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My relationship with Natalie is over!

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  • #61
    Chinaman I guess you missed my point that ALL women marry for money and security... perhaps the Eastern woman is more accepting and less hypocritical of this.

    Your average council flat dwelling third generation unemployed Brit or Aussie has a snow ball in hells chance of getting married these days. Hence the number of young unemployed men in their late 20's that neck themselves. they know it just aint gonna get any better.

    There is no difference 'tween east and west except in the subterfuge involved.

    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


    • #62
      (f0xxee @ Nov. 01 2009,05:35) Hi Chinaman,

      You are not are you? Chinese? Apparently not.

      I always love it when someone tells me an Asian brings less to the table culturally, especially if they are European which means a dogs breakfast of heritage.

      I understood Chinaman's point to be that the LB hooker would probably bring less to the table culturally because she is likely to come from a lower social class and be less educated. I didn't understand that he was saying it was because she was Asian
      No honey, no money!!


      • #63
        Sorry Big Guy, i disagree. The statement he made was about western men marrying asian women. Thai ladyboys were not mentioned.

        And even thai ladyboy hookers have culture. Am am yet to be convinced that education and culture are necessarily related. If so explain americans.

        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


        • #64
          you're right he said women and not LBs. My bad (I've forgotten how to read)

          I agree with you re Asian LBs and culture etc - I just thought that his comment was regarding their social class/education level as opposed to their being asian (which is what you had a go at him for)
          No honey, no money!!


          • #65
            No worries My Learned collegue... all that time spent on your back was not supposed to be reading!

            "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


            • #66
              (f0xxee @ Nov. 01 2009,12:35)
              (Chinaman @ Nov. 01 2009,12:21)
              (f0xxee @ Nov. 01 2009,09:38) Asian ladies just dont see the bad form in marrying for money.
              So are they any worse?
              I definitely would not consider them worse but I assume this fact of marrying for money becomes more obvious as very often Western men marry Asian women who are from a very different social class, meaning that they have not only less money but also less education, fewer interest (cultural, etc.) and often come with dependents. What they bring to the table is often youth and looks.
              Hi Chinaman,

              You are not are you? Chinese? Apparently not.

              I always love it when someone tells me an Asian brings less to the table culturally, especially if they are European which means a dogs breakfast of heritage.

              No, I am not Chinese. I have only lived there for the past 4+ years.

              What I said is that a lot of foreigners marry Asian women - and that should probably concentrate on Thais, perhaps Cambodian and Filipinas, perhaps Vietnamese - less so Chinese, and probably much less so Japanese and South Koreans - from a different social class.

              I then said that they (probably) bring fewer cultural interests - NOT culture!!! to the table. Example: I like cultural events - theatre, concerts, museums. Would the average bar girl enjoy attending the Bangkok Movie Festival with me watching films from different parts of the world or would she rather spend that time at a shopping mall?

              I on the other hand would love to meet someone who can really introduce me to any local culture in depth, but how deep would that be?

              So, I really do not see where this could have been insulting ...


              • #67
                (f0xxee @ Nov. 01 2009,12:40) Chinaman I guess you missed my point that ALL women marry for money and security... perhaps the Eastern woman is more
                No, I didn't miss that but I do not necessarily agree. Of course women tend to look for security as this is a priority of the female species - as they will raise the kids, their career will undergo a set-back and they will look for someone stable who can support a family.

                But all my relationships I had back in Europe were not for money as both partners had a job and an income and could also live on their own as long as being single.

                Whether this is different in America or Australia or elsewhere in the so-called Western world I do not know.

                And once again, I do not consider any culture superior to another. But the question is always where you live. If I lived in Thailand, I had to adapt. If the Thai partner lived with me in Europe I would expect her to adapt to my cultural interests in some way as otherwise the relationship is bound to fail.


                • #68
                  (cotton @ Oct. 31 2009,16:57) i think in every relationship in all country there the man are rich and woman beaytyful the man will wonder if she realy love him...
                  Is it really important that she is "in love" with you or is love you enough?
                  Forgot how this forum works  


                  • #69
                    Hi Chinaman,

                    Do you think you might have a different perception to what constitutes culture and the lack there of, than perhaps a thai ladyboy?

                    For example She (your average Thai LB) might sit on her ass all day driving you crazy and yawn at the BKK movie festival that you feel is culturally significant. And yep: she probably would rather go to the mall too. After all if the subtitles are not in Thai she has no chance of understanding the movie that she is seeing with you.

                    However that is not to say she does not have a cultural interests. Go live in her village and note the festivals and events for changing seasons, for initiating young men to be monks, for blessing the temple. Every meal in a small villiage is a cultural event of story telling and piss taking (where I wish I had english sub titiles) and so on. Perhaps she is not interested in the museum. Museums are not part of her culture they are part of YOURS. You talk about concerts: what sort of concert are we talking here? Piano recital? Get the fuck out of here! I and you LB Gf will be at the free Isaan music concert: Rock out with you cock out! Thais love live music, especially our girls from Isaan. And to be honest I have got to the stage where I love Isaan music too: its no thrills, highly catchy and its one place where you see a lot of happy people (including my parents in law) dancing carefree. Brings a fuckin' tear to my eye.

