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Ladyboy Pagent - Miss Mandaue

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  • Ladyboy Pagent - Miss Mandaue

    For those of you who do not know, Miss Mandaue (in Cebu) has been a focal pagent for ladyboys in Cebu. Many careers as singers, performers and (sigh) escorts has been startred by this event.
    For previous years the event has been sponsored by the local mayor. Ladyboys are key to politics here oddly. (if anyone has a video of Hillary Clinton and a LB I will pay big bucks 4 it)
    This year two things happened. The long time director died (a mentor of my wife) and the mayor got caught up in a finanial scandal leading to his resignation. The new mayor does not want to sponsor the event. It looked like cancellation.
    Recently one of the organisers contacted my wife (an ex Miss Mandaue) to try to revive the event with her as MC.
    It looks like the event will go ahead after all.
    Fund raising is difficult as you can imagine. If you would like to send a few bucks to help this event, PM me.

    This means a lot to the LBs here. I am giving what I can, why not you?

  • #2
    It looks like the event will go ahead after all...
    Are you sure? I am aware that the acting Mayor (Amadeo Seno) is planning to seek permission from the local authorities to allow residents and tourists to visit the Cebu International Convention Center (CICC) in a one-day open house activity to be conducted in the parking lot/picnic area. This is supposedly a sort of compensation in lieu of the regular event.

    But I was NOT aware of the traditional annual pageant being held.

    Also there will be a proposed admission charge for this 'open day' so I'm not sure why members of this forum would want to send additional funds. Is this for advertising or a specific stall?

    Could you furnish us with more info please.

    And the organisors had better get busy if this event is gonna work because it's scheduled for May the 8th about 2 weeks from now. When cancellation of the Miss Mandaue Pageant was first made public, Seno said the fiesta committee was going to comcentrate on promoting some of the other activities such as the "Matron Queen" and the "Prince and Princess" of the fiesta.

    It's certainly good news if the ladyboy pageant is back on the menu, but frankly I think this is a long way from happening...

    I hope I'm wrong.


    • #3
      My wife is out at the moment working on it. When she gets back I will get more details for you.
      I was asleep when she went out but I notice a couple of pages of gold sponsor tickets she had printed had gone.


      • #4
        There was also a very big fire in Cebu about 3 months ago, and many hundreds of displaced people were living in the sports hall where the pageant is normally held
        Mister Arse


        • #5
          Hey Clitusuk

          have you been you any of these smaller ladyboys shows that they have on around Hotel swimming pools. Im  coming over soon hopefully and hope to see a certain LB parade herself at one of these..

          This fairly recent piccy was taken of Iya at one of these shows. Ps( maybe its a public pool, a bit big for a Hotel eh!)

          Attached Files


          • #6
            First apologies for the late reply.
            I overdid it with the Tanduay and lost some time if you know what I mean.

            More apologies, it seems there has been a missunderstanding on my part. It came out of 2 conversations with my wife and I put what I thought was 2 and 2 together, got four but actually it was 1 and 2.
            Firstly my wife told me how some of the LBs wanted to try to get the pagent Miss Madaue going again.
            Later she gets off the phone (long long call) and says she is being asked to be a co-host of Miss Madaue. She then spent most of the day yapping on the phone to various people in Cebuano about budgets and stuff. Same next day.
            It is at this point that I made my first post. It was actually in the middle of the night as a kind of afterthought to the day.
            Then I got your questioning replies so when she got home we had a long talk about it. Being the lazy arse I am I got her to make notes, which typically I can hardly read.
            What I did not know was that that it is actually 2 pagents. One for GGs one for Lbs, Miss Mandaue and Miss Gay Mandaue. Problem is they both in conversation get called Miss Mandaue.

            So, the situation is this (as I understand it) :
            Miss Madaue (for girls) will take place 7th may, with my wife as a co-host. (Kinda funny that really, a Lb as a host of a GG pagent). Funding is tight but apparently it will be ok. I am already a sponsor (bugger I thought I was sponsoring the lb one).

