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Finally, she's gone

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  • Finally, she's gone

    I really hope this doesn't make me sound like an old fart (although that would probably be a fair description) or smug, or self-important, or condescending but how do we spend time sober talking to LB's?

    No names, no pack drill but I just spent an afternoon with a LB at the younger end of the legal age scale and the last hour was more pain than I ever care to suffer again.

    She looked terrific although I really think her baby-aged, giant-sized ego is allowing her to think her good looks will allow her to carry an extra 5-10kg on a very small frame.

    She ate like a horse and I had to look elsewhere as she shovelled a creamy salad plate into her mouth like she hadn't eaten in months and hadn't used a fork ever before in her life.

    The sex was fair to middling (it's not the point of the post but she oversold both her stamina and cock size) but the post-coital conversation was the most excruciating thing I have ever had to do.

    I see guys on this site who fall in love with these girls and there have been moments where I am enraptured with their beauty but, fuck me, how do you talk to a 19 year old about anything but herself and the other "bitches" she refers to as her friends.

    Have some of you guys actually found girls you could talk to about anything other than sex and the long term plans they have for family, friends and their cock?

    On my first and only visit to Bangkok I spent a night with May and thought immediately she was easy to talk to and relaxed me through a fairly intimidating time but, in retrospect, I had the same conversation with her I have had with every other LB - except perhaps with a little less emphasis on herself. Perhaps a better education and a slightly smaller ego contributed to my general good impression of her but, really, it was the same crap with a different colour and smell.

    I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a middle-aged man has trouble connecting with a 19-23 year old girl but I have to assume some people are managing it. What is the secret?

    I have decided after she left that I cannot go through it again. Unless I am pissed and we are talking drunken rubbish I don't want to inflict this on myself again.

    Am I the only one to be suffering this awful conflict? I have to assume not. What are other guys doing to make the time after the sex and before the leaving tolerable? Help. Horny and bored are two emotions too conflicting to spend a lot of time maintaining together.

    Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time

  • #2
    i have never met any intersing conversation partners in the bars, but i have had, and have, a few interesting meetings outside the bar enviroment. these have been gg's and lb's with education and with actual interst in what i had to tell, not only the big bulgde in my jeans
    seriously, i don't think there is big chance to find a partner that has a past as a hooker, and especially in thailand. but i never travel to thailand to do so, so i am not looking, so i could be wrong.
    i think the downside(for the customers) with the gfe-treatment in thailand is that the customers are fooled to think there could be more than sex.


    • #3
      (newwriter @ Mar. 04 2007,19:25) but the post-coital conversation was the most excruciating thing I have ever had to do.
      You make some good points and i find the same issues although i put it down to my laziness not bothering to learn even the rudiments of Thai....i suppose it has to be the next thing on the agenda!. I can then chew the fat about the latest hip hop and VNC shoes

      I doubt if i have anything in common with most of the LBs i have ever met, no surprise, and i always find myself going to Caberet shows or some other side show so i dont have to make conversation. Ater sex i usually gonk out or watch the TV and hope they leave ASAP... which they mostly do about 80% of the time.

      Some times i can click without any conversation and just get along on the sheer energy and momentum of the moment....but around two days is the most i ever spend with anyone..

      I must at least try to learn some Thai by this Xmas...


      • #4
        Sorry, should have mentioned, this girl was a Filipino. Not sure that is relevant to my problem though

        Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


        • #5
          Finally - an interesting thread!

          Maybe I'm just shallow or easily amused because I don't have anything like the problems that you speak of.

          I can spend a week with Cindy trapped in a villa and never ever get bored of her for a second. Her English is crap and my Thai is even worse than her English, but we never felt awkward or tired or even argumentative towards each other ever...

          Now - a lot of factors come into play here... I'll try to bumble my way through some of them so bear with me... this isn't scientific!

          First off - we are about the same intelligence. How do I know? Well - stupid people annoy the crap out of me and I don't understand intelligent people's reasoning whatever language it's in.

