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  • Curuios

    At what age do ladyboys discover they are of the third sex? I remember when I was young I saw two of my girl friends kissing on a school bus on the way home. One was 17 and the other was 16 .We lived close by to each other and we still keep in contact. Any how we are all in our 30's they are still together as lover's, one has a child which she conceive it through donated sperm. The friend that had the child is really very woman like in all the nomal ways, but her partner is very butch or the male counterpart. I was was wondering is this the same for ladyboys and maybe because they had some sort of sexual experience like this it turns one way or the other. I'm happly maried with a great wife and great kids we often talk about our friends.How will they be able to explain to the child how they got together? I suppose thats why I love your site especially when you two ladyboys together it really bring back fond memories of the days on the school bus.

  • #2
    Originally posted by (yellow33 @ Sep. 10 2005,08:36)
    At what age do ladyboys discover they are of the third sex? I remember when I was young I saw two of my girl friends kissing on a school bus on the way home.
    Are you trying to give me a woody?


    • #3
      No of course not this a true story!


      • #4
        Well, there's about 1000 books on this, all contradicting each other, and lots of psychologists vying for "the answer". What I can tell you for sure is a large majority know they are women in the say 5-12 range. My twins, as an example, say "When I was born". My friend of the twins said "16", but that is the oldest I've ever heard.

        There are gazillion theories on "why", nature vs nurture, a few guys on the site (whom I don't agree with) saying it's to make money (hard to imagine at 5 years old). Some studies say it's biological. There are few better studies coming out now saying, depending on the person, the reason is different for every single person.

        The part that is unambiguious though for Thai LBs is that it usually happens very young.


        • #5
          Originally posted by (yellow33 @ Sep. 10 2005,07:36)
          At what age do ladyboys discover they are of the third sex?
          every person is different of course, but invariably whenever I ask this question to the hundreds of ladyboys I have interviewed over the years they raise their hand to around their waist and say "ever since I was very small".


          • #6
            To add to my story of my two friends that are girls. They fell in love at a very young age as to how long they were together before I saw them kissing I don"t know. But Sharon, which is the one that gave birth is the female in the relationship. Petra, who now called Pete is the masculine in the relationship. Pete dosn't look like a man but tries very hard to act like one she is still very attractive even though she is butch. I guess what I'm trying to say that ladyboys in most of the cases really seem to look like girls and are very hard to tell the difference. So somewhere a long the line something happened that made them go that way, otherwis we would have have all femboys and not ladyboys to play with. I also ask can a ladyboy love a woman as woman? Is there any cases where as my two friends one has given birth for the other so they may both live together as Mum's.


            • #7
              They go all the way (to LB) at quite young ages as noted, which includes dressing as a girl. If you pass by schools at the end of the day, you'll see quite a few LBs walking out in their black skirts, this is in the 12 yrs old range or so.

              LBs do not like sex with a woman. That is considered being a lesbian, and I have never met one that wanted to do that voluntarily, although they'll do it for money (only a few).

