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1st posting, maybe the last?

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  • 1st posting, maybe the last?

    This is my very 1st posting of any type on the site. I have been a member ofATS for a couple of years. Awesome site in every regard. True talent that is posted for us to see regularly.

    My TS experiences began when I was in the US miilitary and amking frequent stops in Phuket, Pattaya and later BKK. Having been down that crappy road of life being married to a western woman (thankfully divorced) I found a real intrigue for LB's. I always had to use covert tactics to have opportunities to take them to my hotel rooms due to the potential problems that would arise with the old "don't ask, don't tell" policy of the military.

    My first experience was with a an LB in Phuket. I was on duty, in uniform working a so called "military patrol" being sure that the Sailors did not get out of hand and cause problems. As I walked my tour of duty a beautiful girl (later to find out she was an LB) took me to a mens room away fro all the hustle and bustle and commnced to giving me a wonderful BJ. I told her I would rather meet up with her later under better conditions and have a better time for both of us. Late we did and all went well.

    Having to walk around the area I eventually went into every bar possible and found out the one whre the LB's worked. I went to piss and have a cold coca-cola and some of the LB's were pissing right next to me and were looking at my junk at the same time. I must admit they had some hotties in the place too. Mama-san also gave me some ice cold towels to cool off with. Anyhow, I managed to covertly meet up with one later on and also had a good romp in the sack. So far no worries, they were all good looking but I was concerned that something may go wrong like getting robbed, or they cause a scene but none of that ever happened (much to my delight).

    Later trips took me to Pattaya and BKK. I had too many farang friends living there and they had too many people who knew and associated my face with them. The "eye candy" was great but I had to use more discretion there. I saw many LB's hanging out at the Lucifer disco, but gaian the company I was with curbed my ideas of getting up with a LB.

    Finally I start going to BKK on business. At first I contacted an agency and told them what I was looking for. They assured I would be happy with who they send over. Again I was active duty and discretion was a huge issue for me. I had her meet me away from the hotel and gave her my 2nd key (old trick I learned, but yes that could turnon you too) and she came to the room about 20 minutes after I returned. She was HOT! quite petite and was on hormones. We hit it off and has some great sex that night. We did talk a bit and she asked if she could stay the night. Oh, yes I had to pay about 4,000 baht for her before anything could happen. As I said she worked for an agency. She stayed the night but she also was a dancer in a Caberet show in BK. When she left in the morning she asked if she could come back that night again? I wanter her to but not for 4,000 baht again. She said no, not as an agency girl, she would just like to come again and stay the night with me. I agreed to that and again worked out the meeting and key pass deal. She was so petite and cute that I really enjoyed her in more than one way too. Well this went on for my entire 10 day visit/meeting and she never asked for any money but when I was getting ready to leave I "tipped" her well and we stayed in touch.

    Follow-on visit to BKK. NUI, the girl mentioned above was at Kohn Samui and would not be back for 2 more days. Hmmm, I now needed some more LB action since I was now back in the LOS. I wandered down to Gullivers for some food and saw some LB's in there hanging out. Also looked like a big hang out for GG's looking for dates. Anyhow I wanderded down to Soi Nana and it was late. But from what I learned from this site all you need to do is walk down that direction and you'll find something to meet your needs. After some walking and looking I spotted a tall long haired LB who was just standing around and kept looking at me. After I while I motioned for her to come over, we chatted a bit, I asked if she had a cock and she replied oh yes, a big one too. Jumped in a cab and back to my hotel. Did the key thing again and she came up about 10 minutes after me. Her name is KoKo. She say's she is located on another LB website? We had a good time and she een gave me some advice about LB's and discretion around co-workers and hotel lobbies. Nice girl, we exchanged numbers and e-mail addresses and still stay in touch.

    NUI came back to BKK and we immeditaely went back to our old routine. This time I gave her the 2nd key and she would come to my room at night after her Cabaret gig was over. I took precautions and had all my valuables locked in the save and told the hotel "no room service" from my room. Maybe a bit too cautious but I wasn't sure what could happen if I was out of the room and she had my 2nd key. As it turns out she is a really cool girl and is good in the sack too. Also very comfortable to sleep next to, likes to stay close to you in bed. I aksed her if she would pose for pictures for ATS but she was not sure. She saiud she would paose for me personally but not sure about website pictures. We stall stay in touch today even now that I'm out of the military and further from BKK than before.

