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Encouragement and Kudo's

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  • Encouragement and Kudo's

    it's always nice when people  post nice words of encouragement  up here and i really appreciate all the nice things that you guys have to say.    Of course  we never ever want it to look TOO  patronizing, and even my buddy Stogie  says this  board has too much of a feel-good aspect to it and  not enough controversy.  Fair enough;  there is no problems from my end   if people  want to get a little more 'down and dirty'  and cause problems, and  I guess the virtual bar is a good place to  vent if you want to. Here also;  i am certainly not above criticism  and  i have no problems   with people complaining about  quality of models, videos, lack of contact feature, etc......whatever comes to mnd, although I would really prefer to see it in an e-mail to me directly.  Criticism is fine and i can handle it,  but i just feel like it should be  well-founded and valid  points.

     I have one job;  running this site.  I swear i give my all to this  job, and i literally work every single day.  sure, it's not a HARD  job, and i would never complain about it, but i work every day nonetheless,  weekends and nights included. i  also check my mail 3 or 4 times a day no matter where i am in the world and will try and help you guys as much as I can.

     another thing unique to  websites is this forum.  yes, we all know that one of our competitors has one as well and it's very good, but besides he and us  no other sites offer a place where members can vent and share their feelings on such a large variety of subjects.  This is also a good thing;  wouldn't this site be boring if all we did was add pics  once a week and videos  once a month? what other reason would you have to come back daily between updates?   having this  place to read about our favorire topics, ladyboys, is a great thing and I am happy that we all use it and I have made several friends from here,  some of whom i have met and some of whom I am hoping to met someday [bricktop, mai-kee, thaipan, Dr john and about 20 other guys; and Salma also!].

       so please, keep the posts coming.  good or bad,  whatever you want to say.  i don't always need my ego stroked,  but again i thank all the people who are so nice to me up here.

    also, remember that i can't read this every single day, although I  try.  when i am in the USA, sure, but when travelling in Asia  it's not always possible to  check what's happening up here except a few days apart.

     thanks again for making this forum so active and such a great place to hang out.

    regards Jon
