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She's HIV+ ~ Do you spread the word?

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  • #76
    Perth Couple post

    I do believe brother Harley Quinn has already started a thread on customer HIV status. What about other nasties that punters carry like herpes, lice, strange coughs and wheezes and god knows what.

    Im sure HIV isnt the only shit waiting to hit the fan....


    • #77
      Unless you have actually seen the test result reports, there is no way you can be absolutely sure that someone is HIV+. So you are so willing to tell the whole world the news - and probably make someone's life much worse based on someone's say so.

      Interesting that the other thread about an HIV+ customer doesn't generate as many votes or so many comments. One of the ways an HIV+ p4p worker gets infected is via such a customer.

      Once Pandora is let out of the box it is impossible to put her back. If the news you spread is incorrect it is impossible to reverse it. As for those who say it threatens the life of those who come into contact with an HIV+ person, the odds are quite remote if the proper precautions are taken and next to nothing if the affected person is receiving effective treatment. The biggest risk is for those who "bareback" - perhaps the results of this poll show the barebacking is more common than many admit?

      You do realize in most of your home countries that revealing news about someone's medical condition without their consent is a violation of the law protecting confidentiality and privacy - regardless of their profession.

      As for those who choose to believe in AIDs denialism, does it give you comfort that those who propose these theories have not treated patients and do not have training in the study of infectious diseases? Yet you so easily believe their specious arguments by dismissing all the opposing facts as conspiracy? As Mr. Spock would say, "Quite illogical!"

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      • #78
        This thread opens several cans of worms.

        1- Reality of HIV:
        This leaves no room for discussion, the number of scientific papers on the subject is crushing.
        Ladyboyluva certainly unloaded heaps of bullshit on the forum that hurt my eye when going through the posts. But he's probably still young and will grow wiser.... I hope!

        2- Origin of the information that someone's got it:
        2.1- Even if you hold the original positive test results in your hand, this doesn't mean that the tested person is HIV+. Now this may sound strange, but tests don't have 100% accuracy. The test needs to be repeated,and confimed with other tests.
        2.2- Other ways to get the info are people who tell you, and you don't know their agenda.
        2.3- You don't know if they tell you a truth they have personnally witnessed, or if they just repeat it to you, after believing "unimpeachable sources", remember that there are people like Ladyboyluva, who are bullshit-relays.

        3- Usefulness of the information:
        3.1- Using a condom protects in 99,9% of cases from infection when other unsafe practices are avoided.
        3.2- I don't know about you, but my reaction would be to stop intimate contacts with the person, just to avoid the 0.1% "murphy's law stupid incident", like:
        - condom breakage + sore skin on the penis + anal bleeding
        - sperm leak at some point
        - unexpected ejaculation in my mouth while I got oral skin lesions or irritated mucosia
        - spontaneous nose bleeds...
        3.3- What to do when you know?
        Well, if you always bareback, and just abstain when you know that the LB is positive, then you are definitely not a sane person (and even more so if you don't care about the infection).
        3.4- I treat all Ladyboys the same, as if they had HIV. Condoms, always.
        Inspection of the skin of their dick in plain light before oral sex - I don't want to see any skin lesions, blisters, etc. that could be a way for the virus.
        No extended oral sex - "precum" can contain HIV.
        I ask a lot of them if they would like to bareback for a fee. If they agree, then definitely no oral sex and I expedite the encounter.
        3.5- The information wether an LB is positive or not therefore has only very limited value for the client whose behavior was already rsik-conscious before knowing the fact.

        4- Propagation of the information:
        4.1- Reliability: Often, the information you will get will not be verifyable (in 80% of cases). It will be from someone you trust, who trust someone else who knows it from someone he trusts... How reliable is that?
        4.2- Effect of publication: this will be a hard blow to the person's reputation, and beyond that to the person's business if a prostitute. No (sane) person wants to bang a known HIV+, even with precautions.
        So, the LB in question will probably see her "business" destroyed, and with it also her capacity to buy the proper meds... this in turn increases her readiness to go bareback for cheap, and spread the disease further.
        In a poor country like Thailand, the LB will probably not succeed to get enough money for life-long medication if her reputation is destroyed.

