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FAJITAS BASH! (Tuesday 21st July)

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  • #46
    Rumour has it that Samplerdoc has a mystery party planned for Friday.      

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


    • #47
      just abiout to walk over, they better be good stogie or your a dead mother fucker lol
      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


      • #48
        (Road Runner @ Jul. 21 2009,16:26) Rumour has it that Samplerdoc has a mystery party planned for Friday.      

        That is a rumor!!!

        Its planned for Saturday night in Kuta beach at 9pm
        Anyone planning on being there first round on me
        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


        • #49
              Kuta beach    


          • #50
            Pleasant well attended event - good to catch up with some old faces.

            Thanks for a good evening


            • #51
              Good to see the guys out and about.

              Thanks to... TTChang, Gizmo, RoadRunner, Manarak, Lefty, Rossco, Donnnnnny, bigmick22, kevin4252, Tomcat, donnykey and Lucky7

              The fajitas were scrummy as usual...


              • #52
                It was a fun event. Nice to meet some new guys, Donnnnny, Tomcat, etc and see some of the old ones again. Glad to especially meet Kevin, someone who is as into real football as much as me.   Can't just talk about ladyboys all the time.

                Wish you were in Patts full time Stogie, so we could have regular football talk visits too. You are also pretty serious about it, same as Kevin. Thanks for the update on the football online options. I think the only way to really enjoy the games with the connection speed here though is to download a game completely and play it back. I've a feeling that trying to stream it live will mean constant buffering.
                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                • #53
                  Off topic but will have pretty much all the games available for download. Worth signing up for.

                  The NFL field pass works just fine here in Bangkok and it helps that the games begin at midnight when the usage here is at it's lowest.

                  Go to and put your computer through the live test to see if your bandwidth can play the feed...


                  • #54
                    So, anything worthwhile at Soi 8 Lefty?
                    I turned up at Shenanigans -you guys had just left -it starting raining again - drove into Soi Yamoto -couldn't park close enough so as I've been living in Thailand too long circled around till I found a park (not too close but also not far away enough to make me deicde to head home)- took the umbrella- sneaked passed SF (saw Jenny standing outside so coward as I am hid behind the umbrella) to La Bamba to find only Roadrunner, Donnnny and Kevin there. Stogie had gone for a stroll ( singing in the rain SB ?).Was told that Donnykey was at SF so went there. Jenny of course immediately sat with me. She's a sweet girl but I need to sample a few others first before I go for seconds (ehh actually thirds   ). Did get a chance inbetween dances to rub up Kitta (target listed) but got the feeling that she doesn't get along with Jenny. Need to check on that. In the meantime Donnnny, Kevin and TT Chang had come in. Made my introductions and thought it would better to head home and leave em to it
                    Also Very busy week this week.
                    So my dear fellow BM's what happened after that?

                    Nice to meet the   above mentioned -too bad not the boss himself but there will always be a next time.  
                    Lost in Space!


                    • #55
                      your off the hook stogie, they were very taisty,sureal though having mexican food english beer(tetleys) in an irish pub with a bunch of lb lovers.
                      Excellent evening and great too meet up again with you all.Good to finally meet lefty, lucky a ,manarak ,kevin, gizmo, and donnnneykey.
                      also great to see tomcat ,stogie, road runner ,tt chang, big mick and off coure the lovelty olay
                      fuck did i miss anyone??
                      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                      • #56
                        ooops roscco who i was sat next too , sorry mate
                        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                        • #57
                          (donnnnnny @ Jul. 22 2009,09:26) fuck did i miss anyone??

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #58
                            (donnnnnny @ Jul. 22 2009,15:26) ooops roscco who i was sat next too , sorry mate
                            Was he there?   Oops, forgot I had a drink with him in the bar over the road too.   A memorable evening ....  

                            Good to meet up with all you guys, compare notes with (and get advice from) Mr Donnykey, say hello to Gizmo ... and even met the alien from Planet Bator (thx for introducing yourself to us mere mortals from 'the fellow wankers club')

                            Considering that Khun Stogie has never knowingly delegated anything in his life, I was surprised to see him entrust Olay with finishing his Fajitas! She's a good'un ...  did as she was asked  

                            PS. To those of you in SF with me later on, can I apologise for my embarrassing behaviour ........ which I will probably repeat tonight!  Excuse is I was just warming one up (fluffing) for Manarak.  Progress report on RoadRunner : 'under training' and is doing quite well - but you really need to keep both hands occupied to get A+  


                            • #59
                              (TTChang @ Jul. 22 2009,10:40) Progress report on RoadRunner : 'under training' and is doing quite well - but you really need to keep both hands occupied to get A+
                              I'm still trying to work out why she had that sausage thing between her legs - are they all like that?

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                              • #60
                                I was in SF the previous night just before closing. They were all singing Issan songs and kept sticking a large wooden phallus in my face - kind of like a microphone

                                All very weird - still trying to decide if I enjoyed it or not    

                                Mastor Bator - one random guy came by the bar in Soi8 last night. Lefty asked him if he was (Insert MB's real name here) and the guy said yes. So Lefty proceeded to introduce the whole gang to him and then he left. I bet he was confused as hell    

                                NB: Fajitas were surprisingly good. Was I the only one who got beef?
                                No honey, no money!!

