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Bad Kissers

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  • Bad Kissers

    Did you ever bar fine a ladyboy and discover to your great displeasure that she either does not know how to kiss or just refuses to kiss you. For me it is a deal breaker. I dont teach and consider myself to be an expert at kissing. But i dont think that it is upon the the customer to take time to teach an LB the art of kissing. You may reason that if he does he might benefit for the ST or all nighter but i have tried both and have come to the conclusion that it is far easier to give a few baht for taxi and time then to get into the game.
    Well last night i bar fined an LB named Beer from the new bar and she is a closed mouth threee peck ala grandma. I wish her well but i think Jay should have her watch some video or talk to her. I gave her 1000 baht for five minutes in my room just to get her out. And my night proved more interestingand exciting in any event. What is your opinion on bad kissers and who would you like to tag?

  • #2
    ... it's an essential part of the GFE ...

    ...I couldn't t agree more pinyo; if a LB can't kiss passionately (and I guess I expect more because LBs are physically more robust than Thai GGs) it undermines my enthusiasm, the quick road to noodle city.

    A related caveat ... the breath. A lot of these girls have fishy breath (I understand it's a particular Thai genetic predisposition in a small minority of cases). But some just smell like whatever they pulled off the hawkers stands earlier in the evening...

    Maybe I'm too picky, but, to me, ah... this is kind of important ... I'd rather rim the other end, than kiss a fishy tongue


    • #3
      (pinyo1 @ Mar. 05 2007,19:52)      
      Did you ever bar fine a ladyboy and discover to your great displeasure that she either does not know how to kiss or just refuses to kiss you.    What is your opinion on bad kissers and who would you like to tag?
      I 'guess' some hookers think that kissing is more intimate than fucking. Cant believe we are talking 'dont know how to'!  Or it could be the chemistry.  Or it could be an awareness that somtam breath is a turn off (for both parties)

      Personally I rate kissing very highly too, and fortunately have had no granny experiences at all (with LBs that is - another thing with starfish GGs). Occasionally a LB with new braces fitted can be very self-conscious of kissing.  

      But I'm sure we all have our own ideas of what makes a good kisser - aggressive tongue-down-throat after 10 seconds doesnt do it for me either.


      • #4
        (TTChang @ Mar. 05 2007,20:40) I 'guess' some hookers think that kissing is more intimate than fucking. Cant believe we are talking 'dont know how to'! Or it could be the chemistry.
        I think it is more intimate than fucking (it's closer to the eyes, nose, ears, brain ... say no more) ... and because of that, chemistry matters a lot IMHO


        • #5
          I have not sufferred from no french kissing, most seem to thoroughly enjoy a good "french" kiss, in fact some, May from Obsession, almost demands it. Yes Lama breath can be a problem, but nothing a thorough teeth clean & a few fisherman friends can't sort. Plus, close to the actual time of execution i don't eat dead rats, beetles, & some of the other tasty morsels that give breath capable of dropping a charging bull elelphant at 20 paces!

          In fact i would go as far as to say the majority kiss better than most of the western women who have lowered themselves to do me the huge favour of a kiss.

          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


          • #6
            In response to tt chang i am not talking chemistry......we are talking about an LB that prefers to peck at your outer lips rather than open her mouth and give a little moist wet tongue......sort of grandmotherluy......i dont think an LB working should even try to say" that is how i kiss." Now in this case she was brought for me but i never ever take anyone who refuses to kiss me in the bar. Deal Breaker!


            • #7
              (Groundhog @ Mar. 05 2007,20:24) ...I couldn't t agree more pinyo; if a LB can't kiss passionately (and I guess I expect more because LBs are physically more robust than Thai GGs) it undermines my enthusiasm, the quick road to noodle city.
              Nice call Groundhog. Bloody oath this is important.

              As a very enthusiastic user of my lips and tongue in as many ways as possible, the lips are a major GO zone.

              My extremely limited experience would indicate there may be a correlation between the willingness/ability of a LB to kiss passionately and the likelihood that the post coital experience will be a dud.

              This topic has made me think these two things are linked. In future I will make a point of checking out if the kissing leads to better quality talking - and vice versa.

              Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


              • #8
                Kissing in Thai culture, and India as well, is not so essential. It is very intimate and the mouth harbors all sorts of bacteria. Just listen to a ladyboy describe how disgusting a pussy is, seen as a catchall of everything nasty, just like a mouth. Given that many bar boys and girls learn about "how to please a farang" from porno movies, much of their sexual behavior is not natural, but part of a business plan to please the customer.


                • #9
                  (bohemia @ Mar. 06 2007,01:43) It is very intimate and the mouth harbors all sorts of bacteria.  
                  So my showered cock is likely to be more welcome in her mouth than my tongue?   Mmmmm, interesting thought  

                  Sorry to lower the tone of this thread

                  much of their sexual behavior is not natural, but part of a business plan
                  The LB 'Business Plan'  is the only concept that matches every LB experience I've had during my recent visit to LOS (trip report to follow - TTChang as cash cow!)  But none of the marketing plans appear to have included 'kiss with closed mouth' as a customer-driven activity!!!


                  • #10
                    Let's face it, the ladyboys have to deal with guys with ass breath, smokers breath and flat out bad hygiene. Granted, most of them have dirtbag local boyfriends who could learn a thing or two about hygiene as well.

                    The other thing to consider things from their perspective. Have you taken a good look at most of us mongers who go to LOS to hook up with ladyboys. To call us a motley crew would be an understatement. If I saw a guy like me ready kiss, I would give a grandma kiss as well.
                    brock landers


                    • #11
                      (pinyo1 @ Mar. 05 2007,19:52)      
                      Did you ever bar fine a ladyboy and discover to your great displeasure that she either does not know how to kiss or just refuses to kiss you.  For me it is a deal breaker.  I dont teach and consider myself to be an expert at kissing.  But i dont think that it is upon the the customer to take time to teach an LB the art of kissing.  You may reason that if he does he might benefit for the ST or all nighter but i have tried both and have come to the conclusion that it is far easier to give a few baht for taxi and time then to get into the game.
                      Well last night i bar fined an LB named Beer from the new bar and she is a closed mouth threee peck ala grandma.  I wish her well but i think Jay should have her watch some video or talk to her.  I gave her 1000 baht for five minutes in my room just to get her out.  And my night proved more interestingand exciting in any event.  What is your opinion on bad kissers and who would you like to tag?
                      I suspect she did not want to kiss you coz your breath probably smelt worst than Satans bottom after eating curry straight for 1 week

                      However much you pay you should never assume or expect kissing from someone other than your girlfriend.

                      Kissing is very intimate and alot of working girls prefer not to do it and good luck to them. If a girl does kiss you then thank your lucky stars coz its a real bonus and hey for 1 second you might want to believe that she likes you.....

                      I dispise people who think they should get "everything" for money and usually such small amounts of money in LOS. You pay for sex period, anything else is a bonus, so allow the girls some dignity to decide how intimate they want to be aside the fucking.

                      Lets be grateful for small mercies eh....


                      • #12
                        When there was mutual sympathy...not only the money thing...i had many really good pasionate kissers...
                        Only a thing of Sympathy and mood...and of course how you are to the girls...

                        Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                        • #13
                          (Dieter @ Mar. 06 2007,05:25) When there was mutual sympathy...not only the money thing...i had many really good pasionate kissers...
                          Only a thing of Sympathy and mood...and of course how you are to the girls...

                          I agree with the chemistry thing. If it feels right and you have a connection then kissing can be great.

                          But also agree with breaker that it is a moreintimate act and should not be expected from a paid partner. It is a bonus.
                          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                          • #14
                            (newwriter @ Mar. 05 2007,23:17) ... there may be a correlation between the willingness/ability of a LB to kiss passionately and the likelihood that the post coital experience will be a dud... In future I will make a point of checking out if the kissing leads to better quality talking - and vice versa.
                            Can't wait for the report ... remember ... large sample size ... at least 20 datapoints for Central Limit Theorem convergence. ..HooHa


                            • #15
                              I guess I must be lucky.All of my Thai lb experiences have contained a great deal of kissing, as foreplay.The older I get the more foreplay means to me.Passionate kissing gets the "love muscle" on the move, along with plenty of bodily contact.I have found that the lb's I have been with seem to enjoy a slower more intimate time, rather than a "quickie".I think it just depends on all the factors previously mentioned by others.Looks,personal hygiene,age,etc.

