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Young or Matured Ladyboys

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  • #46
    Depends on what we are talking about. If I want a girlfriend or someone I can spend meaningful time with over the longer term then more than likely someone who is in the older age bracket would fit the bill for me as I need someone who has experience life and travelled, understands and can have a decent conversation about the topics of today.  

    However if all we are talking about is a ST/LT then any age will do as long as she is of legal age and makes me think I am 21 again      


    • #47
      Chemistry is more important than any thing, regardless of age! It's great if your Lb/gg is a stunner but what is the point if you have nothing in common or can't see eye to eye! Knock on effect of this becomes apparant in every aspect of life- sex life,home life and social life!

      Of courses i'm talking from a relationship point of view. For most younger guys from the west they are going to choose the best looking or youngest because they are paying! But the best looking are not always the youngest!

      Great pictures! You look absolutely great!  Thanx for posting them!
      i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


      • #48
        Perhaps it's a generalisation to make but I would go for the "older" LB at 30yo or so. But it comes down entirely to experience...

        And thanks to Izzy for the pics and insightful contribution: you're a knockout in both senses!


        • #49
          I prefer older...25+, but closer to 30s. I just feel like they are more grounded and got a lot of the 'sanook' part of their life out of their system (hopefully). Not that I mind having fun, but I've gotten a bit past that stage in my life as well and have settled down quite a bit more so I want someone who kinda jives with me and my lifestyle.
          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


          • #50
            easy answer...25 and under...younger the better...they get harder! Just like I used to... LOL.


            • #51
              My needs are much bigger than my opportunity. I live in Europe and go to Thailand once a year (2-3 weeks).

              So to feed the need I have been a pretty active memeber in the last year. I am a so-called "top-member" there now. Same nick as here by the way.
              I have had a lot of friendly and sexy chatting there with very beautiful and nice lbs from Phil.. I have met and "know" 50-60 and "stayed with"  5-7. These are now like good friends. They try to seduce me to go into the pvt pay-room of course, but they accept very quickly any reason I might have to just want ordinary talk (or sexy talk and even c2c-sex without paying).

              I have found that those I ended up with are in the age-range 25-32 (one 22 and one 44). They never ask for money (the Western Union thing), they are just very very nice and I really want to go to Phil to meet them as good friends. They very easily agree to meet when I go there and on the premises that we just check out the chemistry before anything else happens. If they don't get turned on by me or vice versa we just go separate ways.

              This has been a really nice (somewhat expensive) year to learn to know and become friends with lbs and it has given me a much better idea of my likes and dislikes towards lbs and also the range of age that I prefer. When it comes to "likes" it is very much the things mentioned on this poll. I am glad to hear Izzy's answer to my question. I t is what I thought and also hoped for.

              Just to give an idea of it I have probably all together spent 5-6 hours talking to each of my favourites, both on yahoo messenger (they all give their adr there and tel. no.) and on livejasmin. And maybe talked with each of them 20-50 times.
              I have learned to know lbs in quite a different way through this.

              I just love it. And I long to go there soon.

              The only thing that bothers me is that they all want me to visit their family (mother,father,sister and brother, -and nephew,  ---and a very nice neighbour  and-------). I can gladly be seen with lbs in public, but I don't like the idea of sitting in the family-kitchen talking with everybody and maybe being older than the parents. I think that situation would really be a challenge to my upbringing ethics

              Izzy. Thank you very much for starting this poll (is it a poll ??). I really hope you find what you want. I think is quite a good page for more serious contact between lbs and western men. I was there for a year or two as well and almost got too close to some of the very nice lbs there. It is a contact-page that is a part of very many pretty serious contact-pages all over the world. is the Thailand-version.



