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Bodies in Shape

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  • Bodies in Shape

    Can someone tell me how most of the LB's and GG's in Thailand keep themselves so thin and in shape? This not only goes for the P4P Thais but for all Thais. Some of the LB's have bodies that many high class models would die for. Do most LB's work out in gyms? Or is there some other factor involved.

    Please respond only if you know the reasons for sure. I can guess at the reasons myself like proper eating, etc.

  • #2
    Having an lb girlfriend - I can tell you they are very weight conscious - if she gains any weight above what she considers ideal - she will start dieting. A few of her friends also exercise, but I would say diet probably the most common method among her group. Diet now also involves eating healthy and not just eating less.

    Many Thais also like spicy food and it has been proven that causes increased metabolism and will make it easier not to gain weight.

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    • #3
      I know what you're talking about. Super tall and super narrow hour glass waists. They just don't eat to engorge themselves like in Western countries. I tried eating what they eat, and I don't like it. Like that rice porridge with chicken. Well, the chicken parts are wattles, feet, liver, and tails. No meaty parts. I gave it to the stray dog nearby. A lot of it may be genetics. Want to be slim like them? Stop drinking spirits, exercise, cut sugar, cut coffee and caffeine, cut soda pops, and just drink water. Do this and you will have less hunger cravings. You look at the diet of other Asian countries. They don't eat much to satisfy themselves. This probably comes from generations of learning to live with low food and starvation periods. Now that United Nations efforts to increase food production has succeeded we will see well-fed people become the norm. My uncle was head of the UN-FAO organization for many years, and he traveled at lot throughout Asian giving speeches and advice how the UN money and expertise was made available to them. It worked. Rice productions increased many fold. He has passed on. I visited him in 1972. What a messy capital Bangkok was then. So much disorganized traffic and so many poor people living in dilapidated shacks. Dressed in rags. At that time the Viet Nam War was raged on. Bangkok became the sex capital running head to head with Manila, Subic Bay, Olongapo, and Clark Air Base. A lot of young men died, but most of them had the best times of their lives and were glad to fight in Nam. I never fought. I was 4-F.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rxpharm View Post
        Having an lb girlfriend - I can tell you they are very weight conscious - if she gains any weight above what she considers ideal - she will start dieting. A few of her friends also exercise, but I would say diet probably the most common method among her group. Diet now also involves eating healthy and not just eating less.

        Many Thais also like spicy food and it has been proven that causes increased metabolism and will make it easier not to gain weight.
        It must be very interesting having a LB girlfriend. Do you live together? And, in Thailand?

        I know that in most pure Asian countries the people are slim. The Philippines, where they are mixed, you do find many people who are not slim.

        I myself am slim. I jog 3 miles daily, workout, and eat sensibly. Have always kept myself fit as I can't stand to be out of shape. I feel that if a LB or GG is going to be fit for me than I should be fit for her also.

        Thanks for the info.


        • #5
          Originally posted by George Pill View Post
          I know what you're talking about. Super tall and super narrow hour glass waists. They just don't eat to engorge themselves like in Western countries. I tried eating what they eat, and I don't like it. Like that rice porridge with chicken. Well, the chicken parts are wattles, feet, liver, and tails. No meaty parts. I gave it to the stray dog nearby. A lot of it may be genetics. Want to be slim like them? Stop drinking spirits, exercise, cut sugar, cut coffee and caffeine, cut soda pops, and just drink water. Do this and you will have less hunger cravings. You look at the diet of other Asian countries. They don't eat much to satisfy themselves. This probably comes from generations of learning to live with low food and starvation periods. Now that United Nations efforts to increase food production has succeeded we will see well-fed people become the norm. My uncle was head of the UN-FAO organization for many years, and he traveled at lot throughout Asian giving speeches and advice how the UN money and expertise was made available to them. It worked. Rice productions increased many fold. He has passed on. I visited him in 1972. What a messy capital Bangkok was then. So much disorganized traffic and so many poor people living in dilapidated shacks. Dressed in rags. At that time the Viet Nam War was raged on. Bangkok became the sex capital running head to head with Manila, Subic Bay, Olongapo, and Clark Air Base. A lot of young men died, but most of them had the best times of their lives and were glad to fight in Nam. I never fought. I was 4-F.
          What you see here, in the US and in most western countries, are people who think that staying in shape means drinking diet Coke and Lite Beer and then eating pizza, McDonalds, and bakery stuff. I know what you're talking about as many Asian countries have gone through so much deprivation. I was in Thailand in 1975 and the Thailand of today is 1000 light years ahead. Bangkok was a polluted and crowded mess in those days. It's still crowded, but they have managed to upgrade their living standard to that of South Korea. I do eat Thai food much of the time as it's very healthy. Although, I do not eat like Thai's do which is to use every part of the animal or fish. No thanks.

