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Life in los

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  • #16
    The downside to LOS is us, what I mean is Expats. In fact the downside to all the places in Asia like Bangkok,Hong Kong, Jakarta etc is Expats.
    I'm not saying all of them are wankers, but the proportion of wankers is far higher.
    I think its must be the fact that that your ego is massaged (as well as other parts of your your anatomy) so much that you start to believe your your own hype, and turn into to an arrogant know it all. Heck even 50yr old taxi drivers say you are a handsome man out here.
    If everyone moved to LOS then it wouldn't be LOS anymore, it's such a unique place, but only if its full of Thai people, not muppets who can't get their end away anywhere else.
    When she walks, she’s like a samba
    That swings so cool and sways so gentle


    • #17
      Originally posted by (donnnnny @ Aug. 21 2005,09:21)
       when they say" i dont want money".  this happens alot. but after you do this you are obligated to the girl or  ladyboy. she has you where she wants you. you owe her.
      When this happens just shit on there face while having sex and they will divorce you very quickly as they run out the door yelling "you crazy guy fuck!"

      Works every time!


      • #18
        Originally posted by
        The weather is pretty much good the whole year around.
        The rainy season is more of a "cloudy" season.
        The food is fantastic and cheap. Some of best restaurants in world here.
        Travel destinations are unlimited.
        Lowest cost airline in the world.
        There are only about 1M LBs to choose from, all wanting to be your boyfriend.
        People are friendly, in general.
        Shopping is fantastic.
        You can live on $200 USD per month if you really had to.
        You can get a good massage every day for about $4.
        Every CD and DVD on the planet is here and costs $3.

        Oops, sorry, this is the downside...

        Yes, well, the blowjob I had last night was just average.
        The twin LBs I did 2 days ago didn't really look like twins.
        That $4 Thai meal I had with a beer was a little too spicey.
        The foot massage today was ok, but the girl had small tits.
        The 3 LBs just arriving at my house now are hounding me for sex
        (don't they ever stop?)
        And frankly, this 32C, sunny temperature everyday is a bit dull,
        so I'd best walk up the street, 10 minutes, to Nana for a beer,
        and it's a bloody long walk in 32C.

        It's rough as hell here. I just hate it. Can't they get this blowjob
        thing straight?
        Ziggy, I met you briefly once and I thought you were a good guy.....i take it all back you b**tard!!!
        Mister Arse


        • #19
          And, yes, who IS that in your avatar Ziggy???
          Mister Arse


          • #20
            Sounds a shitty life in LOS......... WHEN CAN I MOVE THERE??


            • #21
              For me it's only BKK. It's big enough to find your own way and you don't have to hang around with all those ex-cons and old farts like in Pattaya. Islands are not an option for me - I'd get claustrophobic within 2-3 months. The easiest way to sort out the losers is not to hang around with them. They look, talk and live the same way as anywhere else and I suppose you don't hang around with them at the place where you live now as well.
              The caucasian fetish thing.... well, I have to admit, at the beginning it looks a bit like that and more than 90% of the girls will tell you that they only like farang man, etc....but to be honest, I have my serious doubts. Actually it is a kind of ATM thing maybe mixed with a frustration about the Thai guys who just suck out the money of their gf's wallets, drink, gamble and if the girls complain they beat the shit out of them. But how come that the majority of the girls still have their (secret) Thai bf's???



              • #22
                Originally posted by (Mai-Kee @ Aug. 21 2005,17:11)
                .....the girls still have their (secret) Thai bf's???

                Better known as the "Thai Dye Guy on the side"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (Mai-Kee @ Aug. 21 2005,17:11)
                  you don't have to hang around with all those ex-cons and old farts like in Pattaya. ...
                  The caucasian fetish thing..... at the beginning it looks a bit like that and more than 90% of the girls will tell you that they only like farang man, etc....but to be honest, I have my serious doubts.
                  MK brings up 2 very good points here

                   first off, Pattaya IS a place where a lot of shit-bums and convicts and old perverts living off some small pension go to live and who wants to associate with those fucks?  If you want to move to Thailand I also think BKK is the place to be.

