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Ladyboys dicks

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  • Ladyboys dicks

    Now, please don't shoot me down for bringing up this subject, but it might have some relevance in all the current "chopping" which seems to be going on.

    Unlike most of you guys, I've come to discover ladyboys from believing I was completely gay, not str8, but have always liked effeminate boys. I still do, they don't have to dress female, and they don't need tits to turn me on. In fact, I'd rather they didn't have tits.

    Im my 12 years or so of trolling around Babylon and other saunas, I've met guys with all kinds of dicks, but only very, very rarely have I seen a dick with foreskin which won't retract over the head. Looking through this site, and other LB sites, it seems to be almost the norm. Loads of them, from the pics look really tight. One or two I've actually met, like the lovely Apple at Obsessions. She's never seen her dick head.

    I wonder whether part of the idea of getting the dick chopped off, is that the girls realise they have an "abnormal" dick, and think that is the best way of sorting it out? (I thought a long time about which word to use there, and decided on "abnormal" as it mean "not average").

    Just a theory - how do you explain all these tight dicks on lb's, when, in my experience of boys at the sauna it is so rare?


  • #2
    I'd be interested to hear from Salma on this. Is there the same incidence of lb's getting the chop in the Philippines where they all get circumcised anyway, so don't suffer from the tight skin problem.



    • #3
      I brought this thing up as well a couple of months ago. Seems that Asian dicks are likely to get "fimose" - which is are too tight foreskin. It's something you are born with. If it's very tight, it hurts a lot when you have an erection and it could be that you're fed up with this pain after a while, but the girls only have to open their foreskin - it's no need to chop the whole dick off. You normally don't cut your hand off, if you've broken your finger.
      I don't have any explanation for this phenomenon either, but I'm wondering too since ages.
      Maybe we should ask an urologist???



      • #4
        Something I haven't considered before and it's a good question... Kui is also sometimes uncomfortably tight in this area.


        • #5
          You will find that the ladyboys in the Philippines are circumsized as it is the custom (related to the Catholic religion) as a boy reaches puberty, it is tradition to get the foreskin chopped off, if it hasn't been already done at birth. There is actually a stigma for those not circumsized, but probably less so now. Most Filipinos find it "funny" when a guy is found to be uncircumsized. But this won't really matter with the ladyboys now will it? so enjoy them, cut or not. It's how they use it that matters.


          • #6
            Mai Kee, you're missing the point I'm making. My question is why do so many ladyboys have dicks like this, when the boys I've met at babylon and in gay bars don't?



            • #7
              Dear Chokchai: First of all, it is good to hear from someone familiar with the gay scene. Most of the fellows on our forum - me, included - came into the LB scene directly from the girlie scene. So, it is refreshing to hear a new voice.
              Regarding tight foreskins on Thai LBs: well, my girl has one.
              A few others I met have them.
              However, the majority of Thai LBs do not necessarily have tight foreskins.
              At least, not from my experiences with them........
              As for sex reassignment surgery: here is one of my theories:
              When the TSs get heavily into female estrogen use, their erections either become impaired or nonexistent.
              So, their cocks become more of a useless appendage rather than a source of fun.
              Hence, after this heavy hormone regimen, they have little interest in keeping their cocks.
              Again, these have been my experiences with them......
              Just my thoughts......
              Mr. Lonely


              • #8
                Ok, got you now Chokchai, although when I experienced my versatile nature at the same places you described, I saw it there as well....
                But still, you're right, the percentage of LB's who have "fimose" is extremely high and circumsized dicks very rare in a Buddhist country like Thailand.



                • #9
                  i think many of you are losing the point about the ladyboys doing the srs. i have talked to many of them. some that has the srs and some that have no intention of doing it. what i have understood is that those that get the srs have a "need" to be all woman. this is a very strong desire in them and i think the massive amount of hormones helps with that desicion as noted by Mr. Loney. here in the states and other countries a ts has to go thru months of pyscological therapy before they are allowed to get the srs. it is ashame that thialand well not change the gender on thier IDs so they can live as the woman they really want to be.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by (wm4ladyboy @ Feb. 26 2004,04:27)
                    i think many of you are losing the point about the ladyboys doing the srs. i have talked to many of them. some that has the srs and some that have no intention of doing it. what i have understood is that those that get the srs have a "need" to be all woman. this is a very strong desire in them and i think the massive amount of hormones helps with that desicion as noted by Mr. Loney. here in the states and other countries a ts has to go thru months of pyscological therapy before they are allowed to get the srs. it is ashame that thialand well not change the gender on thier IDs so they can live as the woman they really want to be.
                    Well said...

                    Basically it is none of our damn business!