          I was in the Navy and have been to the Philippines quite a few times, both in the Navy and as a private citizen. I love the Philippine people. But, they are so poor and where there is a great deal of poverty. They have a 1st world education system and a third world economy. Thanks to their corrupt government and no natural resources to sell.

          Do you live in Thailand?
          Last edited by Easyguy; 09-29-2016, 03:30 AM.


          • #6
            No, I don't live in Thailand. Hard to find anybody who reads the newspapers and keeps track of world events. Boring. Better to just go home and come to Thailand once a year. I wanted to add other reasons that people are slim. The weather is too hot, and that will kill your appetite. People are poor and are used to eating little. And there's ice and Yaba. That's why they have red eyes and stay up all night. Drugs will kill your appetite. So there's healthy and unhealthy reasons.

            You are wrong about there being a 1st world class eduction. The education is based on memorization. Rote memorization. College degrees are the equivalent of high school degrees. I went to medical school there in the 1970's. Half of the class funks out every year. The American students do better because we can read English better. The lectures are exactly the same as the textbook. Walang Karanasang. No experience. Upon returning our degrees are not recognized so we all had to take the Education Commission for Foreign Graduates which is an old medial national exam. I passed it and went on to preceptorship in a USA college. After that I passed two State boards, a brand NEW national board exam, Clinical Competency Exam, and government accreddation exam. I even beat three classmate who went to USA schools. What a laugh. There was a local news article about a top Filipino doctor who could not pass any of the medical boards and had to work as a janitor in the biggest hospital. He worked his way up to surgeon's assistant and learn as much as he could. He might have returned to the P.I. since then an experience doctor. There has never been any Filipino doctor who passed the medical boards in my State. I think the problem is they speak English but don't fully understand what you said. The essence of communication is missing. They speak English and it goes in one ear and out the other. The same happens with nursing school. They mass produce nurses and educated them poorly that they can't pass the USA nursing exams. The they have to attend special classes to learn to pass the exams. After they do they get lower ranking jobs.

            Yes, the Philppines is a poor country. Sick man of Asia. Everybody is corrupt and so amateurish at it. I don't think a democracy works there. I don't even think corruption is ever eliminated. I must have been there during the sweet spot in time back in the 70's. Marcos became dictator, and through his cousin General Fabian Ver confiscated everybody's guns. That was like castration everybody. Filipinos love their guns. before that friends would tell me you could hear guns go off every night and there was a shooting by drunks in every bar. There was martial law, but it was actually a good thing. Everything became safer. Marcos was smart. He made himself the biggest warlord in the nation. The whole place was loaded with beautiful Filipino ladies, and they helped me make my dreams come true. Going to a foreign med school wasn't such a bad deal after all. As a matter of fact it was the BEST deal of all. College costs were only 10% of USA medical school. Apartment was only $50.00 a month. maid $20 a month, water one dollar a month. Cheapo. I never thought about ladyboys because they weren't any beautiful ones around. I have hear from classmates that the ladyboys in Bangkok and Singapore were more beautiful than girls. I didn't believe them. but for 4 years I majored in Medicine and minored in Sex. Funny how Playboy advertises sex as fun, but in the USA it is so hard to get. In Asia sex is very popular. Almost too. Every girl wants to have a baby with you. They don't want another Filipino child. They want something different. Now the Philippines is a dangerous place because a dangerous president who think murder is a useful ruling tool. Bears watching. This tactic might work. Glad it is not happening in my hometown. The Philippines is an interesting study. Can a dictatorship, a mafia, a king, or any form of ruler not a democracy work?


            • #7
              Seems you know a thing or two about the medical field. Where did you practice? Do most of the Thai LB's use Ice and Yaba? If so, I guess they must be addicted to it. Is it expensive for them to purchase?


