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Looking for some insight

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  • Looking for some insight

    I met a Beautiful Ladyboy in Thailand on my first trip there about 5 months ago , yes she has made some appearances on this site , yes she does work in a bar . We hit it off well and i have been in constant contact with her since emails every day, SMS everyday and phone calls occasionally too and things seem to be going very nicely . I went back to see her a few months ago and we spent a couple of great weeks together in two nice locations both not where her bar is . When it was time for me to go i gave her some money , she had not asked for any but i figured she had spent a good deal of time with me and had missed out on making any income so it was fair to give her some .
    She has never asked for money from me although i have sent her a birthday gift , christmas gift and now a valentines gift but thats about it . The whole time we where together for thoose few weeks her phone rang maybe 5 times , each time it was a friend or relative and each time she encouraged me to talk to them and i did as best as i could . Just before i had to go home we spent maybe 5 hours in the town where her bar and room are , she introduced me to a few of her friends and i pressured her to show me her room and she eventually did. It was a real dump , what suprised me was she had about 5 pictures of me i had emailed to her and put them right next to her bed and apart from a few of herself and a poster of some thai singer that was it .
    Anyway i am heading back that way in a few months and we are going to stay near her family for a while so i can meet them and then going to a different spot for a while at which time i will TRY ( i cant believe the bullshit required just get a tourist visa ) to get her a tourist visa so she can come stay with me for a while . I know my family and friends will probably be a little puzzled and confused to meet her , but i am not much bothered as to their reactions really.
    Okay , am i missing something ? Is she genuine or just playing me ? How do i tell , what are the tell tale signs that let me know one way or another ? Any insights from thoose with more experience .

  • #2
    Jon,,,is that you takin the piss out of us??



    • #3
      Dear Monkeyman: Well, you do not tell us a whole lot about yourself.
      I have been in Southeast Asia - on a very on-and-off basis - since January 1971, so I do know somewhat of whatever.......
      You certainly seem like a nice enough fellow. Warning: do NOT be too nice.
      Your girlfriend certainly seems like a nice enough person, too.
      And she PROBABLY is......
      Here is the crux of the problem:
      Thai society - as well as ALL Southeast Asian societies - does NOT clearly differentiate between love of people and love of money. I am SORRY to put this so bluntly. Rest assured that I do NOT mean to insult, degrade, offend you or your girlfriend in any way, shape, or form.
      But, please, keep an open mind and allow me to continue:
      In 1972, I walked into a Saigon bar on crutches and witnessed a couple of grunts verbally harassing a Viet TS (this was a genetic girl bar).
      I could not do a whole lot (being that I was on crutches) but I did throw a beer bottle in their direction.
      They bravely (???) dispersed. And I had a friend for life, so to speak. And I did not have a pot to piss in at the time (I had had my stripe busted and my pay reduced, etc.).
      In 1984, while married to a Filipino bargirl, I asked her what the first question her very traditional mother addressed to my new Filipino brother-in-law. Here was that question:
      "Do you have any money?"
      My current Thai TS has an elder sister who married one year ago.
      She never got to meet her husband until the morning of the wedding.
      Before that, the groom's father conferred with her father and agreed to a bride price of $2,000. US. (80,000. Baht at that time).
      So, does money matter to these people?
      Yes. And it matters to ME, too.
      The difference? Thais TALK about money incessantly.
      In my life and in my culture, it is VERY RUDE to continually talk about money.
      But, not so with Thais and other Southeast Asians.
      In regard to getting a tourist visa and bringing your TS girlfriend with you to America:
      The only way there could be an exception to this rule:
      She would have to be college-educated, work for a multinational corporation in Thailand, have a substantial bank balance, own property in Thailand, and prove that she had a good job in which to resume.
      If you live in a European country, a tourist visa is possible but difficult to obtain.
      It is also very difficult to obtain such a visa for a TS in the UK.
      I understand Australia is not impossible but difficult.
      My advice to you:
      Mr. Lonely


      • #4
        Bali_Ken, that was fucking hilarious.


        • #5
          Is it that hard to believe

          Here we have a perfect example of happy time......

          Keep us posted MonkeyMan.......

          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


          • #6
            no Ken, and you other cynics, LOL, that is not me; i can barely figure out how to post on this stupid thing, forget making up another IP address and pretending to be someone else.

            for monkeyman....sorry to deflate you, lad, but please read back on this forum 3 or 4 months and you will get the answers you seek. just don't be TOO depressed at what you read. bottom line.....and i have no idea who this girl is but I am sure she is very nice [especially if she is on this website!!].....the only way you can guarantee her being completely faithful to you is if you are with her 24/7, 365.



