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Should the forum play a part...

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  • #16
    It's very true. I like them when they are 18 because I can't get locked up for it. The only reason I don't shag younger ladyboys and femboys is because I'm scared of getting caught. If it were legal I'd do it. And if most of us were honest we probably all would.

    Ozzie has already stated clearly that for him it IS a jail issue and not a morality one.


    • #17
      I think realistically the sex industry in the third world isnt as customer concious as it may be in the Chicken Ranch or the brothels of Prague . Its certainly a lot worse in Manilla from what i hear and read.


      • #18
        I need to sleep. I agreed with Stogie twice. It's time for whiskey.

        Seriously though, this is all about jail. We all like young LBs. That is why most of us are over 40 and most LBs are under 22, and most of us like the ones 18-20. Bars and bar owners are most certainly not the problem. And as Kahuna mentioned, it's all up to us to take care of our own situation, and pay the price of our actions.


        • #19
          (ziggystardust @ Aug. 16 2007,04:15) I need to sleep. I agreed with Stogie twice. It's time for whiskey.

          Seriously though, this is all about jail. We all like young LBs. That is why most of us are over 40 and most LBs are under 22, and most of us like the ones 18-20. Bars and bar owners are most certainly not the problem. And as Kahuna mentioned, it's all up to us to take care of our own situation, and pay the price of our actions.
          Yes this is more a legal issue for me more rather than a moral one however I do also have moral issues with shagging someone who may not be sexually or mentally mature enough but that is another debate has been had before about what age that might happen.

          Also I never said we as individuals are not reponsible for our own actions just that I would like the bars to assist to make this easier for us and if they do not then we let all and sundry know that that they knowingly employ underage girls.

          Is this so hard to understand?  


          • #20
            If you want to "Play with Fire" expect to be "Burn't"

            I think if it is a FACT then it should be mentioned, other than that you can always....................

            Check the girl's ID and if your still "NOT" sure either "DONT" take her or ask the Hotel staff to check it out too

            At the end of the day its "Up to You"
            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


            • #21
              This is a great site and it does what it does. I didn't join looking for a mother or someone to hold my hand.

              I have been in the p4p scene on and off for over 40 years and no matter how hard you try to help people and keep them out of harms way they will do what they want.

              While in the Navy on one 4 month cruise to Japan, PI, and Hong Kong we had one fella who caught the clap 3 times and no it wasn't me. We all had the same info about avoiding STDs he chose to ignore it or went to sleep during the lecture.

              Amongst the members who contribute to this site on a regular basis they are probly the most savy mongers you will find. Stogi keep doing what you do best running this site, pass along info and give a heads up when necessary. We are all big boys and girls and should be able to take care of ourslves and on ocassion a bit of help from anothere member.


              • #22
                (ziggystardust @ Aug. 15 2007,10:51) Do I need to point at all the members who take the 'just turned 18' femboys out?
                Yes that's first choice for many.

                2nd choice would be 19 year olds.

                Third choice being 20 year olds.

                Yes, 17 year olds get barfined because they look hot. And in many, perhaps most cases, the customer figures they're 18+ because they work bar.

                I think what most customers want but don't get is:

                1) A bar where the girls are hot and all legal
                2) A bar that doesn't employ some yabba nutter that causes a serous altercation
                3) A bar that requires frequent STD testing and doesn't allow girls to work qwho flunk these tests.

                Most of us can live with a runner or a lifted mobile though of course that's not desired.

                What I want is a little different cause I'm not barfining. I just want a fun place to drink we're I 'm treated well and not hassled by the girls.


                • #23
                  For those of you who believe the forum should take a more proactive role, would you like to be the forum owner when you started this proactive role?

                  I wouldn't. I value my kneecaps too much

                  I think SB was stupid to even start this poll - now every bar owner in Thailand is going to look at him differently.
                  Mister Arse


                  • #24
                    I doubt that...I beleive it will be business same as it ever was...

