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The 5 Beer Chang Rule

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  • #16
    Whats the point of ruining a good session by diluting it with drink. Also, for me, is the constant pissing all night as well!!
    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


    • #17
      It would not ruin a good session for me just forgetting what happened after
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #18
        (bomber69 @ Apr. 20 2007,02:23) And sleep is a more attractive offer than any LB.

        you sound like me!!!

        damn, I didn't think I was the only lightweight here.... this poll is very telling

        for the record, had 2 Chang's last night, screwed like Rocky getting ready for a bout, blew a massive load and sent the young girl [who was very cool and gave it up nicely too] packing and crashed an hour later and slept for 8 hours.

        you see......sometime you CAN have it all!! The key is moderation, eh?
        Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
        -Dennis Miller


        • #19
          Large Chang..max 2 !!
          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


          • #20
            My biggest problem is falling asleep. If I can stay awake, then there's nothing a Vitamin V chaser can't fix.
            Too old to die young!


            • #21
              (moe666 @ Apr. 20 2007,01:55) Big Tel, as long as you don't have to chew off your arm so as not to wake her she is ok.
              Yes good point Moe, arms are intact so they coudn't have been that bad

              If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


              • #22
                I can have a 12 hour session on the booze and polish of close to 18 beers, so long as im not tired i tend to have mad passionate sex and hard as a rock, but if im tired ill be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow


                • #23
                  After 10 -12 I'll be tipsy but no drunk...Only beer I get drunk with is Holsten Pilsner..
                  And I fuck much beter when I'm bit drunk..
                  So many Ladyboys so little time..


                  • #24
                    6 is ok but just as someone else said, cant climax!
                    Lack of concentration or whatever it is, after a while it just makes it boaring!
                    So early sex and then out drinking or joining the Coca Cola drinkers.


                    • #25
                      After 10-12 pints I become a  "hooligan"

                      Sorry buttafly could not resist
                      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                      • #26
                        i try to stay sober , but unfortually know some bad people who lead me astray
                        i have a mate who travelled with us in feb [his first trip ] who is now known as "big chang " after his legendry sessions - this guy is a beer monster , everyday 20- 25 changs then on to the vodka or samsung till 5am , and im not kidding , hes the same back home , one nite of that would kill me , but he was at it afternoon time at the pool every day no problem - scary stuff
                        Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                        • #27
                          The drinks don't seem to matter to me.

                          It seems the number of times per night that is the key.

                          Even after 12 drinks, provided I didn't do it that day, it's ok.

                          But doing once or twice during the day, makes the drinks matter.


                          • #28
                            Steadily downhill for every one after the first 6. By the time I hit 8 - 9 beers I start hoping theres a Formula 1 race on TV back in the room.


                            • #29
                              i prefer a drink or two before sex sometimes as it relaxes me.
                              but if i have more than that i will take a quarter or third of little blue pill and theres no problem at all.

                              then there are the times you prefer 100% sober sex. your body is so much more attentive, and the whole experience can be much more intense.

                              it pretty much is a waste to fuck when your completely wasted, but who's gonna talk a drunk out of nailing a gorgeous LB?


                              • #30
                                I love to have my 5 Chang and 5 G&T and hope to find someone who's still able to perform!


