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"I love you for what?"

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  • #46
    mayby it was because she saw all that masses of hair growth on your chest


    • #47
      Im thinking about shaving that off lol but i heard it comes back twice as thick.... dont know if thats true.....


      • #48
        Ask Kramer
        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


        • #49
             She's thinking of cutting something off, and it's not your hair.  


          • #50
            (jimslim @ May 12 2010,21:31)
            (kahuna @ May 12 2010,13:32)  Often English is not their sponsor's first language
            You might be on to something there ......

            Being the inquisitive type that I am when I get a ladyboy who brings up the said topic mainland Europe always features heavily .

            Switzerland leads the way followed by Germany , Italy and France .

            I'd love to see a pole along those lines here, not sure how scientific it would be but it would be fun to see who heads the sponsorship league of nations .

            I've a funny feeling Ireland would hover around the relegation zone with Scotland , I'd like to think its because we are more canny than the rest but more likely we've other priorities to waste our money on  
            Thing for me is the guys I've talked to from places like Switzerland, Austria and Germany, for whom English is a 2nd language, are a lot easier to understand than a lot of guys from England, Ireland, and especially Scotland. Not all of course, but a good pct of them.
            “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
            ― Henry Ward Beecher

            "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


            • #51
              I think this thread is an example of why people keep coming back to this forum. Great contributions here.
              Fascinating reading about the ladyboy that gets 65,000 baht in total (just under US$2,000!) per month!
              I was just wondering what percentage of ladyboys in Thailand have sponsors? Not necessarily to that amount but a simple say 10,000 Baht a month. What would anybody's guess be? 10% of the ladyboys? Maybe 20% or more? Surely not the majority?


              • #52
                That's a good question. A good few that I have met have, or are between sponsors.. But if you went into a bar like Obsessions, given the number of girls there...I don't know..maybe 20% have or are between ?

                Snick would have a better idea...
                Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                • #53
                  i had sms other day, wont say all what was there but one line,

                  i go back bar for make big money now no cussomer can you help for eat ples

                  go figure ?
                  you have to love them

                  SW „¢


                  • #54
                    I would guess the ones that have sponsors, a decent % would have multiple sponsors because they're just too good looking.

                    And spare wheel, I wanna laugh and say stuff about that sms but later.

                    Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                    • #55
                      We can start a list with names of LB's who recieve monthly Money from sponsors..
                      So then we know if a Lady "Love" just the one man (sponsor)
                      or if she have more than one Darling.. ;-)


                      • #56
                        (deepthroat @ May 08 2010,10:56)
                        (whore @ May 09 2010,00:01) There is alot of guys travelling to Thailand who really think that these bar girls are looking for a knight in shining armor.
                        Yes, I think there's an element of "Captain Save-A-Ho" involved for some guys. They're lonely, but self-esteem keeps them from hooking up with someone that's their "equal" so instead they look for someone they can rescue, someone that will have to appreciate them for the lifeline they are throwing them. Prostitutes in the US call those guys Captain Save-A-Ho and when they spot one, they play them and reel them in like the big fish they are.

                        I think it's a very normal interaction for guys that are caught up in the P4P world and begin to lose sight of the reality amidst their fantasy. The bottom line is that P4P is great for sex, but when you begin to believe that your nurture and intimacy needs are getting fulfilled, it will become a very humbling, humiliating and debasing lifestyle. Of course no one on this forum can relate, I'm not talking about guys like US, we're different! But those poor guys - unless they learn their lesson, they continue to go back to the well time and again, looking for the one who is "different", who really does love them and provide the intimacy they so desperately crave, whilst all the time it's merely a financial transaction.

                        I'm not "different". I readily admit, the heaviest thing I pack when i travel to LOS is my suit of shining armor--hell, it's just about the only thing I pack since everything else can be had for less on sukhomvit.

                        Including Love.

                        I'm not a very big fish, but I figure the number of girls I've already "rescued" is well into triple digits and I have no plans to ease up. And most of them did a helluva job at fulfilling my "nurture and intimacy needs" and while it is "humbling" if not "humiliating" to stand side-by-side in the mirror with one of these world-class beauties (not being the matinee idol I once was), I have yet to find it "debasing". More like "amazing".

                        I think the reason for what I consider to be my success is that I find every one of these girls to be "different". Other than obvious physical attributes, their greatest common denominator may well be that they never need ask "I love you for what?" -- not when they are folding their answer and slipping it into their tight pockets even as they ask instead if I want them to "come back later".

