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How much effect does ATS have on the ladies?

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  • #76
    ozzie you are no more qualified than anyone else to define normal, appropriate, correct, respect. I for one have devoted my life to Thailand, speak the language, know the culture, have two houses in the country etc etc etc.. So if you think your perspective on the country is the valid one then go ahead. But the egg on your face is starting to get old and smell.


    • #77
      (bohemia @ Oct. 31 2006,02:35) ozzie you are no more qualified than anyone else to define normal, appropriate, correct, respect.  I for one have devoted my life to Thailand, speak the language, know the culture, have two houses in the country etc etc etc..   So if you think your perspective on the country is the valid one then go ahead.  But the egg on your face is starting to get old and smell.
      When did I say my perspective was any more valid than yours? Can you please elaborate why I have egg on my face?

      I think you are just having a cry because my comments of being cheap must have hit home with you.

      Could that be because you ARE


      • #78
        As a resident (long-term) of BKK and an even longer term lover of all things Ladyboy I think that all of the postings on this (and the other "hot topic" about rich-tippers) serve to demonstrate the wide variety of human likes and dislikes. For me the advent of ATS - WONDERFUL SITE GUYS - provides an easy access to "what's hot and what's not" on the scene. However maybe because I live here and am not a "2-week-in-and-fuck-my-brains-out guy" I for one don't make a beeline for the latest stars on the site just because they are on the site AND even if I do get together with one of the babes I have only rarely experienced a sort of "snobbery" and price hike attitude.

        For all their vices (in many forms) LB's CAN be and often ARE "Nice people" - treat em right and the money is not the only thing they're there for as far as being with a guy is concerned - treat em like whores and they'll rip you wide open cos that's what you deserve. (and yes, way back when, I was guilty of that - Baaaaahh). One of the problem areas in my experience are the really young and new girls - these really can be "disturbed" and for sure you're less likely to turn your back and get away with it with new ones than the ones who've "been round the block".

        Good thread tho - who's right and who's wrong? It's whatever you want it to be.


        • #79
          Well said Sir.

          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


          • #80
            I ain't saying nothing more about money...but the original question was what affect does ATS have on the ladies...

            From my extremely limited experience, I would say very little to the average working girl...Of the handful of girls I have been with or met, only three know anything about ATS and those three only because they have appeared on its pages...Not that I ever discussed it with them...

            I was sitting one evening with a girl I like in Cascades...a girl that has been on the scene now maybe only a year...when a group entered including Stogie and Gif and she (the girl I was with) exchanged waves with Stogie and Gif...She knows him by his real name but has no idea what he does in BKK (not that I do either) or what ATS is...

            On another evening she and I met Donny and Mint for a drink and they went off discoing and she and I went off to dinner...but interestingly enough, she had absolutely no idea who Mint is or how famous Mint is in LB circles...

            Now she is probably not ever going to decorate the pages of ATS...she is not superstar material (although I like her a lot)...But she is, in my opinion, very typical of most of the other working girls that I have met or been with...For those girls neither ATS or any other ladyboy web site that operates out of LOS probably will have, in my opinion, any direct impact whatsoever...

            And that's not to say that ATS dosen't create opportunity for some select ladies, but for the average girl...Nada...

            What they care about is making their quota of drinks and bar fines...paying the rent and hopefully sending a few baht home to mama...and of course shopping...
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon

