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BlackBerry Ladyboy Breakout!

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  • #76
    If you want internet browing, data, BB messenger, etc, you should be able to add these extra options to your DTAC prepaid SIM, of course this will mean your credits will be used up faster, but you will have the functions of the BB.

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    • #77
      Ok Thanks RX. do I have to go to the office or can do that on my sim just like here?
      You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha


      • #78
        (pacman @ Jan. 16 2011,23:15)
        (johnnydiver @ Jan. 16 2011,22:58) Now lets see if she asks.
        She won't ask for the simple reason she doesn't know how much of a big fish she has on the line. She doesn't want to sell herself short when for all she knows you might be delivering far more than she would ever dare ask for.

        Problem is I am to soft and will most likely give it to her anyway.
        At least you recognise your problem. But do you see what a problem it really is? Sorry Johnny but I would hate myself if I didn't say something before you go too far.

        What a schlub I am!
        There is nothing wrong with being a schlub. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to spoil your girl with a nice present. And sharing your feelings with all of us? Nothing wrong at all. But if we are a community looking out for each other, I need to warn you about where you are going here. Hate me later, I can deal with that.

        Either way I cannot lose!
        Really? I can't help feeling those words may come back to haunt you.

        I may have Johnny's intentions all arse-up. He may be fully aware of the dangers of losing his heart to a P4P girl. I hope so because he is too nice a guy to be put through the agony of what lays in store.

        Such as - more than one farang has laid claim to Nicole

        that the girls know every trick in the book on how to profit from gullible farangs

        that while relationships with Thai GGs can be difficult, a relationship with a ladyboy is far more problematic.

        Something to consider JD. First you lose your heart, then you lose your mind. Please don't let it happen.
        Pacman. as always, thank you for the sound advice! I am treading slowly but I am still considering a premenant move to the LOS. Buy a Condo for cash and put my feet up. I have already started dispossessing so when the time comes I will not have to ship a lot. And yes I am keeping my eyes open. At the very least, moving to the LOS will allow me to get a better grip on this either way. All the best!
        Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


        • #79
          (pacman @ Jan. 17 2011,05:15) Such as - more than one farang has laid claim to Nicole
          C&D Nicole I thought she was virtually married to Triat (69 forum)

          Maybe she can be cloned