            Miss Gay Mandaue which normally takes place 1 or 2 days after looks sunk. there are some willing sponsors but not enough.
            I asked my wife if it could still happen if the money turned up.
            She said it could, so I got her to give me figures. It needs around 90,000 peso, maybe a bit less.
            I can't see that kind of cash being raised so quick to be honest. Pity really as it has apparently been going since the 60's.
            Ha, in the 60's I didnt even know LBs existed.
            If anyone wants to pledge money PM me but send nothing yet as I suspect we wont make enough. I could proberbly channel any donations through my bridal company here so you would get reciepts and sponsorship recognition at the event IF IF we ever got it of the ground. Again, send no money now.

            Other stuff
            There were actually 2 large fires in Mandaue recently. Mostly wooden structures and a lot of damage. Apparently only one house survived. A woman was stood outside it praying and praising God while her sons removed the house contents. The house was her mother in law's. The woman was MY mother in law. 2nd time in 5 years.

            Despite living here almost 3 years now and my wife singing at many events and hosting them. I don't actually go out much to shows or pagents. Main reason is my wife likes to keep me away from temptation. The boxing day (night actually) beach party was good tho.


            • #7


              • #8
                Thanks for the update, clitusuk...


                • #9
                  Another update.

                  My wife is down in Bohol doing a show tonight. Just spoke with her on the phone. Apparently she has been contacted to possibly host Miss Gay Mandaue as well today, there will be a meeting tommrow afternoon about it.
                  This does not mean it will definatly happen, just that it might.
                  A lot of shows do not as Cebuanos say "push through". Lets just hope huh?


                  • #10
                    Well my wife came home from Bohol and soon rushed out to the screaning of contestants for Miss Mandaue (for girls) which is then followed by the screening for LBs. She is going to MC both events.
                    Seems Miss Gay Mandaue is going to happen, 9th or 10th of may.
                    I tried to get details, who, how, where is the money coming from.
                    If you have spent any time with Filipinos you know how it is. Details happen to someone else. Getting facts can take days of patient questioning on a level that makes a TV police drama look like kindergrden.
                    It took me a week to finally get the whole story when my 1st wife came home and announced with glee that she had stabbed someone.
                    Way things are going, the pagent will happen in may and I will find out how around mid october.


                    • #11
                      the real queens of drama..


                      • #12
                        so much drama in the mandaue political scene nowadays....

                        The old guard of the political dynasty which ruled Mandaue City for many years, because of the suspension of the current mayor and the "resignation" of his "cabinet," is making it look like Mandaue is bleak and useless without them.... but it really isn''s just that this political hullabaloo has to happen at a significant time of the city feast where there is expected to be a lot of events and happenings....and sudden withdrawal of this political dynasty's support has affected funding for several important events which signify the city celebrations....

                        but it's good to hear good news at last about the city fiesta...
                        My Facebook
                        PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                        • #13
                          Actually I am a bit pissed off with the ex mayor, Teddy Duano I think his name is.
                          I sat next to him at my brother in law's funeral, er I mean wedding dinner. He spoke a lot about how he wanted better things for Mandaue and went on to give a moving speech about how God should be at the center of a marriage.
                          Then he turns out to be some kind of gangster.


                          • #14
                            Oh well as an afterthought. Because of the ASEAN summit some road finally got some badly needed repair. At least we got that.


                            • #15
                              unfortunately the ASEAN summit was also his undoing because some political committee found out he was more than tripling the costs of the actual amount for the modern-looking lamp posts installed around the areas of great significance during the ASEAN summit in his expenditure list ... which probably placed millions of pesos into the family coffers...

                              as a result he was suspended from office and now the current political situation is one big puddle of mud and with the elections coming up and the reputation of this political dynasty practice massive cheating and people wanting change in the city's political system...the city celebrations take a backdoor in anticipation of the electoral results...

                              jesus im starting to sound like a reporter.....LOL
                              My Facebook
                              PHILIPPINES: +639153569810

