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Prostitutes in Miss TIFFANYS - before and/or After

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  • #46
    this photo simply says one thing...FIXED a deal a fake competition. how did they know the first day of pre-selection who would be the winners....

    Mardhi ,

    please jay not even to try...


    • #47
      I think Mardhi was having a bit of fun and not posting seriously, but if I am wrong, Mardhi, please correct me!

      However, I would cheer Jay on if she did enter the competition!

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      • #48
        The main aim of Miss Tiffany Show according to the organisers is to promote tourism in Pattaya..which is  sex tourism to a large degree .

        The venue sits at one end of the hooker capital of the world, or one of them anyway, and also the whole show is rigged, meaning corrupt.... and we are asking for the contestants to be normal, whatever that is!. What a load of crap as Mr Grumpy used to say.

        The mention of the word Pattaya to people in the west is enough to raise eyebrows it has such bad reputation.


        • #49
          (stogie bear @ May 24 2007,13:58)
          The QUESTION now is: Should Tiffanys allow GOGO girls to take place in the competition?
          Unfortunately most of the respondents failed to read the question and have since started adding what they would do or 'what if, in an ideal world...' types of comments...

          It is a beauty contest and that should be the single, pure measurement.

          I am 100% morally OK with prostitution.

          Unbelievable how you move from extreme left to extreme right. I hate foreigners and religion, but oh god, don't let a hooker in a Ladyboy pageant.
          Three different posters in the above quote so let's take them one at a time...

          1 - No it isn't. You don't know anything about the competition so your opinion is moot.

          2 - So what - Thailand isn't 100% comfortable with prostitution and neither are the organizers of the Miss Tiffany competition. Having known prostitutes in this pageant would seriously diminish it's credibility as a competition and it's impact on Transsexuals in Thailand.

          3 - Well - again you live on another planet and your rare trips to Earth are permeated by what you would do if you were King! Your quote suggests that I am morally against prostitutes being encouraged to enter this competition... I'm not.

          But for the practical ambitions of the organizers it makes no sense to encourage GOGO girls to take place in the competition. (Remember the original question?)

          Like someone else alluded to - hooking is a job. There are many levels of it and we all prostitute ourselves in one way or another. But whether you like it or not being a known P4P player carries with it a social stigma and would reduce the credibility of the Miss Tiffany competition to a joke.

          I'm all in favor of a ladyboy beauty competition which is open to all and doesn't include any of the stupid personality tests that most of these pageants do. I'm all in favor of beauty for the sake of beauty... but Miss Tiffany's is not and has embraced (albeit in a convoluted Thai way) a set of standards which it makes a reasonable effort to uphold.
          OK, after this "explanation" I am no more angry with you SB. However, I still disagree.
          Yes, for "practical" reasons, preventing bar girls from the competitions help "enhancing" the images of transsexuals. But, so can we all help by not indulging in the P4P games ourselves. Now why is it OK for us to do whatever we want and when it comes to the LB themselves, they should be asked to carry the weight of "promoting the positive images of transsexuals". Whatever Tiffany contest can do could be easily destroy by the flock us of entering Nana paying under 1500 bt per fuck.
          My main thing is double standards. If for whatever reason a right wing Christian comes to this site making a comment on how prostitutes are secondary citizens, I will argue with him but at least I know he is not exercising double standards on others. We, as a bunch a sex tourists (or who are addicted to the sex so much and actually became sex extrapats ) have no rights to cast the stones.
          Again, I know some of you are arguing your points from the so called "practical" angles, but I still say it's a double standards while we ask ourselves no obligations what so ever to care about the rest of society sees us. If some Thai person make a remarks on how Farang promote prostitutions or some west woman criticize sex tourists are secondary citizens we will collectively defend ourselves. But when it comes to the girls we somehow want to be practical? Doesn't make sense to me.


          • #50
            Now why is it OK for us to do whatever we want and when it comes to the LB themselves, they should be asked to carry the weight of "promoting the positive images of transsexuals".
            Hi lostinlos...

            It's OK for us to do whatever we want because we haven't set our sights any differently. In fact we are doing what is expected of us. Ladyboys carry the can for promoting the positive images of ladyboys because no-one else can. Who else is going to do it?

            I think you are sometimes forgetting that the amount of ladyboys who screw farangs is a miniscule percentage of the total number. The Thai media is always celebrating positive acheivements of ladyboys and almost never the negative ones. (The English language Pattaya papers don't count as 'Thai media!')

            I personally don't see the corralation between screwing ladyboys and ladyboy pageants.

            The Tiffany show treads a fine line between what is mainstream entertainment for the TV and what is a spectacle of scorn and ridicule for conservatives. It courts the media in a way that finely balances the tawdry image of Pattaya as a sexpat mecca and on the other hand - a show that's good clean family fun.

            If you've ever seen the coaches outside the caberet shows empty out you'll see they are full of mainstream tourists of all races and religeons and plenty of children also. The transvestite shows and ladyboy pageants are good clean fun.

            The press, TV and media not to mention the holiday tour operators will probably take a dim view of these tourist hotspots if they start actively and publicly hiring known P4P girls from go go bars.

            "But (I hear you cry) they are all up for a shag after, right?"

            Well - it's true that many of them will make themselves available for a bit of sex for cash after their days work is done. The wages for caberet girls are shockingly low and there's no money to be made in entering a beauty competition!

            So - welcome to Thailand - and the double standards that you alluded to in your post. Like everything else in Thailand - the laws, rules and conditions of behaviour only come into effect when you are found doing something wrong and NOT before. It is expected that some girls will be 'up for it' after a show but it's not a part of the entrance examination!

            As for what constitutes 'second class citizens'... well that's probably in the eye of the beholder. Most wealthy Thais see all farangs as second class citizens not worthy of common courtesy. I consider most English teachers in Thailand to be second class citizens, and I should know! Poor people in the UK consider Polish immigrants to be second class citizens, so there's no real formular for that is there!

