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  • Normal

    Well, this will sound odd from an old TG activist.

    However, I watched the movie 'Normal' tonite, and was filled with some sense of guilt in imagining my parents, daughter or siblings looking at me and saying 'You are not normal!'.

    I do think we are 'normal' as evidenced by our very boring and normal behaviors and jobs. However, I completely can understand someone on the outside looking in and saying 'freak' to 40+ yr old LB converts; much like I would have done 20 years ago.

    Any experiences or thoughts you might want to share on that?

    For me, I will experience some outcome on this likely in the next 2 years or so when I tell my siblings the girl they met this year is actually a LB.

  • #2
    We are contrarians.

    Normal? We are a couple of standard deviations away from normal though.

    To thine own self be true!


    • #3
      Think about what normal means. In almost every country on the planet, it means not having a passport, it means earning the median income, dying at the standard life expectancy, marrying someone very similar to yourself, never tasting a foreign beer, working for "the man", etc.

      I bet in many ways other than your interest in LBs, you are not normal in the eyes of most. It is only in this area where they would want to shame you, to lessen you and ignore whatever ways you may have done superior things. The hell with them. What have they done?

      And all this is done even before they're aware of their ignorance about how sexual identity even works.

      Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

      Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


      • #4
        Normal is a bit dim, stupid, trapped. I prefer to be about a million miles away from normal.


        • #5
          you laugh at me because am different. i laugh at you because you are all the same..

          i am normal every one else is crazy


          • #6
            Describe normal????
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #7
              I dont think there is a human being who doesnt have an abnormal habit,,secret,desire so i dont think normal is a word that can be used to describe any of us.Is there any such thing as normal,,i dont think so.


              • #8
                Do you think that 5, 10, or whatever years ago, if you looked at yourself today, having this gender obsession, you would have described yourself (or someone similar) as a 'freak'?

                The Normal movie actually does make you think the guy is a bit weird. It's about a good 'ol macho guy, about 50 or so, married 25 years, who decides he has to come out, because he is a woman in a man's body. What irked me about it, is imagine a movie about a 40 or 50 year old guy who suddenly decides he likes 20 yr old LBs. Likely, the guy would seem a bit weird too, i.e., US !

                What we do seems normal to me. At the bar, most of us are pretty boring guys. But looking from the outside, it's almost easy to imagine the snarky remarks, in particular, because of our ages.


                • #9
                  (ziggystardust @ Aug. 19 2007,19:03) But looking from the outside, it's almost easy to imagine the snarky remarks, in particular, because of our ages.
                  If one of the guys at work came out of the closet as a guy gay, for the most part my co-worker's attitudes might be surprise (depending on the guy) but basicly supportive, you are what you are.

                  But some of these same co-workers (especially the women) would think I was a megs-creep if I said in Thailand I slept with 20 women and ladyboys in their teens and twenties in two weeks.


                  • #10
                    having this gender obsession...
                    If it's an obsession then it's not normal. It's just a part of my life the same as drinking coffee and watching movies. There's no need to drum up all this drama just because what you like in the sack isn't shared by the majority of people.

                    Some people are gay, but they aren't obsessed by it. Some people love Thai food after 30 years of never having tried it before but they aren't consummed by it. It's just another addition to what they do in life.


                    • #11
                      I'm nearly normal...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #12
                        (kahuna @ Aug. 20 2007,13:09) I'm nearly normal...
                        NOpe you are definatly border line un-normal and obssesed. welcome on board matey
                        flashy donnnnnny
                        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                        • #13
                          To be honest Ziggy i wouldnt even know how to define normal and i doubt if you can...its like trying to describe the colour blue without reference to any object.


                          • #14
                            I agree with you all of course.

                            However, when I was watching this movie, I thought, this guy is a bit off. 50 yr old, 2 kids, married happily for 25 y, works in a tractor factory, then one day starts wearing earrings and perfume and tells the reverand he is a woman.

                            Then I realized, hey, I'm looking at me (but with a different 'weird' reason). I think my family would think I'm psycho if they knew how many and how young the LBs I go with are, at this age. If I'd started at 20, maybe it would have a bit of logic to it. But married twice, one kid, then whamo, LBs 'R Us. Bizarre.


                            • #15
                              But married twice, one kid, then whamo, LBs 'R Us. Bizarre.
                              Yes - that IS strange. Probably more like a nervous breakdown or other mental instability. Maybe even just a cry for attention... Certainly this kind of behaviour needs a bit more scrutiny than someones who has been obviously transsexual from a very early age.

                              I'm not saying it can't possibly happen, but this middle aged crisis' are probably a symtom of something a lot more serious.