              • #8
                I'm retired from practice in Honolulu. U should ask any ladyboy or gg about these terrible drugs. I'm sure it is a well conversed subject anywhere in the night party scene.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by George Pill View Post
                  I'm retired from practice in Honolulu. U should ask any ladyboy or gg about these terrible drugs. I'm sure it is a well conversed subject anywhere in the night party scene.
                  Unfortunately, I'm not in Thailand to ask any of them. I believe that the infamous LB, Bibi, died from an overdose. What a gorgeous creature she was and what a waste. I guess. if I had to have sex with some of the types she did, I would be medicating myself also. I really have never understood how anyone can prostitute themselves for sex. I know that some LB's and GG's do it to eat, especially in very poor countries. But, for the life of me, I don't get how they can bring themselves to be used and abused for sex by a whole range of men, many of them disgusting pigs.

                  I have never met Bibi but have had some friends that have. She has a pretty big cock for a Ladyboy and used to work at a Bar in Bangkok. She has a lot of personality and can be a little aggressive, but you treat her well and I am sure she will do the sa


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Easyguy View Post
                    Seems you know a thing or two about the medical field. Where did you practice? Do most of the Thai LB's use Ice and Yaba? If so, I guess they must be addicted to it. Is it expensive for them to purchase?
                    In Thailand, most lbs do not use ice or yabba - however there are a number of lbs in p4p that do. You have to remember that while there are many Thai lbs in p4p, they are not in the majority.

                    The other thing you need to know is that the Thai view of sex is very different from the western view. p4p although looked down upon, does not carry the same stigma and shame as many western countries.

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                    • #11
                      I would say maybe 20% of sex workers use Ice on a regular basis in Thailand. I have never seen any do it or been anywhere where it was being done.
                      It only takes one time to die of a drug over dose, and can happen to anyone so you cannot assume they lived a life of hell because of one thing.

                      There isn't many ladyboys working just so they can eat. If they were that poor they would just to back to the country and live at home and eat free.
                      Being forced to have sex for money to eat and survive is more of a North American thing. You cannot just live on nothing in North America and it is damn hard to survive.
                      In Thailand it is dirt cheap to survive and any crappy job will help you eat and pay the bills. However some see the good money they can make as a sex worker and there is no comparison to working in the fish plant or 7-11. Sex work is fairly easy and for the most part the customers are pretty good. They get to meet well off foreigners from all over and sure sometimes there are fatties or assholes but there is a downside to everything. Take Pattaya or Phuket, often these girls are joining men on their expensive vacations for a week or more. I just can't see anything bad about it for the most part. Additionally they also do it to have independance from their families and gain respect by supporting the family.
                      In many cases the family expects them to make money and doesn't care how they do it.

                      Not to mention the number of ladyboys that make enough money to move abroad, or get swept off their feet by some Falang.
                      Additionally having sex for a living is not the worst thing you can do, and you don't really have to go with any you don't want to.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rxpharm View Post

                        In Thailand, most lbs do not use ice or yabba - however there are a number of lbs in p4p that do. You have to remember that while there are many Thai lbs in p4p, they are not in the majority.

                        The other thing you need to know is that the Thai view of sex is very different from the western view. p4p although looked down upon, does not carry the same stigma and shame as many western countries.
                        I do realize what you are saying as I am familiar with Thai culture to some degree. I do know that Asians, in general, find kissing lips to lips more culturally sensitive than actually having sex. Very strange indeed that they would consider kissing as more intimate than sex itself.

                        I know how difficult it is for even young girls in the west to have superb bodies. Maybe one out of every 50 girls have bodies that are even anywhere near what the Thai LB's have. Yet, most of the Thai LB's have superb bodies. Since the Thai GG's also have superb bodies it can't be specifically what LB's are doing. Must be what they eat and drink, and doing normal exercise like walking a lot and stay very active. I also think they have higher metabolisms than those in the west. In the west we eat too much, drink all of the wrong stuff, and have limited natural exercise. I myself have an Asian diet. A lot of fish, rice, and soup, plus natural exercise daily.


                        • #13
                          As I mentioned in my earlier post - eating spicy food does increase metabolism and plenty of Thai dishes are very spicy. I didn't answer your questions from before - I am not living in Thailand, so I see her when I visit Thailand. I am fortunate to have a job that gives me 2.5 months of holidays per year - so whenever I am not visiting my parents in Canada, I am in Thailand visiting her. I am overweight, but working on it.

                          Here's a photo of her when she posed for The Ladyboy Fashion Calendar 2009 (unfortunately now defunct).


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