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Bargaining... why do I do it?

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  • #16
    Your starting to sound like an agony aunt here


    • #17
      one reason i like to get down to 1000 from the offered 1500 is that it seems an indicator that she is more interested in me that a girl who wont budge from 1500: willing to make concessions to be with me.

      theres also a horrible leftover sentiment from first time i came to asia. some of those frigging guide books would have you think youre supposed to haggle over the price of a coke in a mom and pop shop. so the mentally of never pay the initial price offered lingers.

      and... theres an element of controlling the economy: when i came here years ago it seemed always 1000 without haggling. now it seems 1500 is more normally requested. (could just be i'm going downhill!) so the thinking is if we let it go up to 1500 as standard very soon it will become 2000! so hold it steady says cheapie old me.

      and lastly, yes it makes me feel more desirble too!


      • #18
        last time in Pattaya i bargained at 4am ....1000bt for girl and room....

        next week it will be 700bt.....

        that bloody financial crisis.....

        my first trip back in 2000 was 500bt longtime and 300bt shortime.....

        lets beat those prices down again and Bkk 1500 long and 1000 short....

        kineee ow mak mak....


        • #19
          (katoeylover @ Nov. 15 2008,00:48)
          (sukhumvitpoler @ Nov. 14 2008,20:10) 1500 CANNOT!!!!!!!!!

          1000 CANNOT!!!!!!!

          500? OK
          1500 - nah, take 2k!!
          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #20
            (Stogie @ Nov. 15 2008,02:39) Of course the reality is that we can't all look like that bastard Titleist and have them swooning at our feet...
            Mate, last time i looked i was a tight arsed northern git with grey hair and man boobs
            Hear all, see all, say nowt, well not much anyrode.


            • #21


              • #22
                But I think there is an another thing...If you are newbe or some one who's been to LOS many times or lives there and shaged Lots of LBs ..I think thats makes a differences well..Like me..If she don't come down with the price..I know where ellse to go and get another sexy LB ...
                I don't give flying fuck how good looking Superstar LB is I'm not paying 3-2000 bt for ST...
                This 3 cost me less then 6000bt for all day and all night ..and what a 4sum we had..
                Attached Files
                So many Ladyboys so little time..


                • #23
                  got any more pics of these 3 gorgeous ladys .



                  • #24

                    Offer him 1000baht , he'll settle for 500
                    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                    • #25
                      (LB_better_than_GG @ Nov. 15 2008,10:31) got any more pics of these 3 gorgeous ladys .


                      Just a drink will do..I'm a cheap slut...
                      Some in here...
                      So many Ladyboys so little time..


                      • #26
                        Which is the bigger challenge?

                        LB ST 500 baht  ....   or Titleist 100 posts?  

                        C'mon you Northern git, you know you want to!


                        • #27
                          Freebie !!!! ?? !!!!!

                          (News, Views and LADYBOYS! » Long term '1 on 1' with the ideal ladyboy?
                          Post No: 9 - thegame925 - Posted on: Nov. 12 2007)

                          In my twenties and thirties I could not understand p4p. All I knew is that I felt I could have any woman I wanted whenever I walked into any room, anywhere.

                          Now, at my age, I walk into a room and although I might physically take up space, I might as well be invisible.

                          I am no longer a physically attractive proposition to anyone of any sex (other than widows and divorcees of certain age) unless I start picking my teeth with an Amex Centurion Black Card, and even then I might have difficulty without a €œfollow-spotlight€ shining on the card!

                          I am yesterday€™s man and the only action likely to come my way of the type to which I am attracted, is, initially, on a p4p basis.

                          I do hope that once we have passed that initial encounter, my charm, prowess and a lifetime of experiences might strike a chord which might lead to something more.


                          • #28
                            Maybe you're Chinese and you don't know it? I think it's human psychology to want to get "a deal". By haggling, even over a small amount, you have some sort of mental win in your mind that makes you feel better about the situation. It's my Chinese upbringing that I blame cuz I never really want to buy or do anything unless I feel like I'm getting a good deal, regardless of the actual price. It could be $1, but unless I get 20% off, I'm not buying it!
                            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                            • #29
                              absolutely right dummy_plug, i'm Chinese and i feel the same way.


                              • #30
                                I love to bargain in South East Asia.. so why not doing so  in LOS with an lb ?  

                                There's a market-price (i.e. b.1000 ST..!?) but then again price can float more then you'd expect... you maybe the 1st or 3rd  customer that day.. she may need to pay her room later on, she can't wait any longer for her daily yaba so would grab any amount over 350..: it's all down to the individual and to that given moment.

                                In Pattaya,last 20 Oct, I was asked b.1000 for ST from one the JSB stunner (late in the morning , bar not open yet..) and she added "my room is there just around the corner" . I managed to hide my attraction , and immediately replied "it's too much, how about b.700 ?  she answered "yes" and since I was looking for "more", I stated all my wish-list  about what I was looking for from her. I can not recall her to say a "no" .
                                Later on I learned she had to pay b.100 for any guest in her room: she did not even mentioned that to me.

                                BTW I am 55 yo, grey hair, maybe not repulsive but very, very, very  far from Richard Gere look     

                                so guys don't be ashamed , if you do it with a smile your lb will enjoy negotiating too  , but deep inside never forget most of them they do it for a living  !  


