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  • #46
    (Lefty @ Oct. 15 2009,07:58) I hate when the cynics and jaded amongst us overgeneralize about lbs. That they are "always" this and/or "never" that. Very few things in this world are "always" or "never".
    Right on! Some even want to go as far as to generalise that being darker or getting a tan is a sign of poverty in all dark skinned societys. I agree it had been that way for decades in them. However, I see a big difference from Thailands views compared to Veit Nams. For instance I never see Thai's wearing big hats and sleeves on their arms out in public. This is prevelent in VN's south. Even the motorbike helmets have big rims around them in VN. I'm talking in the city not out on the farms.

    My ealier point that I was condescended to for, was that based on what I have seen LB's are much more relaxed to the thought dark skinned being tied to poverty. Just look at Seya "C" from C&D's, she was actually pasty when she first started in the business, now she is one of the darkest LB's in Patong.

    In my opinion I think I could find more lbs who would go to the beach with me than wouldn't in Patong. Getting them to snorkle is another story.

