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Economy & LB's ~ Have prices changed?

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  • #16
    Well the fucking economic down turn is hurting me
    Aussie dollar down from 34 bha t to 23 or so in just 4 months

    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


    • #17
      I think prices have come down. Haven't paid a pretty penny, in awhile, but the girls I converse with seem to be much more receptive to bargaining. Fact is, they have less customers so they are more willing to accept a slightly lower rate. Also, it doesn't help that inflation is skyrocketing in BKK. Add it all up and I think any BM should have better negotiating power. Whether you chose to exercise it is up to you.
      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


      • #18
        they have less customers so they are more willing to accept a slightly lower rate.

        I think any BM should have better negotiating power. Whether you chose to exercise it is up to you.
        My take (and take it with a grain of salt cause I haven't barfined anyone in a couple years) is that most girls were always willing to accept a slightly lower rate. But nowadays more farangs are choosing to exercise it.


        • #19
          (dummy_plug @ Nov. 17 2008,02:12) I think prices have come down...

          For the first time since I've been here there has been a definite move towards lower pricing by the Bangkok maternity of ladyboys. (Pattaya has always been cheaper than fish & chips.)

          Girls that normally expect to be bar fined every day are suffering badly... punters aren't around and times are hard... Prices that start off as high as 4,000 baht for a long time can easily be whittled down to half that. Short times from bar workers are going for 1,000 baht and freelancers will fuck you for food!

          Also - there are less new girls coming into Bangkok for the bright lights and arse stretching... Nana Plaza is pretty much the same gaggle of geese it was a year ago, so...

          ...this means that the prices are down but so are the options...

          If you live here it's time to find a girl friend... if you are here on holiday then it's worth checking to make sure those phone numbers work and if this is your first time...

          ... well - you're in for the time of your life because you don't know any different!

          The times they are a changin'...


          • #20
            (Stogie @ Nov. 17 2008,03:21) freelancers will fuck you for food!
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #21
              I would say that prices in bkk have definitely gone up in the last 12 months . Just on day to day living expenses . And its just not the drop in the currency exchange ,my rent has gone up something like 15% in the last year and so has the grocery bill ..


              • #22
                (sev7en @ Nov. 17 2008,04:43)
                (Stogie @ Nov. 17 2008,03:21) freelancers will fuck you for food!
                I want to eat some Thukatan of some sexy ladyboy butt.....


                aloi mak mak....


                • #23
                  stogie im a little perplexed,within the space of one month youve given conflicting report,first no change then a considerable one.i myself was fair taken aback on my last visit(jan 2008) by just how much more girls and bars were trying to squeeze outa punters,starting rates had risen considerably since id been prior to 2008,and service gone down.talking about BKK here,and i love BKK as opposed to PTY,tourist numbers are no doubt on the slide now as recession bites across the globe,and this looks set to be severe now.not sure how long youve been in LOS now stogie,but i rekon your obervations may well have a different slant than those which us fly by nights have.any truth in this u rekon?


                  • #24
                    (TTChang @ Oct. 23 2008,12:39) I was quoted 4000 LT - in Obsessions last night.  The only other girl who quoted that figure to me was Odette (original) : more than 2 years ago

                    Same response by me ....    

                    Off to Pattaya this weekend ... more value for the sterling exchange rate (56 THB /£ yesterday   )
                    hmm there u go, in jan it was 3000 for ST that LICHEY was asking, at current rates,if the figure is 4000 baht plus barfine plus some drinks and tip.........thats a round £ least,im not cheap charlie by any means believe me but fucked if i can do that every night,thats a lota dough,£700 a week, just on bar fines.of course this is if you top end every night,..........of course there are many ts in the uk one can amuse themselves with with this kinda money involved,interesting point to ponder.wheres the money best spent,what is the better value?


                    • #25
                      Hi Robbo...

                      Well, you're right my perspective won't be the same as someone who is here for a couple of weeks... but it is pretty realistic, I hope!

                      I also agree that asking prices haven't changed and have probably even gone up. It's a bit like the housing market in the UK... The sellers are a bit in denial.

                      If you are going for the cute and popular ones then nothing much will have changed except that because they are more easily available they will put the starting prices up a bit.

                      The ones left over who would normally get bar fined about 7 or 8 times a month will be less keen to haggle and more keen to get a customer...

                      One thing is for sure - bar fines are very definitely much harder to come by for all the bar workers these days. This is true of the ladyboys I have spoken to who I can rely on to tell me (most of) what's really going on in their lives. (And I'm careful to try and disseminate the gossip from the fact!)

                      As an aside to this... I'd be more wary of what goes on in your hotel room also. My gut instinct and anecdotal experience from people I know here would suggest that there is a slightly higher risk of a few things happening...

                      For example... LTs turning into STs... promises made in the bar mysteriously being forgotten... opportunistic thieving, etc...

                      But, Robbo... I'm just one guy and to be honest I'm a bit more distanced from the scene than you might think. I may have got it all arse about face!


                      • #26
                        good stuff stogie, what you say i concur with,and could it be part of the reason bar fines are down,that barfine fees have gone up since few years ago in BKK,paying 600 baht to barfine someone who gives you problems when back in your loom gets kinda boring,ive had this (theft from my loom as you mention) names but its possible in this topic somewhere...errr im not sure.)and stinking attitudes,so why pay barfines of that amount if your gonna get messed about? seems i remember a bar fine used to be part of the unwritten contract between punter and bargirl .........have a good time not problems. now you pay the bar then they do what they like hmm.perhaps if the workin gals improved their in ..and out bar attitudes then bar fines would increase again,its possible as you say that many guys now are shying away from gettin hassled,lied to and possibly stung,after all the seasoned monger has seen and done it before, he will change his method of monger to suit the way for "arse about face "wasnt that how JACKTHERIMMER caused so much aggro in a different topic


                        • #27
                          i think prices may be going up, but only because my looks are going downhill! nothing to do with the economy!