    Last part here...I went alone to watch the caberet show at Mombo's in BKK. saw some stunning beauties there. I began making eye contact with one of the performers and later got to the point of smiling back and forth. After the show they were lined up for pictures and tips. I saw her and my heart pounded when I got close to this beauty. Her name is Joy. A tall girl with a nice body and long black hair. I tipped her well and hugged her in a way that she knew I was interested in her. She told me she had one more performance and that I should wait outside at 11:30 for her when she finished. I went back to the hotel and cleande up, locked up all my valuables again and went back. She came down in regular clothes looking even better that before. of course all her LB friends were making a scene about her and I heading off together. Back at my hotel we did the covert move to the room where we commenced to having fun. Her english was limited but we managed to get to the real reason she was there. She was te 1st LB that I gave a BJ to. I had her wear a strawbery flavored condom since I was paranoid of what I could catch. She obviously enjoyed it but did not come. She was rock hard but no come. Perhaps I was not doing so good or something but later on I jacked her off and she came. She never asked for maoney but I tipped her 500 Baht anyway.

    I know that this is too much junk without many details, pictures or graphic paly by play action. The bottom line is, ATS is an awesome site. Stogie is the man in my opinion for all his work along with his associate photographers at theoutlying areas.

    I look forward to trips back to BKK. I only get 10 days of vacation and 10 days of sick time in my new job. My plan is to visit BKK for 10 days and then call the boss and tell him I have a bad case of the "Asian Flu" and will be back to work in another 10 days.

    Keep up the good work ATS staff. I enjoy reading the forum postings too. Sorry to bore you though

  • #2
    Hey man not boring at all. Great to read the experiences of the members as the how and why we started with ladyboys is very different for many.

    The first post is the hardest so now you have broken your cherry so to speak I hope you continue to read and contribute.


    • #3
      Cool post cover 626 , sounds like you have had great times in LOS , nothing boring about your post . Lets hope this is not your last post , i am sure you have had experiences and can offer opinions that would make for many valuable contributions to this forum . You might even make some friends and have some drinking buddies from this forum .

      Koko is indeed on a few other websites and will appear on this site sometime during 2006 i would think . She is very cool i look forward to seeing her again soon .

      Stogie is the man , and JaiDee is GOD . They have certainly created a wonderful site , forum and clubhouse .


      • #4

          it was anything but a bore, i enjoyed the read.  

        You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


        • #5
          Just reading this got me excited! I love stuff like this. The part of waiting for the girls to enter your room by the cover of night.... the anticipation and rush one gets from all the 4play leading up to the actual sex. Talking to the girls in the bar and popping the question "do you have a cock... and a reply of "yes... a big one!" that just makes me horny as hell! I know I've been there and done that and it's such a rush... your hart is pounding with the anticipation of having that hard cock she's got under her skirt.

          Welcome to the forum Cover626!  


          • #6
            [QUOTE]After I while I motioned for her to come over, we chatted a bit, I asked if she had a cock and she replied oh yes, a big one too. Jumped in a cab and back to my hotel.

            Not too anxious, were ya, cover626!!


            • #7
              O.K. I admit you busted me on that quick jump into a cab.  If anyone knows KoKo will probably support my comments that she is a beauty and jst as sweet when it comes down to business as well.  Also, she will top, and asked if I would like her to but I declined since I have never experienced that (so far atleast).  If anyone is intersested I have e-mails addresses and phone numbers for bothe NUI and KoKo.  Not sure of the protocol for posting their info, so I'll wait until I get some guidance from someone who knows the rulz.


              • #8
                I know Koko very well she is a total gem and she has a nice 7 inch tool ,, which stays very hard .

                Here is a link to a pic of hers , not from another website but from a mall photography store . Her hair color does change a bit a she often has a lovely curl in her hair at times .



                • #9
                  Good post man! I hope you continue to contribute to the forums and tell us more of your adventures - past, present, and future!
                  I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                  • #10
                    Great read. When people cross the line from reader to contributor I am always pleased. I hope you won't mind if we move this post to the trip reports forum in a day or two! Cheers...



                    • #11
                      SB~ As far as moving this posting....well as the beauties say in LOS, "SHUWAR, SUP TO YOU"


                      • #12
                        Welcome aboard cover!! When you made that leap tp LBs your life really changed and I think for the better I might add. You experiences were a great read keep em coming and an impressive first post. Dont worry about the details or pics-just post whatever you are comfortable with!! If its lots thats cool but if you go a little more covert, then thatss YOUR option!! Pics appreciated but we neednt have pics to apporeciate a posting!! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!

