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Your personal top 5

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  • Your personal top 5

    Name the top 5  LB's you have ever been with, denoting where they work so other guys may find 'em!

     Lyla and  Chompoo -  Obsessions bar

      Nan and Aon, now both post-op and living in Europe

        Bobo, wanna-be recording artist {Venus Flytrap} in BKK

    Honorable mention;  Nunny from Khorat, now a webcam professional {in her Mom's home!}
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  • #2
    Leaving my present tilac out of it, there is one heads and shoulders above all the rest IMHO Moo (not the legend who was in the monkeyhouse), formerly operating a beauty shop in Pattaya, is one of the sweetest people to ever grace our planet.

    She's out of the biz, whereabouts unknown, and living a quiet life as a lady.


    • #3
      wait! I think Chompoo is married now, right? So no longer at Obsessions.

      My picks are all postops (yeah big surprise, right?).

      Yumi works part time at King's Corner
      Paula, very sweet and nice, King's Corner (not sure if she's still there, last time I saw her was 2 year's ago)
      Ant, flits between Singapore and KC3
      Kat, formerly of King's Corner and how happily married in Germany
      Candy, (voted best body, a couple of years ago when she was still preop) KC3

      I also agree with PD's nomination of Moo - while I did not "know" her in the Biblical sense, I did spend time with her, she is very sweet, and caring.

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      • #4
        (rxpharm @ May 23 2008,00:13) wait! I think Chompoo is married now, right? So no longer at Obsessions.
        errrm, I don't think that worked out

        cool ladyboy, way misunderstood

        we had some awesome times years ago

        Bobo and Nan almost stopped my heart a few times during sexual can you forget that??

        Lyla..... probably the all -time fav freaking sexy wowwwww
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • #5
          (rxpharm @ May 23 2008,00:13) wait! I think Chompoo is married now, right? So no longer at Obsessions.
          Err .... watch this space!   And get in the queue  


          • #6
            actually I should have said "ex of Obsessions"

            I have no idea what her current life is like or if she's available, and when we were close in the biblical sense that was years ago

            still a personal fav though! funniest ladyboy I have ever met
            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


            • #7
              No particular order ,

              Thanathep ,, Bangkok , working webcam for

              Anucha ,, probably in Europe somewhere , married ? No idea

              Noon ,, Pattaya , JSB .

              Koko ,, Freelancer Bangkok , Nana , Sukhumvit Rd .

              Anny ,, formerly Obsessions , now married up country , a rare experience when reality exceeds fantasy .


              • #8
                (monkeyman @ May 23 2008,02:20) Koko ,, Freelancer Bangkok , Nana , Sukhumvit Rd .
                Finally someone mentions again the lovely Koko who was a little in the shade on lbs forums recently.

                Even if i cannot call her what i picture in my mind as a ladyboy talking to her we agreed that she is the real thai shemale.

                She definatly in my top 5 along with Patty from cascade and the long gone Talisha.

                I like them passable and 101%feminine but as well i cannot resist the ambiguous charm of a obvious intersexed creature.
                My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham


                • #9
                  have to agree with Bobo one wild babe and so sweet too boot. her good friend Nunny is wild toooo. Mint is just so dammmm sexy, then there is Cream from jenny star bar. Pla the human volcano etc etc etc. so many i just cant remember them all. honerable mentions too Tee Tee cascades, May obsessions, CEE cascades and last but not least Kahuna. shes a bit old but hey even the ugly ones need some loving
                  just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                  • #10
                    According to the LB Monger's Handbook (I.B. Stiffy Press, c.2001 3rd addition) 132, paragraph 4, Line 11, "you lose 16 quest points if you can remember her name 24 hours after the encounter."

                    As I aspire to be a third-degree seeker (as defined in the Glossary), I do not remember the names of any of the ladyboys I have encountered, except the lovely Moo (pre-monkey house)...for whom, I gladly sacraficed the 16 points.



                    • #11
                      1. Cindy from Cascades (what a surprise   )

                      2. Aoy - Pat's Bar, Soi6 Pattaya

                      3. Tee Tee - Cascades

                      4. King - ex-Stringfellows (possibly off the market now)

                      5. Jenny - ex-Obsessions (the one guys used to call plump) .. a bit mad but she did have thick black glasses  

                      Honourable mentions tio Wan from Stringfellows, Aert from Temptations and Por from Cascades
                      No honey, no money!!


                      • #12
                        Top 5 ladyboys for me,
                        #1, my first and still the best, BANGKOK MAY
                        #2, for beauty, good heart and a great GFE, Odet formerly of Obs
                        #3, for the same reasons as with Odet, the same one PD mentioned, Moo aka May, formerly of Gangs Pub, and salon owner, Soi 6, PTY.
                        #4, Aoy, Pat Bar, Soi 6, PTY
                        #5, Pla, freelancer and formerly of KC 3, BKK
                        “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                        ― Henry Ward Beecher

                        "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                        • #13
                          (donnnnnny @ May 23 2008,07:13) and last but not least Kahuna. shes a bit old but hey even the ugly ones need some loving
                          Thank you dear...

                          Damn my list is a group of unknowns...I tend to shy away from the superstars...

                          So lets see...and in no particular order...except for the last girl...

                          Poy...formerly of Obsessions...someone lucky guy has taken her out of the bar and it's not a surprise to me...a real great kid...and a very pretty girl too...

                          Tai of Obs is still one of my favorite girls from days gone by...Sorry JaiDee...a former Chiang Mai Simon Cabaret Star....funny...she always made me laugh...well, most of the time...

                          Tum of somewhere on Soi 6 Pattaya...I can't remember the name of the bar...she moves around so much...not a looker at all...but she knows how to please and he knows how to have fun...and she know how to make you happy...

                          Aert of Temptations...I had a thing for this one once upon a time...again not the prettiest of girls but as real and genuine as they come...Her claim to fame is Monkeyman bought her her first drink on her first night in Temptations...Great great girl...

                          Finally, my present addiction...who will remain nameless...but you regular guys know who she is...and she doesn't work in a bar any longer...and no I didn't take her out..But she is as close to perfect for me as they come...Small, cute, university educated, speaks very good English, has a nice day job and brand new silicone...and she waits me forever...LOL...Which well be next week...

                          Conspicuously absent...The She Devil....

                          I lub u 2 mut donnnnny...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #14
                            Yo Yo Mr K , good to see neither of us included our she devils , i wonder if Stogie' list will include my She Devil

                            Mmmmm i forget why im posting this Foto , oh well here it is anyways .
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              I'm having a tough time just ranking the top 5 in my most recent trip. I think a lot of us will be more nostalgic to the girls we were with early on or that turned us on to LB's so it makes it tough to measure up to any new girl. I have only been with 25 total ladyboys from Mexico, Philippines, SIngapore and Thailand so it will take a while to make a top 5 list.
                              brock landers