                    Again it is a matter or perception. The english being more bookish (I believe four times as many new book titles are published the UK than the USA) look down their noses at yanks and Aussies as uncultured. (I am an Aussie and they may have a point.) And from thier POV and based soley on that particular measure of culture they feel validated. By what of the movies? Hollywood is a cultural phenomenon! So its perception.

                    Perhaps to Thais our western inability to maintain a calm exterior, our inability to laugh at ourselves, our seeming poor manners at times ( particularly when it comes to social eating, paying the bill, giving presents etc are involved) and our general large size makes us seem uncultured.

                    So let me ask you this Chinaman: Do you feel that you are being fair to expect your Isaan sex goddess ladyboy wife to become absorbed and interested in your culture? Have you put the same effort into understanding hers?

                    You say "I would love to have someone who can really introduce me to any local culture in depth, but how deep would that be?"

                    Nice platitude intertwined with overt condescension. You haven't really seen thailand past the LBFM's and bars have you? Or are you just fucking with me?

                    Try to remember it is the year 2552 in LOS, some 543 years ahead of out calander. They were checking out Buddha while your kinfolk and mine were worshipping rocks.

                    Just go find any girl with whom you can get past your subliminal condecension and open your eyes and ears and throw you superiority complex where it deserves and perhaps you might find Thailand... In depth... particularly welcoming and charming.. and very rewarding. Rich even.



                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • #70
                      I don't understand this Baht figure attached to the relationship. You have it, you spend it... on yourself and whoever else is included in the family circle... whether it be wife, kids, dog or ex ladyboy superstar.

                      If I were to measure what I got back from my dog after four and a half years of Alpo, grooming and tick collars, I think I might be missing some essential point.

                      If you want to share this publicly Cotton, and you truly want valuable and usable council from your peers, then you should transparently state exactly what happened instead of trying to cultivate an ethnocentric group hug . I'm getting the feeling there was infidelity involved, and not a little.
                      In this game the object is to mate the queen.    


                      • #71
                        He: Would you fuck me for $1,000,000?
                        She: Uhmm... gosh... well I guess... yes I would!
                        He: Well then would you fuck me for $2?
                        She: What the hell do you take me for?
                        He: We've already established that, now we're only haggling over price.
                        In this game the object is to mate the queen.    


                        • #72
                          (Tomcat @ Nov. 01 2009,19:29)
                          (f0xxee @ Nov. 01 2009,09:38) The book is "Human Instinct" by Robert Winston.
                          I doubt if he wrote that book with transexuals in mind...sorry it dont count
                          Hi TC,

                          If you go back and read what I wrote I was not referring to ladyboys at all... I was discussing that ALL women (note:women) are genetically predisposed to seek a partner who will provide for them.

                          And if you have read the book you would know he also discusses homosexuality, (albeit breifly) and why perhaps it is not the aberration that religion would make it to be, but a variation on a theme.

                          And without getting into a pissing contest with you it has been my experience that ladyboys with the exception of thier sexually think far more like women then men.

                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • #73
                            "A date is the longest job interview you will ever go on" David M. Buss from 'The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies Of Human Mating"
                            In this game the object is to mate the queen.    


                            • #74
                              when you play with fire you get burnt. fact we all pay for sex one way or or another whether it be bhat or houses when it falls apart WE PAY i go to twice a year and have good time with lbs when i leave i look forward to the next time never look back it will do your head in
                              i long to live in los  


                              • #75
                                (cotton @ Nov. 01 2009,03:48) ...
                                But in 17 days i go bangkok and pattaya for three months.  u think i am strong enough to not contact her?
                                If you are able to control yourself from contacting her?

                                You will try to contact her, is my guess.
                                My advice: Start your vacation in a city, far from where you expect she hangs out. (Chiang Mai, perhaps?)

                                (By adding an extra hour of travel time between you and her, might increase your chances of new experiences, before you might fall back into a situation relating to her.
                                But if you start mongering in BKK first, I would guess that it would increase your chances of messing up your vacation.)

                                I am another BM, who probably can not give you an "ethnocentric group hug".
                                However, is it not so that everyone deals with loss, in their own way?

                                It has already been pointed out, that you have mentioned how many million baht you have spent on the mentioned ladyboy.
                                One way to interpret that, is that you liked your lady a lot. And possibly would not have spent differently, if you went back in time.
                                (It might be easier to measure money, than feelings. Therefore, sometimes
                                it might be easier to start opening up, by talking about the money involved. So now, we probably know enough about the money involved.)

                                I salute you for sharing your problem. Partly because, for many it might have been easier in some ways, to keep problems to one self.

                                P.S.     I, for one, have no desire to see her cock-pictures. (And I expect to take a lot of heat, for that.)
                                "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                                I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."

