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"I love you for what?"

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  • #91
    (thaibound @ Jun. 02 2010,15:55) ...this really is a uniquely enlightened forum - or you're all just degenerate wastrels...
    I think it's a bit of both!
    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


    • #92
      Just scanned this post for the first time, in early May I was on a beach and couldn't be in the USA and have some time to read it and it looks like the same stuff that's been posted up here for years and years. But Thaibounds post WAS good; fall in love many times if you want to, as long as you know it's a game and as long as once you leave the love stops and you go back to your normal life and forget about the girl you just fell in love with.

      Again, the people who get the most out of their travels to Thailand are the ones who go there, screw their brains out, go home and promptly FORGET the place! Texts, phone calls, web-camming, e-mailing, MSN, etc.....just prolongs the agony until you can save enough to get back there.

      Please guys, please realize the girl does not love you back just because you are sending 50K a month or whatever....she loves the money and she will see you when you come back, sure; but she would love you just as much if you only paid her for the transactions when you are there! So save the money for your next trip, you will enjoy it more and not drive yourself crazy all the while wondering if she has been honest and faithful to you.

      Frankly I saw nothing new in here which we haven't been preaching about up here since 2001 besides TB's well-thought-out post; but a lot of new people discover this lifestyle all the time so I guess threads like this need to be started [and maybe pinned?] every year or 2.
      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


      • #93
        Yes, constant reminders for sure. It is so easy to believe your individual situation and experience is different than the rest. We all think our gals and relationships are special and not like what others have experienced. I guess it can happen but nonetheless we must remain sober, objective, and vigilant.


        • #94
          (thaibound @ Jun. 02 2010,15:55) hope of redemption -- beyond the tiny chance that alyssa will choose you to ruin her career.
          Give me religion !  

          TG I can only imagine that the dire circumstances led to that 'fevered' chain of emails....
          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


          • #95
            (Steff @ Jun. 02 2010,19:38) We all think our gals and relationships are special and not like what others have experienced.
            Right on ..... how many times have we heard, I guess depending on how long you have read here or how many punters you have met in the scene; '' but you don't understand, my girl is different from the rest, she really DOES love me, and I love her, our situation is different'', etc, etc.....   yawwwwwn; no, it's not.

                       New guys, remember one thing which has always held true over the years;  it's impossible to have a relationship with someone in thailand if you have to remain in the west.  Let it go.....see her [and some others] on your next trip....dream of the day when you can live there and can find a cute little LB to call your own and you can watch her like a hawk, because that is what you will have to do. But until that day don't waste your time sending cash and pretending that she loves only you while you are back in Nebraska at the meat-packing plant, waiting for your next trip to Thailand in 6 months; no, she doesn't.
            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


            • #96
              Heed the word


              • #97
                One more story which goes along with the original poster's thread title.

                  A few years ago, probably between 2003 and 2005, I used to hang out with a certain very popular ladyboy a LOT.  Not every day, but almost; I lived in BKK for 6 months per year and she would come to my place a lot and we would  text multiple times per day as well.  This was before texting even hit the states; now it's ubiquitous but back then we only did it in Thailand; the Japs were always way ahead of that curve as well.

                        Anyway, one day while I was working on my PC and she was watching some stupid Thai television, she looked at me and asked with all sincerity; ''Don't you understand that I am in love with you''?  and even had some wet-eye look and maybe even some tears forming; weird.  Naturally I just laughed it off, I had been around the block enough to know nonsense when I heard it, but she apparently didn't think it was as funny as I did because she stormed out in tears.

                    Her friends told me the same shit also, so maybe it was partially true, who knows; she wouldn't lie to them, and they would bring it up to me at times when she wasn't even around so there may have been a grain {a very small grain} of truth to that.  But she was extremely popular already, working in Obsessions and also had a few sponsors; assuming she was telling them the same shit, I just blew it off of course, but we always remained friends and kept on screwing a few times per month off and on for 3 or 4 years.

                         Since that day in my apartment, and probably during it as well, she has soaked at least 5 or 6 British guys out of a shitload of poundage; did the same thing to another hapless Euro- guy, a few people from other countries in between and then got married and fleeced that guy as well, for some really huge numbers; more than I could ever afford, that's for sure, even if I WAS stupid enough to hand it over to a ladyboy.

                   But what I am getting at is that she never fleeced the one guy that is most important to me and my future; ME!!

                  Always follow that guideline.....worry about YOU, worry about YOUR cash and YOUR family;  not some people you barely know and don't speak your language up in Northeast Thailand who need a new roof and  just happen to be related to some cute little thing who is just telling you what you want to hear and makes your dick hard every now and again.

                Use your brains guys, and always be prepared to have your heart strings pulled on....and always doubt the sincerity behind what you are being told.
                Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                • #99
                  Well said alyssa
                  Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                  • If slightly dyslexic......

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • Wait, so let me get this straight .......YOU are screwing some dude in that pic, Alyssa??

                      Again, we have to stop your shyness, you have to come out of your shell and open up a bit.
                      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                      • ...just open up a bit!
                        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                        • I can't believe my betrothed is cheating on me already!!
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • (JaiDee @ Jun. 05 2010,02:38) One more story which goes along with the original poster's thread title.

                              A few years ago, probably between 2003 and 2005, I used to hang out with a certain very popular ladyboy a LOT.  Not every day, but almost; I lived in BKK for 6 months per year and she would come to my place a lot and we would  text multiple times per day as well.  This was before texting even hit the states; now it's ubiquitous but back then we only did it in Thailand; the Japs were always way ahead of that curve as well.

                                    Anyway, one day while I was working on my PC and she was watching some stupid Thai television, she looked at me and asked with all sincerity; ''Don't you understand that I am in love with you''?  and even had some wet-eye look and maybe even some tears forming; weird.  Naturally I just laughed it off, I had been around the block enough to know nonsense when I heard it, but she apparently didn't think it was as funny as I did because she stormed out in tears.

                                Her friends told me the same shit also, so maybe it was partially true, who knows; she wouldn't lie to them, and they would bring it up to me at times when she wasn't even around so there may have been a grain {a very small grain} of truth to that.  But she was extremely popular already, working in Obsessions and also had a few sponsors; assuming she was telling them the same shit, I just blew it off of course, but we always remained friends and kept on screwing a few times per month off and on for 3 or 4 years.

                                     Since that day in my apartment, and probably during it as well, she has soaked at least 5 or 6 British guys out of a shitload of poundage; did the same thing to another hapless Euro- guy, a few people from other countries in between and then got married and fleeced that guy as well, for some really huge numbers; more than I could ever afford, that's for sure, even if I WAS stupid enough to hand it over to a ladyboy.

                               But what I am getting at is that she never fleeced the one guy that is most important to me and my future; ME!!

                              Always follow that guideline.....worry about YOU, worry about YOUR cash and YOUR family;  not some people you barely know and don't speak your language up in Northeast Thailand who need a new roof and  just happen to be related to some cute little thing who is just telling you what you want to hear and makes your dick hard every now and again.

                            Use your brains guys, and always be prepared to have your heart strings pulled on....and always doubt the sincerity behind what you are being told.
                            ermm.... does her "public" name begin with the letter C ?


                            • and the hubbie was Uncle Fester
                              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage

