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You don't have to register...

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  • You don't have to register...

    A couple of changes to the forum...

    You can now read the forum without registering or logging in... well, at least you can see some of it!

    Some forums are hidden unless you join the forum.

    Also; you can't really do anything until you log in or register. So if you want to reply to a subject or start your own then you need to register or log in.

    If you have trouble remembering your password then either re-register or use the 'Change Password' feature. I can't help you if you forget your password as it is encrypted.

    If you came here looking for the free pics or ladyboy contact information or the travel information posts then you will have to join or log in...

    The reason for all this?

    Well... more people will see the forum and stick around and frankly even our registration process was too difficult for some of the muppets out there using the internet and I can't spend any more time holding peoples hands trying to get them to register properly!

    Comments both good and bad always welcome!

    Stogie Bear