              • #52
                i can just see lizzy walking down the road with her 60 year old rice farmer boyfriend happy and contented because he is romantic and loving.
                emmmmmm sceptic meeeee?? never
                just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                • #53
                  The Truth is ....its a little bit from Column A and a bit from Column B
                  You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                  • #54
                    (Koku @ Nov. 12 2008,15:39) And thanks to Izzy for the pics and insightful contribution: you're a knockout in both senses!
                     What does that mean? Is she a boxer as well?


                    • #55
                      ...but I don't like the idea of sitting in the family-kitchen talking with everybody and maybe being older than the parents.

                      I think that situation would really be a challenge to my upbringing ethics...
                      I have nothing but admiration for a man who lives by his ethics.


                      • #56
                        Well Stogie,   - Maybe it is more correct to call it somehing else.

                        My expectations would be that even if they smile and act nicely it is very hard to BELIEVE that a family would accept that their gg or lb daughter have a farang bf 2-3 times as old as the daughter.

                        This is for me the most conflictual part of being with a very much younger lb-gf.

                        I have on a couple of occations actually met the family and always been treated well, but I find it very hard to REALLY believe in that or to accept myself in the situation.

                        What do you say to that as an experienced thai-farang Stogie?
                        I think it might be a cultural hang-up of mine = what I called upbringing ethics.

                        I actually think that Izzy MIGHT be happy with a 56 year old still-going-strong farang. And be completely content presenting him to her famiy. But if I was that man I sure would feel old and my "upbringing ethics" would haunt my soul.

                        I heard one European man, 58 ys old, living in Thailand say that when he was with a girl of 31 she was in a way older than he was, comparing the way her Thai  culture looked upon her as an unmarried woman of 31 and how his European culture looked upon him.

                        I get confused    
                        but mostly very happy  
                        and a bit frustrated  
                        - WITH ALL THIS

                        The good things in life win  +  

                        So the very simple ethics that is growing stronger is  
                                                    -if I feel happy and you seem happy its OK.


                        • #57
                          Oh for heavens sake, 56? Is that all you are?

                          I thought by the sound of your post you must be closer to 70.

                          Forget all notions of your western sensitivities, an older farang who can guarantee financial security for his girl, & by extension, her family is well respected.

                          As a boyfriend or a life partner, you are unlikely to ever meet the criticism you might expect at home.

                          Life is far different in Thailand than to Europe & it is funny to read of another farang clinging to his cultural beliefs.

                          Get over your reservations & be happy to take your girl anywhere in Thailand. Questions about your ethics will never arise.
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • #58
                            knockout, I suggest you read thegame925's trip reports - age is no barrier, including meeting the family at times.

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                            • #59
                              Pacman and rxpharm

                              You are both right and I thank you for your comments.

                              The dilemma is probably very much less in Asia  than in my head

                              So it is just to change the head when it reaches a    ,-or is   .

                              I WILL CHANGE MY HEAD!!!!and get a geographically adjusted set of ethics through:
                              - living    
                              - thinking    
                              - communicating    
                              and playing cool

                              AND THEN REPEAT THIS
                              OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN,

                              -UNTIL I  CHANGE INTO A BETTER MAN.

                              I have heard said bye someone that "older men come to Pattaya to die", like elephants I guess.             

                              I REALLY WANT TO COME HERE TO HAVE A BETTER LIFE


                              • #60
                                Glad to be of service sir, nice to know I am not talking to myself.

                                Keep repeating your mantra & leave behind the old world notions that crippled your mind in the first place.

                                Your very presence in LOS asking for the company of a young companion pre-supposes your ability to reward them & as such, you are very welcome.

                                Mother & father will be thrilled if their off-spring arrives home with such a worthy prize.

                                Life in the provinces where the new generation are needed to look after the parents, & others, including the water buffalo, is all about money.

                                No-one openly says that, their lifestyle is important, their friends are important, their culture is important, their food is important, their religion is important, but.....

                                MONEY IS NUMBER ONE.

                                Remember that & you can walk openly with your friend holding your head high anywhere you care to.
                                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

