oscar's bar!!] sometime this winter!

            have fun Ken.....won't you miss Springer??


            • #7
              HAHAHA,, all SPRINGERED out mate,,,fuck that lowlife show,,,reminds me of me sometimes..

              Will defintiley be running into those lot tomorrow night (somewhere)

              And will have my hands full with 2 very enthusiastic Bintang drinkers....

              Yes they allways ask about you and when you are returning,remember you have a place to stay anytime...



              • #8
                I feel for you, I have to wait about 9 more hours until I'm done with work and my girl is finished with her job.
                But its not all roses, I had to promise to go out with her tonight and do Kareoke...Thai Kareoke.
                "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (Jeff1 @ July 28 2004,20:47)
                  I never forget...unless I have been drinking.
                  You see, I drink to forget and it's working . Went out last night for a few to many. I dont know why I do it . Guys tripping all over themself's trying to impress a fat, ugly pasty , white chick.
                  These are NOT the type's to tell them about Thailand.

                  I will call you when your room is ready

                  JaiDee , I know that feeling it is simply horrible , having to to fuck these fat white shit bags . You are right they are not the type when compare to their Thai sisters.

                  I will be in BKK before you ( end of Sep for 3 months) meanwhile keep the moral & money for your next trip.

                  All the best



                  • #10
                    Already counting down although I am not back until December as well.

                    I am always thinking about how I could fit in a short trip and trying to come up with the most ingenious plan so that I can take time off work without them knowing.

                    Unfortunately looks like I will have to wait.


                    • #11
                      Yep... I'm suffering the countdown syndrome... Kui get's home at 5:30, it's now almost 1...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (stogie bear @ July 29 2004,00:52)
                        Yep... I'm suffering the countdown syndrome... Kui get's home at 5:30, it's now almost 1...

                        OH , That's cruel ! Another 4.5 hours , how do you do it ?


                        • #13
                          I tend to fly to the Far East every 12-16 weeks and i do suffer, if thats the right word, the countdown syndrome.
                          It tends to kick in around one month after i have returned from The Far East then every day is countdown day.The biggest shit is reading some of the action stories on the forum
                          knowing you are 7,000 miles away and cannot get down to KC3 to check out the 7 new girls etc etc.

                          enjoyment compression syndrome;;;;;
                          The problem this used to bring was that upon arrival in BKK i would try to fit the last 3 months non-partying into the first night and spend the next two days gonked out in the Hotel room , never seeing any daylight.You know the score...

                          28 days 6 hours  26 minutes and 7seconds  to go


                          • #14
                            Talking about counting down. I wonder what the best strategy is in terms of taking holidays? In Australia we are lucky enough to get 4 weeks of annual leave every year and I can take a little unpaid if I want with enough notice. I always struggle with how I should break that up. In the past I have taken 3-4 weeks at once as I figure if I am travelling overseas I might as well make the most of it.

                            However if I travelled more often say for a week at a time then I would have less withdrawal symptoms.

                            What do you guys think? I know everyone has different circumstances but I am interested in how you guys divide up your allocated holidays to spend time in LOS?


                            • #15
                              Speaking as someone in Oz, I would say, given that the flight from Sydney or Melbourne is only 9 hours or so, one is better off to have several short trips.

                              4 weeks of fun followed by 11 months of nothing is a bit hard to take. 1 week 4 times per year makes for a much more bearable year, I think.

