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Ladyboys and Xanax

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  • Ladyboys and Xanax

    If you know many ladyboys and hang around with them, especially the bar workers, you will notice that most of them are vampires; stay up all night and sleep all day, and most GG's are probably the same that are in this trade. Many of these girls just happen to keep late hours and just prefer to go to bed at 4 or 5 and wake up 10 or 12 hours later, and are completely sober. They also have a real problem with the sun; Thai ladies and ladyboys hate the sun and want to keep their skin as white as possible, and making it dark is as easy as going outside in a sleeveless shirt for an hour, so staying inside is best.

    But for many of these girls, the real reason lies in the Xanax. Because Xanax is so cheap over there at 100 baht for 10, many of the girls in KC3 and Casa gobble the shit up on an almost nightly basis, eating 3 or 4 while they are on stage to relive the stress and anxiety that comes with being leered at by guys twice their age for 8 hours a night. Not to mention sleeping with multiple guys, and being poor all the time and numerous other problems they have, in which a hit of Xanax may help to boost them up, or better yet, help them forget their problems.

    Try one of these things sometimes if you have sleeping problems. I have taken just 1 before bed and slept like a baby for 10 hours; it works better than a sleeping pill or even valium. now imagine if you take 3 or 4 and mix it with a few drinks? you will be zoned out most of the next day for sure.

    This isn't the case with every ladyboy to be sure, but for many of these girls that can't seem to get their asses out of bed before 4 or 5 in the afternoon without a kick in the ass, Xanax may be behind it.


  • #2
    I don't have a sleep problem. I'm a vampire.  

    While it's probably true that many girls take uppers and downers to stay afloat at work, I'll bet they have much more fun than the zoned out Western workers do, getting up at six every morning for 300 days a year for 10 ungrateful bucks an hour.

    Are you trying to ellicit sympathy for them, Jon?