        5- Are there good effects in publishing the info?
        Does more bad than good from my point of view. As described above, publication destroys at least one life and possibly many more, while keeping things under the radar does not significantly put other (sane) persons at risk.

        6- Legal aspects:
        6.1- Almost any country has laws against libel and slander, denigration, business-damaging publications, etc.
        In most countries it is forbidden to tell something badly damaging the reputation of a business or a person, EVEN IF WHAT IS SAID IS PROVEN TRUE.
        STATING PUBLICLY THAT A PROSTITUTE IS HIV+ IS ILLEGAL IN MANY COUNTRIES (this has nothing to do with protection of privacy, the origin is most likely to be found in Commercial Law - privacy issues could add on top though).
        6.2- In many countries, the webmaster of a forum is considered the editor of the publication and therefore bears all responsibility for the published information.

        7- My experience
        My experience as a 10+ year webmaster of a shemale escorts forum tells me that 80% of such accusations are bullshit, and they come from:
        - competing escorts
        - disgruntled ex-pimps of the escort
        - disgruntled clients
        - ex-boyfriends who want to take her out of the business
        - ... (and the list for possible motives goes on and on)

        8- What to do as a webmaster
        Let's sum up what the publication of such info means to the webmaster:
        - info is unverifyable
        - 80% of probability that the info is fake and has been staged with ill-intent
        - info is *objectively* not really useful for the members, even if many would like to know
        - info will destroy the escort's life (and in Thailand probably outright KILL her after some years) and increase the risk of further infections
        - significant legal risks for the webmaster if escort wishes to take legal action (and who wouldn't, being a prostitute and knowing there's money to get?)
        => the only logical thing for a webmaster to do is to immediately delete such posts.

        9- What to do as someone who "knows"
        If you know for sure, tell your friends in a one to one communication (PM, email, phone, SMS), and be sure to also tell them how you know, give your sources away.
        Hint: "I know that from a very truthworthy source" is not a valid reference and is not going to give the information any credibility!


        • #79
          (Stogie @ Jul. 29 2009,07:57) Man on the moon? Probably; but if it was so easy in 1969 it's funny how we never went back...

          Global warming?
          They did go back 11 times i thought or something like that - i also saw that the amount of money they spent doing it back then when converted to today dollars is so large no country could afford to do what they did back then.

          I always figure someone could use the hubble telescope to take a few pics of the moons surface - surely there must be heaps of shit up there from the various missions - always wondered why Nasa didn't take a couple of happy snaps

          Global warming - crock of shit .. i remember a study that used satellite readings to prove a point that the earth was heating up - then they had to recalibrate the numbers due to sinking satellite orbits and the numbers came back showing global cooling. It's a big I'd be more concerned at how fucked up and polluted the waterways are getting...

          As for HIV ... hmmm ... recent trip to Chang Mai.. my LB companion and i were being driven around by a very attractive LB who she later informed was "sick" - from a local thai man - but she continued to see her farang BF and had no intention of advising him that she was HIV+ - why would she as the gravy train would dry up.

          Further to the HIV issue - there was a recent court case in Australia where medical practitioners were giving evidence that HIV did NOT exist and that they believed AIDS evolved from another process.
          I believe some of their argument relies on that the virus has never been seen and that HIV is diagnosed via the detection of anti-bodies rather than the detection of the actual virus itself. I have no idea about this issue nor if this is factual or not - But it is curious coming from medical practitioners.
          Oh in case you are interested the judge ruled against their evidence in the case as he was of the view the mainstream medical community was right and these others had their own agenda.

          Would i broadcast names - probably not as more than likely any evidence i have is hearsay.


