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Is your date on Meth?

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  • #31
    "up to you, Oz"..... just remember this thread the next time your date stays in the bed until 4 or 5pm and fucks up your whole day ......   you really think it is just because she was  tired and needed extra sleep that particular day?

        You know, I only post here now and again to share what I learn from the people I know in Thailand and by doing that I believe I am doing people who read here a favor.  Unlike most of the punters here, I have actual ladyboy 'friends' who I have no sexual relationship with, they just know me well for 5 or 6 years and tell me everything that is going on in the scene and I believe them, they have more to lose than to gain by telling me these secrets but they tell me anyway.

     People choose to believe otherwise despite me doing my best to educate.... mai pen rai
    Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
    -Dennis Miller


    • #32
      (buttafly @ Feb. 11 2007,23:06) "up to you, Oz"..... just remember this thread the next time your date stays in the bed until 4 or 5pm and fucks up your whole day ......   you really think it is just because she was  tired and needed extra sleep that particular day?
      To be honest does not happen to me very often at all. I am usually up quite early even after a big night and my date is not sleeping much longer than me.

      When I am holiday I seem to have a high amount of endurance and can go without much sleep at all. Guess I am living on the high that Thailand brings.

      I don't mind if my date sleeps 'til 4 ot 5 if we have been busy on and off during the morning


      • #33
        Always wonderd what the coughing was. I thought it was some strange lurgy that i might catch,

        I was in a taxi driving around BKK for an hour at least a month ago trying to find Pharmacy for this LB with me. It turns out that there is some legal shit you an buy in some places that gives a high. Like a strip of white pills. she didnt arise until at least 4pm both days we were in pattaya and her breath had some stange chemical paint...

        I know in K3 a couple of years back the drug problem was pretty bad and it was raided often.


        • #34
          It is not a surprise that lbs are using drugs - but what is a surprise to me is the significant percentage - whether or not it is 50% or not, it is high enough to be a problem. What is more worrying is the use of stronger drugs like Ice.

          While I cannot claim personal experience with street drugs, I do know they are dangerous, highly addictive and can ruin lives. Kudos to those who can escape from the terrible effects they can have, and I am certain it was not an easy achievement.

          We all are attracted to lbs here for whatever reasons, and it behooves us to think about ways that can help our lovely ladies. For this reason, consider supporting an NGO group like Sister's Home. This is a unique counseling center set up by lbs to assist them with life problems, HIV counseling, relationship difficulties, drug problems. Right now they are in Pattaya, but are looking to expand throughout Thailand. The Pattaya Sisters' Home opened in 2005.

          I had a visit to Sisters' Home in Dec. 2006 and was happy to see them actively reaching out to the lb community, and trying to support those seeking positive government changes. A few months ago, a Thai lb was attempting to get her army exemption changed from "mental disorder", so her employment opportunities were not limited. It should be noted that the army no longer uses this term for exempting lbs from military service. Lbs from Sisters Home were supporting this lbs efforts to get her records changed.

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          • #35
            Shit, I be on a lot more than "Ice" if I had to have sex for a living with some of the ugly fuckers (farangs) I see walking around Pattaya.


            • #36
              (buttafly @ Feb. 10 2007,02:15) If  you take home a Nana Plaza or Patpong bar girl in this day and age, the percentage of probability that she is high on Meth  AKA  'Ice'  is well above the 50% range IMO. They often times smoke Ice before and during work,
              Can you blame her when she is faced with the prospect of prostituting herself to some of the fat fucks around here?

              I would stone myself out of my mind too if I had to cater to the whims of some obese, self-interested flamer who asked me to bend him over.

              If she has to get stoned when she does it with you, what does that say about YOU?


              • #37
                (sangabriel @ Feb. 17 2007,08:08) If she has to get stoned when she does it with you, what does that say about YOU?
                that me one hansum man and she want stay hard to enjoy me long time?


                • #38
                  the figures are alot higher than 50 percent as far as i can see....and it includes the BIG SUPER STARS from ATS and the other will go unnamed here but u are welcome to message me privatley if you are concerned if the one u want to see is on or not.


                  • #39
                    Can you blame her when she is faced with the prospect of prostituting herself to some of the fat fucks around here?

                    I would stone myself out of my mind too if I had to cater to the whims of some obese, self-interested flamer who asked me to bend him over.

                    If she has to get stoned when she does it with you, what does that say about YOU?
                    she could just stop hooking , don't use drugs as a form of justification!


                    • #40
                      I Hate Drug User's. and people who tolerate them.


                      • #41
                         So do I and I think it's a shame that much of the planet is in the grip of this social cancer. What's worse is that the governments that are supposedly looking after the interests of law abiding people have no will or desire to do anything about it.

                        As for the percentages of LBs doing drugs either regulary or occasionally, or hard drugs or soft, or with justification or not, then all I can say is that any drug use is too much drug use and all of it duscussed on this message board is pure guesswork and supposition.

                        I'll bet that the percentage of waiters smoking pot on a daily basis in North America (and this means millions and millions of young people) is a lot higher than the percentage of young ladyboys working in Nana Plaza doing Ice every day.

                        Like the school worker on South Park says... "Drugs are bad, OK?"  

                        It's easy to be high and mighty about it... I'm sure my life style would be different if I was in the same boat as many of these people are. And I'm surprised that some of the people who are so vitriolic about drug use amongst hookers are quite keen drug abusers themselves, or at least have been in their pasts...

                        Let he who is without a stash, cast the first hit...  


                        • #42
                          there's a big difference between using drugs for bit of fun occasionally and abusing them.
                          i've tried all drugs and had some great times, never abused them though, now i just partake a few times a year.
                          however i do abuse alcohol which i see as a drug like any other, but thankfully society doesn't so i'm not officially a junkie
                          anyway this ain't a drugs board so no point debating it here.


                          • #43
                            here in the philippines drugs is sometimes or most of the time often associated with ladyboys/gays. i can see lots of fucked up  ladyboy here working for drugs. some are gone crazy and pretending to be ok. i pity them but its there fault they let drugs gets into there heads. and filipino people have narrow brains so when they know one ladyboy who take drugs they take that as a whole.


                            • #44
                              Well, the truth is we all have 'narrow brains...'

                              I quite drinking on a regualr basis a while back and someone saw me with a beer in a restaurant and his comment was "So, you're back on the drink then!"

                              I couldn't be bothered to say that this one beer was the first and only drink I had had in weeks! People see a sign and write the book for you!