            • #7
              Originally posted by
              I met a Beautiful Ladyboy in Thailand on my first trip there about 5 months ago , yes she has made some appearances on this site , yes she does work in a bar...
              I suspect you already know the answers you are looking to us for.

              You met a prostitute who makes you feel special. You send her gifts and you are now under some illusion that you are special to her!

              Now you are asking us for the tell tell signs that this may not, in fact, be the case and the biggest sign of all slapped you in the face in the first sentence of your original post!

              Wise up, fella, and enjoy her for the moments that you are with her. Even if a miracle happens and she actually wants you to 'rescue' her from her life of easy money, good times and expensive cell phones, how long do you think you can leep her?

              Sorry that I can't sound more optimistic, but to be honest I also thought it was Jon having a laugh!


              • #8
                LoL @ Bali ken , Well Mr.Lonely i am 35 , divorced (no kids), born and residing in Australia and i work in deadend factory job . I think i have a grasp of the money culture that is South East Asia but it is a culture far removed from my own so it also very alien to me . Ill try to keep you posted Bit Beefy .

                     Jon yes she is very nice which worries me at times  and i am not asking or expecting her to be faithful to me because as Stogie rightly points out she is a prostitute ,albeit a very nice one  . Yes Stogie she makes me feel special i wouldnt be coming back to see her again if she didnt , but i really wasnt under any illusions about me being anything overly special to her . But then i think about why she would have my pictures in her room , why she encouraged  me to talk to her friends and family  and then why she wants me to meet her family when i am next there ,and i start having more illusions than David Copperfield .

                   Its confusing is all , and fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective i am prepared for the worst case scenario , but i think i am totally unprepared for best case , hell i dont even know what the best case would be for me , all i can hope is that the future smiles upon me .

                    Thank you for all your insights and help gentlemen .[B]


                • #9
                  give it a try, it certainly can't hurt....wait, yes it can! you could end up with a broken heart and a lot less cash in your pockets. just be careful and use your head; we have all been where you are right now; these girls are easy to fall in love with. just be prepared for the worst, as cynical as that sounds, it is also the truth.

                  and no guys, monkeyman is not me! just some aussie guy who has fallen for a ladyboy; we have all been there, for me probably 10 times. maybe he will be one of the few where it actually works out, who knows?

                  good luck monkey



                  • #10
                    I hope it will work out...I still believe we can find true love
                    My Facebook
                    PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                    • #11
                      I'm with Salma on this one.
                      Yes, yes, yes: we all know the very cynical, very jaded Mr. Lonely can make some pretty damned hard comments sometimes.
                      A lot of people doubt if I am even HUMAN, for Christ's sake.
                      I assure you that I am, indeed, human.
                      At least 10% human.
                      Which is about as human as your typical beat cop, I suppose
                      (and I do know some nice cops!).
                      I'm a tough cookie, at times, I suppose.
                      But I often have to be.
                      But I am not ALL bad.
                      Hell, I even CRIED when I watched the Brian Piccolo movie.
                      Now that takes GUTS to admit!
                      Mr. Lonely


                      • #12
                        we still have that emotion in's when you wallow too much in the world of sex, lies and money that you become a cynic...believe me I tried to deal with that world too at a certain point in my life but thank God I got out of it...

                        not to say that i am a perfect person though..
                        My Facebook
                        PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by
                          i am prepared for the worst case scenario
                          If you are, then I say: 'go for it!'

                          There are far too many mitigating factors that make up a relationship. None of us know you very well, and we don't know the girl at all!

                          From what you have posted so far I would guess that the best case scenario is that you come and sweep her off her feet and she sticks around for a year or so.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by
                            A lot of people doubt if I am even HUMAN, for Christ's sake.
                            I assure you that I am, indeed, human.
                            At least 10% human.
                            I'll attest to the fact that this indeed true, under that gruff exterior, our Mr Lonely is just a big ol' Teddy Bear.

                            Originally posted by
                            Hell, I even CRIED when I watched the Brian Piccolo movie.
                            Only just that one? I cried at the end of The Wild Bunch myself...just kidding...although it is the BEST Western EVER made and I've seen it dozens of times in the uncut version.

                            But seriously, I got a lump in my throat at the last scene of A Time To Kill and also Remember The Titans...aaannnd way back when the first time I saw Love Story and Ali McGraw died, that was kind of sad for me too.  


                            • #15
                               >>>Its confusing is all , and fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective i am prepared for the worst case scenario , but i think i am totally unprepared for best case , hell i dont even know what the best case would be for me , all i can hope is that the future smiles upon me .>>>

                              Feeling brave? Wanna take a REAL leap of faith??

                              Post her name and ask the site members what they think of her. Ouch!

                              If she has tried this 10 times before, then you will know. If not, then as Stogie says....go for it
                              Mister Arse