                    Truth is...they post their bar updates...their pics of the girls and events...and it's good for their business...and they're not gonna jeoporadize that...

                    Moreover, it's good for this forum and this business when they brings readers and memberships...

                    It's a symbiotic relationship...everybody wins...

                    If some of the regular guys post confirmed underage sitings here...some of the guys will take note and exercise some caution...
                    But as you might already have noticed, most guys obviously can't or don't read and won't pay any attention anyway...

                    I may be wrong, but I doubt because of this thread, if any bar owner or manager will treat SB any differently when he visits their bars...

                    EDIT:  This poll has been up for 2 days now...only 49 guys have voted (how many guys have been  on the site in those 2 days). There have been 471 views (how many of those guys actually read the posts or are just looking for pics of girls).  And there have been 23 replies (by 17 members)...Not exactly overwhelming the forum in terms of popularity...Now start a poll suggesting we strong-arm all the bars into requiring that all the girls dance in the nude and fuck for free...then you will have a popular poll...but nothing will change in the bars as a result of that poll either, nor will SB be treated any differently when he visits the bars...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • #25
                      never had a problem. all the girls in bangkok have id cards and hand em in at the hotel security. i believe this is a problem in pattaya??where alot of underage girls dont have id cards?? no id no barfine
                      look after your own ass dont rely on someone else to do it for you
                      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                      • #26
                        (stogie bear @ Aug. 16 2007,02:00) It's very true. I like them when they are 18 because I can't get locked up for it. The only reason I don't shag younger ladyboys and femboys is because I'm scared of getting caught. If it were legal I'd do it. And if most of us were honest we probably all would.

                        Ozzie has already stated clearly that for him it IS a jail issue and not a morality one.
                        Not a bloody chance matey i for one deffinatly dont like teenagers fucking waist of time
                        Im not one of your "most of us if we were honest group"
                        they dont do it for me
                        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                        • #27
                          Could not agree more

                          Life is not risk free but there is risk and plain stupidity.If you engage in P4P activity then you need to be sensible enough to watch your own back (there are after all nicer asses to watch than your own).

                          I have only been on this scene for a few months and have found the trip reports and comments on the forum a real source of information. Certainly some wise advice on here saved my fat and ugly bum in the Phillipines a couple of months ago.

                          Stick to the facts and also stick to the policy of having moderators who take no shit on their threads - when people post blatantly incorrect information then on here someone says so - then its up to the member whether they folow the advice or not.

                          Roll on next year when I can put this theory into practice
                          You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                          You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                          • #28
                            (ziggystardust @ Aug. 16 2007,02:15) I need to sleep. I agreed with Stogie twice. It's time for whiskey.

                            Seriously though, this is all about jail. We all like young LBs. That is why most of us are over 40 and most LBs are under 22, and most of us like the ones 18-20. Bars and bar owners are most certainly not the problem. And as Kahuna mentioned, it's all up to us to take care of our own situation, and pay the price of our actions.
                            thats a huge generalisation mr ziggg and totally wrong
                            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                            • #29
                              Some guys or perhaps many will go into some bars just to look at underage looking girls( even if they are not) just for the lust and wanking materiel later with no intention of taking them back to the Hotel. There are many guys who go to bars just to leer and in not really talking about members here.... just tourists...

                              My conjecture is that if a bar was to state definatively that it doesnt employ certain types of Ladyboys they may actually lose customers. This is the real world we are in....

                              Personally i would never tell a bar owner how to run his business , i know many club and bar owners in London and i know the temperment of these guys... many who are ego inflated pre-madonnas ...Sometimes i think about saying something about how they may improve things but then i keep it zipped..its not worth it...


                              • #30
                                (ziggystardust @ Aug. 16 2007,01:15) I need to sleep. I agreed with Stogie twice. It's time for whiskey.
                                I'll make it up to you... I'll post some outragous 'proven facts' that ladyboys were a genetic mutation left over from a lab experiment in China. Then I'll brag about how everyone is stupid except me. It'll be business as usual tomorrow... except for your hangover!