          Secondly - we both know our roles in the relationshuip... I give her food, comfort, money and a sense of normalcy away from her job and she gives me sex, beauty, companionship and a distraction from my work.

          We always live up to our expectations. I don't forget to pay her and I don't humiliate her or suggest we do something that I know she's not happy doing. On the other hand Cindy always gives me sackfuls of great sex, lots of the famous Thai "GFE" and I can trust her not to rob me!

          Funnily enough one of our strengths is NOT talking too much! We watch a lot of movies either at home or out. We eat out and at home. We sleep and fuck and she sleeps and I work while she sleeps.

          At the end of the 2 or 3 days we both go our seperate ways till the next time.

          When I'm back on my own I can work, watch the telly, fuck off to Pattaya or even go to the UK and noone is gonna tell me I can't or I shouldn't or I'm selfish, etc...

          We talk about incidental stuff that doesn't mean much because I (and I suspect she) doesn't give two hoots about any serious issues. I have no interest in war, politics, her Thai friends and my farang chums... I suspect she feels the same!

          We play pool and laugh a lot and hold hands on the bus and go shopping and sleep and fuck and most of this is done without a word passed between us...

          But most of all we are both happy and secure and carefree. With her I get no soap, no demands and no pouting. We actually do like being in each others company.

          If any of this were to change she'd be gone. I'd rather be alone than be even slightly unhappy with someone for any reason.

          Now - moving on...

          newwriter makes a fascinating post which I have heard in bars and from people I have met a thousand times... so my question is - why are you even with her at all? What's the point of wasting your valuable time with someone when the chemistry isn't there.

          It's no good saying "well, we have nothing in common, Stogie!" Of course you haven't got anything in common. Shes a teenager and your a nearly dead person. If you are looking for a partner with some shared interests then joiun the local dominos club or soldier on down to ASDAs and meet the pig of your dreams.

          "Yes - but we don't communicate!" I hear you say. Well - communicating with words is what strangers do. You shouldn't have to 'talk' to your squeeze to know what she wants or what she is thinking.

          "Somethings she does make me mad!" Then that's your fault for letting her do them or not stopping her. People in relationships live by rules. They have to be clearly understood at the beginning of the relationship or it's doomed. If she's not playing by your rules and you by hers then of course there will be confusion, frustration and an embarrasing empty space of silence.

          It's got fuck all to do with culture and language and age and education. It's down to one thing only - do you like each other!

          I like Cindy even when she's sleeping and I'm watching the football. She likes me when she's watching Thai movies and I'm wearing a headset tapping on my computer...

          Like I said... not very scientific!


          • #6
            I see guys on this site who fall in love with these girls and there have been moments where I am enraptured with their beauty but, fuck me, how do you talk to a 19 year old  about anything but herself and the other "bitches" she refers to as her friends.

            Have some of you guys actually found girls you could talk to about anything other than sex and  the long term plans they have for family, friends and their cock?

            I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a middle-aged man has trouble connecting with a 19-23 year old girl but I have to assume some people are managing it. What is the secret?
            You see guys on this site who SAY they have a proper relationship. My guess it is 99% bullshit - this is a blind Internet sex tourists porno forum after all.

            Hell, do you actually think I went to Brazil? Maybe I just sent Hilda 100 bucks to say I was there to make myself sound interesting, and made my trip report up from some travel agent brochures  

            I can have some sensible and interesting conversations in the Philippines, with gg's and lb's, but that is language and cultural similarities. But in Thailand, give me a break, and most people who say otherwise are talking out of their asses if you ask me.

            And if that doesn't stir something up, I will repost later when I am pissed and more 'creative'!
            Mister Arse


            • #7
              (stogie bear @ Mar. 04 2007,21:51) If you are looking for a partner with some shared interests then joiun the local dominos club or soldier on down to ASDAs and meet the pig of your dreams.

