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Do you ask a lot of questions with LB's?

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  • #31
    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    You think Shakspeare was into ladyboys ?

    I've heard that one too from a 30 yr old LB with ultra smooth skin and puffy nipples...and mood swings that would make anyone believe Al Gore about 'climate' change  
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • #32
      (guydesavoy @ Jun. 03 2010,22:54) You think Shakespeare was into ladyboys ?
      It's very likely that he was. When he was writing plays there were no female actresses. Men played all the parts including the female ones.

      As for the knowing whether or not there is an 'emotional bond...'

      Well - if you are with her then she probably has an emotional attachment to you, as you do her. However, when the click of the door handle sounds as she leaves you are the last thing on her mind.
      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


      • #33
        (Bumpa STIKKA @ Jun. 04 2010,02:30) However, when the click of the door handle sounds as she leaves you are the last thing on her mind.
        Unless you still owe her money
        Free your mind and your ass will follow .


        • #34

          Shakespeare had no say in what sex the performers were. He was a hack writer with no influence whatsoever. It was the times. No females appeared on stage then. For a female to actually play a female role during that period was an outrage. Take a look at the movie, SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE. It deals with this.


          • #35
            (Steff @ Jun. 04 2010,04:53) Shakespeare had no say in what sex the performers were. He was a hack writer with no influence whatsoever.
            Surely you're joking...

            Definition of Hack writer
            1. Noun. A mediocre and disdained writer.
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #36
              For his time and in his time that is what he was considered.


              • #37
                Steff is possibly not far off the mark if you are familiar with the literary debate on just who did write Shakespeare's plays.

                The 2 candidates who are believed to be the true author of the works are Francis Bacon on the one side & Christopher 'Kit' Marlowe on the other.

                I have a friend who has written 2 volumes on Shakespeare who introduced me to this extraordinary idea. He favours Bacon but after watching the excellent BBC documentary about the two of them, I think Marlowe might be the guy.

                Marlowe escaped England after killing someone in a pub fight but continued to write but could never be named. He ended up living in Italy, hence the sudden interest in Italy by Shakespeare who was known never to have visited the place.

                Romeo & Juliet, Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merchant of Venice, Julius Caesar, Anthony & Cleopatra, Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, All's Well that Ends Well, Othello being some of his plays set in Italy & they all give credence to the theory that the true Shakespeare was living there.

                And just to give one more piece of info for the sceptics, the death notices for a Mr William Shakespeare are still available to be read. This son of a glover from Stratford On Avon was given a nice send off by his well wishers, NONE of whom made a single mention that he had bequeathed his country with such a wonderful catalogue of the greatest plays ever written.

                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • #38
                  (Steff @ Jun. 04 2010,08:06) For his time and in his time that is what he was considered.
                  I have heard of this idea that Bill wasn't highly regarded in his day. It is just one more claim among many that were levelled against the guy.

                  I am afraid that it appears incorrect, one of those theories that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, I am sorry to say Steff.

                  Bill's plays were a sell out & were loved by all, one of his greatest followers was no less a person than Elizabeth I.
                  Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                  • #39
                    (JaiDee @ Jun. 03 2010,21:51)
                    (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 03 2010,21:11) How and when can you tell they're being honest?

                    If they say they have an emotional bond with you, when can you tell its genuine?
                    First part - you can't, at least in Thailand.

                    Lying is the national sport, some guy selling T-shirts will lie to you for no reason just because it's the thing to do there. It's a cultural thing.
                    I won't tread into any really controversial waters (ie: to be, or not to be a hack writer) but wanted to weigh in again on this.

                    1. Jai Dee, you musta missed my response - I didn't realize "Ladyboo Goo" was a paysite with professional photo shoots, I thought it was a forum like ours. My bad. I definitely recognize the difference between a pro shoot with lights and model releases, and someone showing Ju-Dee my photos of her that are posted here in the "members only" forum. Sorry for the confusion.

                    2. I really enjoy most of your contributions, despite the often jaded/cynical air that you often exude. I don't begrudge it because it's obviously the toll you've paid for earning the wisdom and insights you share. Is that what you mean when you refer to coming off as arrogant?

                    I've gathered elsewhere that the "tshirt vendor that lies for no reason" might have some connection to the desire to save face or some other cultural imperative - rather than saying "I don't know" they will give you a false answer to avoid somehow losing face by being unable to help... even though the real result is that they aren't helpful...

                    Is that nonsense, or is there some grain of truth in this?

                    Thanks for your thoughtful contributions.
                    Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                    • #40
                      Good stuff Pacman. You have hit the nail on the head. Shakespeare wrote commercially for his time in the same way writers do today. His GREAT works are questionable. Marlowe is indeed a candidate. Bacon another. But there is speculation with others.


                      • #41
                        Sorry...Inane stuff Packman and Steff...Better suited for the Pointless Thread...

                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #42
                          The last question I asked in a text message was fairly simple (well I thought so) and needed only a one word answer:

                          Q. Hey babe - did you leave your umbrella in the back of my car?

                          A. Teerak. I miss your cock. I want your sperm. Hope you OK.

                          I'll take that as a no then...


                          • #43
                            (Grinder @ Jun. 04 2010,11:37) Q. Hey babe - did you leave your umbrella in the back of my car?
                            That's good code. Might use that one in future
                            Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                            • #44
                              (deepthroat @ Jun. 04 2010,08:23) 2. I really enjoy most of your contributions, despite the often jaded/cynical air that you often exude.
                              Is that what you mean when you refer to coming off as arrogant?

                              "tshirt vendor that lies for no reason" might have some connection to the desire to save face or some other cultural imperative -

                              Thanks for your thoughtful contributions.
                              yes, and yes

                               The T-shirt vendors and any other Thai who lies for what we westerners see as no good reason are just saving face; which in reality is more of an Asian thing. It happens every day in Thailand and for the weirdest reasons, and you think ''why did he/she lie about something so minor''?

                               The cynical/arrogant part comes from following this scene for a long time really close up; and trust me, I am far from the only one, I just happen to be the bad guy who expresses it up here sometime!  But less and less these days, trust me; be thankful you didn't read here 3 or 4 years ago when I was REALLY cynical.  Entrench yourself very deeply in the LB scene and Thailand for a decade and spend 1/2 of every year there and your attitude may be the same, who knows; sometimes the mind games and lying gets really old really quickly.

                                       It's more fun for me again now though, I just stay in this room and the Fish Box and interact with the posters whom I can see know their stuff, and I avoid the guys who try and buck the system or think their situation is somehow ''different'', and also the Rookies room;  I was answering questions like that when most of this board were still married or not even into ladyboys so if I try and tackle them all over again the cynical part will come out again and that's no fun!    

                              And this board should be fun, people want to be entertained and I believe they are on this forum, easily the best one for this topic and it has been for 7 or 8 years now. I'm happy you like my contributions and I firmly believe that if the newer people take the advice of the older posters here they will hold on to their hearts, their money and their sanity much longer.
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                              • #45
                                Yes Master Je-Dei, I will try!

                                But really even if you're cynical, I really enjoy your informative posts because its a side I haven't seen it and even if I don't agree with you someday, I still want to know about it and get into it with my eyes wide open rather than going into something blind and hoping for the best.

                                As they say, plan for the worst, hope for the best. But 1 thing I've learned from you, don't jump in head first.. take it 1 step at a time and enjoy and don't get pulled in further than you want.

                                Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.