                        "...merely a financial transaction." Seriously? As compared to what? A pre-nup? Or worse still, a marriage withOUT a pre-nup? Sooner or later, to paraphrase the oft-quoted Charlie Sheen, someone always pays someone "to leave". An exchange of funds is only as deleterious to one's sincerity of affections as one allows it to be. In many cultures -- perhaps to a great extent in this very specific culture -- it is precisely a financial transaction which forms the basis upon which any relationship can even exist.

                        In a much older thread about the dangers of falling in love in Thailand, I said that I gave up trying to resist the irresistible. The only solution I could come up with was to fall in love every night with someone new. Whether the love affair lasts decades or hours, it -- just like everything else in this veil-of-a-world -- is only as real as you believe it to be. And just as nurturing as you allow it to be. And, religious dogma be damned, no more debasing than you let it be.

                        Maybe it's because I never married and have no family, so I am unused to "supporting" anyone, but I am in no danger of becoming a long-distance patron. Many a time, I've had the experience of other posters here of helping my lover-for-the-night answer a text message from her "boyfriend". And, yes, the spelling of "hospital" has come up more than once. Now, I readily admit, that *maybe* I could find much deeper nurturing and certainly I could find a longer-lasting intimacy, were I to settle on one love, outside the p4p world preferably, and forego this lifestyle to which I have grown so accustomed. But bottom line, that just ain't gonna happen.

                        I loves me some ladyboys. Many ladyboys. And for an hour or a night or on rare occasion for a rapid week on Koh Samet, they love me back -- and sometimes they do so as deeply and completely in the awesome spaciousness of now, as I can ever hope to be loved. And whether anyone would consider that love at all -- whether the girl herself even considers it "love" in any traditional sense -- that makes no never mind to me.

                        From the very first meeting, I make it clear that I am a butterfly. I make it clear I loved many before her and I will love many afterward, but right now, right here, with her, if she wants -- I will love her. And while I am no longer surprised how many times this self-confessed butterfly hears a beautiful girl half my age say to me "I love you", and say it with more conviction than I myself could ever muster in return -- I am never any less amazed.

                        And I think, contrary to prevailing opinion, it might well be precisely because they never have to ask "I love you for what?"


                        • #57
                          (razrman @ May 28 2010,16:07) I was just wondering what percentage of ladyboys in Thailand have sponsors? Not necessarily to that amount but a simple say 10,000 Baht a month. What would anybody's guess be? 10% of the ladyboys? Maybe 20% or more? Surely not the majority?
                          I don't have the same contacts that I did a few years ago so it could (and probably has) changed.

                          A rough sample of Obsessions bar (they had about 50-60 girls then) suggested  that 40-50% had sponsors  
                          -  but I'm guessing that the sums were small.
                          A of couple of the girls were supposed to be getting around 20-25,000/month  -  both I believe had Japanese sponsors.
                          Similarly the girl I mentioned previously at KC3 was getting 60,000/month and another 2 girls were getting something like 20-30,000.

                          How many get 10,000+     I would say only a few and as Jake_Sully suggested they probably have more than one sponsor on the hook.

                          The great majority show up for work each night because they have to  -  no-one is sponsoring them or at least it's not much money.
                          Would you go to work if someone was paying you enough to stay away?

                          A few do show up for work even though they are sponsored.
                          They are often the ones that float in at 10.30pm choose a bar fine and then leave.

                          They are the ones that are looking to the future and end up buying a farm in Issan to retire to  
                          -  or end up in Europe with a new passport which says  'Female'.

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #58
                            (Road Runner @ May 29 2010,07:22) A few do show up for work even though they are sponsored.
                            They are often the ones that float in at 10.30pm choose a bar fine and then leave.
                            The 'part-timers'...that's usually a sure sign they are sponsored. They can afford to wear the late fines and all the other penalties for not being there all night every night.

                            Nice post too thaibound
                            Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                            • #59
                              I have many TS friends who have many sponsors just last night my TS friend receive 500US$ from a guy from Covinton,Washington, US. She save most of her earnings from all her sponsors she already have a small store and car without even meeting these sponsors

                              i think i should stop sex work now just get as many sponsors as i can just like what the rest of the girls do now lol

                              most of the girls who have many sponsors are the girls who dont advertise as hookers, they advertise they are looking for LTR but deep inside they have a hidden agenda ill keep my mouth shut now lol
                    <-- Me in XXX Videos!


                              • #60
                                Hmm. Alyssa, you mention that your friend's sponsor has never met her? I met another girl who also says she gets money from a 'boyfriend' who's never been to Thailand and only corresponds with her online.

                                Is this common? Maybe I could garner a little extra income.....  
                                Me at

