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She's HIV+ ~ Do you spread the word?

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  • #61
    (janabiyah @ Jul. 29 2009,00:08) Out of curiosity I was wondering if anyone on the forum:

    a) Does not believe in AIDS

    b) Does not believe Jews died in concentration camps during the second world war

    c) Does not believe in Global warming


    d) Does not believe in Santa Claus

    I'll bet there is someone out there
    I do not believe US put a man on the moon 40 years ago. Biggest scam

    The other things listed i do believe in.
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #62
      (janabiyah @ Jul. 29 2009,00:08) Out of curiosity I was wondering if anyone on the forum:

      c) Does not believe in Global warming

      I'll bet there is someone out there
      I do not believe in global warming. In fact, I think it's complete horseshit.


      • #63
        Well now that you guys in concert with ladyboyluvr have managed to turn a very
        interesting poll into a conspiracy theory thread, what's next?

        Perhaps we can discuss the grassy knoll theory or Roswell...

        The only real conspiracy here is one of dunces...or is that a confederacy?
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #64
          (donnnnnny @ Jul. 28 2009,13:20) i know of one  very well known ladyboy who up to recently was promoted by this and other forums, who is HIV +.MY source is very reliable and i wont be telling  who.
          she is still actively working in bkk , so i suggest caution in ones sexual practices.
          Same here , I know a Pattaya ladyboy who has been very popular in the past on this and other forums in the same boat .

          I don't doubt the information because it came from a very reliable source , she was infected by her Thai boyfriend who incidently she is still with .

          She does not work in a bar at the moment as she also has a sponsor , but don't rule out her working again in the future if things go tits up with the sponsor .

          Would I tell anyone ? I certainly wouldn't name her on the internet , but I would warn a friend in a certain situation .

          So as Blueballz says - BE CAREFUL
          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


          • #65
            Same same here regarding a BKK ladyboy...And the info also came from an unimpeachable source...

            I didn't say anything to anyone, but now I see her photos pop up on a recent trip report...

            Do you tell someone after the fact?
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #66
              Its all pretty scary when these things get talked about, and the foolish will hound those who know someone, myself would say if you were foolish then whos the fool ? we've all had unprotected sex at some time be it with wife and long time relationships, but playing been the fool and i dont care attitude in los, you only have yourself to blame,
              for the most unfortunate where accidents like condoms splitting i feel for you as i myself have had to wait them 2 weeks to be told i need to come back when the incident happen 3 months before to be tested again. its not nice thinking how the fuck will you cope, who you tell etc etc.
              so the subject is pretty hit and miss, as i for 1 would like to know but wouldnt like to know as if i didnt know the person it would be unfair for me to judge that person who could be a really nice person.
              if i got to know such a person before hand and herd such things i hope that person would tell me, or confide in me as a friend as its more about supporting someone that i feel helps them in the long run, and i dont mean someone throwing money at them.
              this topic was started i think because someone is in this postition and i hope that its help them and what ever decision they take the said infected doesnt just get thrown on the scrap heap where anger and revenge will set in and most who come in contact with them will be at high risk.
              always a tricky subject, but needs bringing up from time to time as new people on scene and a reminder of playing safe makes us all think twice.



              • #67
                HIV? Sure, it's real and it's a threat... but a very small one, especially if you are a guy.

                Man on the moon? Probably; but if it was so easy in 1969 it's funny how we never went back...

                Global warming? Why not. We've had it before along with global 'cooling' and global 'not doing fuck all for a few million years or so!'

                Six million Jews killed in the war? Impossible. But there were a lot of them massacred for sure.

                God? For fucks sake, grow up.

                Santa Claus... Hmmm, I don't like what I'm hearing here.


                • #68
                  AIDS - frighteningly real having lost some friends and others infected but surviving on 'poisonous' medicines

                  6 million jews - as Stogie says, probably exaggerated, but one hell of a lot of them did get 'disappeared, along with loads of other fine folk (gypsies, gays, anarchists & commies)

                  Global Warming - I hope so. Might make life more bearable in these northern wastes

                  Santa Claus - Absolutely! I have proof. He hasn't visited me for about 30 years 'cos I been a bad boy  


                  • #69
                    Thanks to Stogie for opening another thread on this, maybe he wants to pour his heart and reveal some names (when you have said 'a' ...)
                    As net-pimps, the girls are hookers and ATS & others are making money from them by displaying and promoting them, they have some responsibiliy IMHO.
                    If a girl had swine- or bird flu, would someone hesitate to reveal her name?
                    When a girl get the chop, or new tits or whatever the news are on this
                    before even the girl in question has gone under the knife, so why all the
                    secrecy around HIV?
                    If the source is reliable is no reason to keep it from potential clients.
                    Also, if a girl gets a STD, she should get fuck out of the business. Should be obvious. Unfortunately for the ones with HIV it means permanently.


                    • #70
                      (anthony70 @ Jul. 27 2009,21:05) I just assume they all MAY have it, and act accordingly.

                      like Anthony wrote... if you assume everybody is HIV+ , behave like this and get protected. Nothing else to do, and no need to spread any words or lies about somebody around...


                      • #71
                        What exactly is a "reliable/unimpeachable/impecable source"?

                        I'd be very cautious about info from some BM who thinks he's ITK or from
                        one ladyboy about another.Unless your source is the victim themselves then
                        why spread gossip.
                        There'may be a world of difference in what you think you know and cast iron fact.

                        Anyway's,take Anthonys advice and wear a condom always!
                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • #72
                          (Stogie @ Jul. 29 2009,07:57) Man on the moon? Probably; but if it was so easy in 1969 it's funny how we never went back...
                          Because the cold war ended...The moon landing was about Politics . I dont think it easy either. Ther footprints are still there and will be there in a Million years time and there is no wind and no movement. From memory they brought back 25kg of rock which has been analized by many labs and actually overturned all the textbook theories on how the moon came to be

                          IMO i think HIV is still serious and should not be downplayed , however i think i voted for the wrong option in that rumours, if wrong ,seem to stick, just like the moon landings that never happened, so i would tend not to broadcast it afar..


                          • #73
                            As we've said before, we always assume our partners could be HIV+ and take the necessary precautions. For us, this creates a much more fun environment for the sexual experience, with much less stress afterwards

                            On the flipside though, how do people think about the concept of announcing the known (or suspected!) STI status of customers to sex workers?


                            • #74
                              (perth_couple @ Jul. 29 2009,19:45) assume our partners could be HIV+ this creates a much more fun environment for the sexual experience, with much less stress afterwards
                              Sounds like no fun, just worries.
                              "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                              Jaidee 2009

                              The other white meat


                              • #75
                                (olekunde @ Jul. 29 2009,11:18) reveal some names (when you have said 'a' ...)
                                I think so, why else would forum veterans slim jim and kahuna state how they know of a specific lb, when just their opinions about the topic would be enough?
                                "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                                Jaidee 2009

                                The other white meat