                   Now, as for this fascination with the westerner; it is bollocks or whatever word you want to use from your own country that means horseshit.   are 40-something westerners [or older] really so foolish as to believe that the 22-year old lady or ladyboy they are fascinated with is really just as fascinated by him?  gimme a  break. 20 year old people want other 20 year old people, not some guy who is 30 pounds past his prime and in need of reading glasses and has to get up 2 or 3 times a night to take a leak. They see westerners for what we are; people with money who can give them [and hopefully their family] a better life. Of course there are exceptions, but I firmly believe this is the norm.

                     If you don't believe me, you guys with Thai girlfriends try this social experiment.  Tell your beloved one day that you are not working anymore, and if you are already retired that you will not be supporting her anymore;  you plan to just lay around and watch the tube and eat crap all day, and wait for HER to bring home the bacon and support the 2 of you. No more shopping either, and your cash will be staying in the bank or spent on your own family where it belongs.  Of course if the girl really loves you that won't matter, correct?  because love wins out over everything, and even if she has to work twice as hard and won't be getting any money from you she will still hang there with you because taking care of  a guy twice her age is what she always wanted, right?

                     Ya, right......... seeing just how fast the girl moves for the door and right back to her Thai boyfriend, the one that she REALLY likes, would take all of about 3 seconds.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by
                    Oops, sorry, this is the downside... Yes, well, the blowjob I had last night was just average.
                    The twin LBs I did 2 days ago didn't really look like twins.
                    That $4 Thai meal I had with a beer was a little too spicey.
                    The foot massage today was ok, but the girl had small tits.
                    The 3 LBs just arriving at my house now are hounding me for sex...
                    My fucking heart bleeds!


                    • #25
                      In the Us even with a heap of cash u cant get 20 somethings{always exceptions for the other guy}So the real question is if u can find a hot 30 -40 year old lb will she stay with the farang or run to her 40+ year old Thai boyfriend? All women will run from bums except beautiful strippers in the US Love doesnt necessarily last forever.Bty where does one find older{still alive} lbs in Los?


                      • #26
                        I never hear of anyone but Stickman mention the oppressive heat in Los.When I was there in 2000 I refused to get out of the cab when we went to look at the Buddhas.I live in Florida and it is hot in the summer but Im rarely uncomfortable because I am not in the heat for more than a few minutes{house to car to store}Can u hang outside in Bk during the day any part of the year? How about the suffering getting to the mass transit and walking blocks? Be honest!


                        • #27
                          I am from New England and I don't find Bangkok hot at all

                          sometimes a bit muggy in April and May but I can deal with it

                          Phuket is much hotter; Bangkok isn't bad at all


                          • #28
                            My avatar is a secret, and I have a lot of great shots of her. She is a hidden superstar, hidden, because if you meet her, at first, she doesn't seem like a beauty, but she most definitely is when she dresses right, and rids herself of her bar image. My avatar is of her on Lam Sing Beach in Phuket, with zero makeup. Did I mention she has the biggest cock I've ever seen in my whole life? Like, I've heard of these 10 inch things, but I never really thought I'd see one. 10 is on the low end of measurement, for sure. 12 end to end easily.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by
                              My avatar is a secret, and I have a lot of great shots of her. She is a hidden superstar, hidden, because if you meet her, at first, she doesn't seem like a beauty, but she most definitely is when she dresses right, and rids herself of her bar image. My avatar is of her on Lam Sing Beach in Phuket, with zero makeup. Did I mention she has the biggest cock I've ever seen in my whole life? Like, I've heard of these 10 inch things, but I never really thought I'd see one. 10 is on the low end of measurement, for sure. 12 end to end easily.
                              OK Ziggy, you are not a b* are a COMPLETE b*stard!!

                              I'm back in BKK in 3 weeks...I am going to ply you with alcohol until you spill the beans!!
                              Mister Arse


                              • #30
                                Isnt Bkk 98 degrees during the day?