          A worthy trip report


          • #80
            (azza33 @ Jul. 29 2009,21:47)  I have no idea about this issue nor if this is factual or not -

            You can get some facts here, bullshit free.

            I agree with rxpharm 100%....thanks for the comments. Well said.


            • #81
              (ladyboyluva @ Jul. 26 2009,16:26) Oh, FWIW, my answer would be to tell the girl to never take any of that poison that the doctor prescribes and to convince her she hasn't got a death sentence, so long as she lives a reasonably healthy lifestyle. eg. Get of drugs, nitrates, don't take too much sperm up the butt.

              And give her some information that is useful, instead of treating her like she's got leprosy.
              Oh boy your a fucking star! What you gonna tell us next Elvis has just been signed by city!
              i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


              • #82
                I'm in shock that some of you even question the reality of the virus, based on information you found on the internet.

                I know people with HIV (so do you, but you just don't know it) and know someone who died a very horrible death from AIDS. It is as real as real can get. This person did not take inhibitors or any meds at all, out of fear the meds would kill him. Well guess what, he died anyway. I would not wish AIDS upon my worst enemy.
                * Third World Media
                * Black Ops Media


                • #83
                  well said that man & We have to be in the high risk category, as We are sleeping with ladyboys ( male ) prostitutes !
                  Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                  • #84
                    (seamus @ Aug. 15 2009,12:20) We have to be in the high risk category, as We are sleeping with ladyboys ( male ) prostitutes !
                    One of the highest risk group.

                    You are having sex with male, gay prostitutes from Thailand. Short of being in Africa, fucking around with male, gay African prostitutes who shoot heroin, you won't find a higher risk group on the planet.

                    If you are a bottom, you are pretty much in the highest risk group there is. Condoms break, shit happens, you go home with the bug.

                    In addition to all of that, the very risk group we fuck with, is also fucking around with other male Thai prostitutes, which is almost always bareback, as the local guys don't like to wear condoms.

                    It will make your head hurt if you think about it too much.
                    * Third World Media
                    * Black Ops Media


                    • #85

                      Dee, if I remember well, you have made LB movies in Thailand or even Bangkok.
                      The girls had to be tested before the shoot.
                      I think I recall you said it became difficult to rely on being able to shoot a certain day because of too much infected girls?

                      Can you please remind us of the proportion of infected girls vs. clean ones?


                      • #86
                        how do i learn more about posties and hear their stories and perhaps see the before andduring and after and what happens to the bits afterwards


                        • #87
                          No honey, no money!!


                          • #88
                            (rxpharm @ Jul. 29 2009,20:16) As for those who choose to believe in AIDs denialism, does it give you comfort that those who propose these theories have not treated patients and do not have training in the study of infectious diseases? Yet you so easily believe their specious arguments by dismissing all the opposing facts as conspiracy? As Mr. Spock would say, "Quite illogical!"
                            1. Anyone who uses the term 'aids denialism' is biased and a victim of propaganda.

                            2. Many people who don't accept the 'ongoing changing official version' of Aids, HIV, best practice in treatments etc have treated patients.

                            It's people here who so easily believe the supposed consensus opinion.

                            Let one person here tell me they've spent over 200 hours studying the subject and the counter-opinions and that person has some credibility in claiming that I've come to my opinions easily.

                            I bet you haven't and doubt anyone else here has. I'm no world expert, but I'm not a crackpot who believes every conspiracy I read. But I do read, and read quite volumonously when I find a topic of importance, especially when such topics have strong political and financial vested interests involved.

                            No one here has raised a single point that doesn't have a reasonable explanation that doesn't involve the HIV virus being the cause of AIDS.


                            • #89


                              • #90
                                Yes ladyboyluva, you have convinced me that studying 25 days, 8 hours a day has given you the knowledge that my friend and colleague, an infectious disease doctor has lacked after his of 4 years of specialiaztion, plus 12 years of work experience is wrong and you are right!

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