              Well - communicating with words is what strangers do. You shouldn't have to 'talk' to your squeeze to know what she wants or what she is thinking.

              People in relationships live by rules. They have to be clearly understood at the beginning of the relationship or it's doomed. If she's not playing by your rules and you by hers then of course there will be confusion, frustration and an embarrasing empty space of silence.

              I like Cindy even when she's sleeping and I'm watching the football. She likes me when she's watching Thai movies and I'm wearing a headset tapping on my computer...
              Interesting thoughts. Quite jaded though if the only choices for finding a partner are ASDA or Dominos...  

              The relationship you clearly describe with Cindy is a business relationship. Therefore firm rules, especially on your part, are quite appropriate. After all, you are paying ! If the customer doesn't like the service or model, he can always change. It's a Buyer's market. Not to belittle the relationship you may have with this girl, but I think it's fair to point out that it's first and foremost a commercial arrangement. No expectations or promises that it is anything more than one of mutual convenience. Albeit a very nice convenience and apparently a very nice GFE. Fair play to you  

              A certain number of rules or an understanding of mutual needs is of course essential for the success of any relationship. Now, I'm not of the 'let's-talk-about-our-feelings-new-age' school either. But to say that we should always know what our partner is thinking without communicating is a little OTT in terms of measuring the success or otherwise of that relationship.

              On the contrary, I would say that communicating with words is what intelligent people do. Not endless wordfests mind, just real honest communication when appropriate. But it is nice to meet someone where sometimes words are not necessary.    But that's not often, and that's not even necessary for a good relationship. Of course it's much easier when she will be gone in 1 or 2 days.  

              Now back to the OP. How do they cope ? I'm sure many feel the same and are secretly tiring of the lifestyle. The others ? Maybe they just really love the sex and couldn't care less about conversation...

              BTW Stewart. Hilda said she'd do it for me for 50  


              • #8
                (stogie bear @ Mar. 04 2007,21:51) Secondly - we both know our roles in the relationshuip... I give her food, comfort, money and a sense of normalcy away from her job and she gives me sex, beauty, companionship and a distraction from my work.
                distraction from your work
                hey mate i was thinking your work is fucking ladyboys
                how can you need distraction from that
                Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


                • #9
                  No criticism intended as the comments are all thoughtful and obviously heartfelt but my issue is not one of relationship rather how to make the time pass less painfully after paid sex and before it is reasonable for me or her to leave (I presume me if it is her place and her if vice versa).

                  I actually think this kid was smart - in the restaurant whilst we were having a bite to eat I quite liked the stuff she had to say and I am no Einstein so no great disparity there. She is a young babe and I'm an old bastard but I have money and she wants it.

                  Our relationship should be simple. And it is until we have finished the naughty bits. Then it just becomes bloody painful. I am reminded of the age difference and how little we have in common and I can only presume she has similar feelings.

                  Surely she can't be sitting on my lounge naked looking at my limp dick and fat gut thinking of ways to extend her time with me. She MUST be thinking how do I evacuate without offending this old cunt. Right?

                  If I could apply anything from Stogie's thoughts it might be that I should agree that whoever is the guest is expected to bugger off out of the bedroom, shower and get moving asap after sex. No promises of follow up phone calls and no awkward non-conversation.

                  I might give it a try next time. Having said that, if she had a few more inches I may have begged her to stay for a LT and I then have another problem to deal with.

                  They're a conundrum.

                  Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                  • #10
                    (newwriter @ Mar. 04 2007,23:40) Our relationship should be simple. And it is until we have finished the naughty bits. Then it just becomes bloody painful. I am reminded of the age difference and how little we have in common and I can only presume she has similar feelings.

                    Surely she can't be sitting on my lounge naked looking at my limp dick and fat gut thinking of ways to extend her time with me. She MUST be thinking how do I evacuate without offending this old cunt. Right?
                    You'd probably be doing her a favour if you just buggered off at the end too. She is a prostitute for Christ's sake, not someone to worry about a relationship with.

