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  • #31
    I have asked myself this question several times....I am happily (Very) happily married, but I crave LB's from time to time. I cannot (Have tried with a man) but am replused with going with a guy....My take on this is the following: Most LB's are more feminine than most women. Try finding a girl with such a great pair of tits, legs and an arse that just begs to be fucked....OK the dick thing also gets me turned on but the whole package does it for me. Perhaps if more women resembled LB's I would be less interested. As far as I am concerned I just love really sexy women so LB's....


    • #32
      I dont want to be normal.....
      there's too many of the fuckers!
      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


      • #33
        From ZiggyStar:

        The Normal movie actually does make you think the guy is a bit weird. It's about a good 'ol macho guy, about 50 or so, married 25 years, who decides he has to come out, because he is a woman in a man's body.


        Actually couple years ago I heard of a couple about the age described above. They went to a "growth" workshop in ChiangMai for a week.

        After the workshop, the couple split up and the dude converted himself into a woman including full blown operation.... and the guy was a big buff in a Multi National Company in the UK......

        normal or not; I don't know.... People do things for their own reasons, there are no way anyone can judge what is right or wrong..... although above is, at least to me, quite drastic behavior....