                    You know what you want and she knows what she wants, so you leave quickly after paying her a (relatively) nice tip and expressing interest in seeing her again, if that is what you want.

                    Surely your fatass can't be surprised when you search for a 19 year old with a big dick to fuck you, and then:
                    - she ends up eating like a horse
                    - talking about herself
                    - and is not as petite as you would like!

                    No man, you searched out a 19 year old stud in a dress to ream your backside and that is what you got! Eating like a horse and talking endlessly about themselves is something 19 year olds with big swinging dicks do!

                    If you want a more feminine creature, a demure and lithe beauty who is so feminine as to hide her own appetite even while watching you gorge your pot-belly, I would suggest looking for girls who are so feminine that they even hate their dicks too. That kind of femininity is correlated.


                    • #11
                      (stogie bear @ Mar. 04 2007,06:51) we both know our roles in the relationshuip...

                      We always live up to our expectations.

                      Funnily enough one of our strengths is NOT talking too much!

                      It's got fuck all to do with culture and language and age and education. It's down to one thing only - do you like each other!


                      • #12
                        Good point

                        If you asked me what I talked about with Aem, S and Jenny on my last trip I would not have a clue it was sex sex sex

                        Wise was different, she is a very intelligent and clever girl with great English and we had some quite interesting conversations    

                        Me and my ex girl talk about anything and everything now for hours on end we still do have a lot of feelings for each other
                        When I first met her in August 2004 her English was very very limited, but now her English speaking and written skills are excellent
                        She puts it down to having a good teacher

                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #13
                          (Stewart @ Mar. 04 2007,22:05)
                          I see guys on this site who fall in love with these girls and there have been moments where I am enraptured with their beauty but, fuck me, how do you talk to a 19 year old  about anything but herself and the other "bitches" she refers to as her friends.

                          Have some of you guys actually found girls you could talk to about anything other than sex and  the long term plans they have for family, friends and their cock?

                          I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a middle-aged man has trouble connecting with a 19-23 year old girl but I have to assume some people are managing it. What is the secret?
                          You see guys on this site who SAY they have a proper relationship. My guess it is 99% bullshit - this is a blind Internet sex tourists porno forum after all.

                          Hell, do you actually think I went to Brazil? Maybe I just sent Hilda 100 bucks to say I was there to make myself sound interesting, and made my trip report up from some travel agent brochures  

                          I can have some sensible and interesting conversations in the Philippines, with gg's and lb's, but that is language and cultural similarities. But in Thailand, give me a break, and most people who say otherwise are talking out of their asses if you ask me.

                          And if that doesn't stir something up, I will repost later when I am pissed and more 'creative'!  
                          i have lived together with my girl for 3 years, 1 in BKK and 2 in London....

                          even UK Immigration reconise our relationship so I think this statement is a bit unfair

                          Our age gap is 8 years, she speaks really good english, and has a degree, if you want to find a LB with a brian who can hold a conversation, you can find her, you just have to look, if your priority is looking for the youngest LB, or the LB with the biggest cock, don't complain when the conversation is not great!


                          • #14
                            (stogie bear @ Mar. 05 2007,01:51) It's got fuck all to do with culture and language and age and education. It's down to one thing only - do you like each other!....

                            Conversation is a two-way thing if you like each other it should just flow, doesn't need to be worked at.
                            Too old to die young!


                            • #15
                              Trust me, learning and understanding Thai is more of a curse than a blessing. With th gg's, they become comortable with me and start to expose the dark side of the profession that I just dont want to know about....with LB's, they get comfortable as well and start to drop the fake high voice. After a while it becomes too evident that I am basically talking to a young Thai man and it kills the fantasy instantly. I just like to joke with them and have the topics light, if they get serious...I just start talking about sex and it puts them into the right mode. Thus the reason why LT with LB's is not for me.
                              brock landers

