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    With all the recent postings about theft and bad service etc,i think we need to understand the Thai sceen a little. (i'm sure alot of the seasoned guys will be up on it)so for the newer guys first trippers.
    All thai hookers whore's pro's street walkers etc, are capable of and will, given an oportunity , steal from you, yes all of them. Despite you thinking you really know the girl and she is so sweet, you don't know her, not really.She is just good at her job which is making you feel good.try a little test go to the bathroom and leave a 1000 bhat out on a table some where, and see if its there when you finnish fucking her?? hmmmmmmmmmmm
    Ive said it before and will say it again, if you go out at night whoreing, only take enough money with you. DON"T take your fucking mobile phone, dont take gold chains around your neck and a n expensive watch. IT's all unessesary, if you do get pissed up and forget your routine , you will only loose the money in your pocket(i never use a wallet it to is locked up)
    Guess what i have never been robbed.
    why because the opportunity for them is not there.As soon as you go to the shower for the shower ritual , she is looking around for an opportunity to steal.I'm sure there are a few who wont especially some up country cutie who is new to the sceen and not corrupted by the older seasoned pro's.but mark my words she soon will be.
    As for relationships???? why??? If your looking for a relationship why are you haning around with whores???.Go out and look for a nice girl! put an add in the news papers, prior to your visit, etc hang at the uni or in thai areas, you will need to speak a bit of thai, and most of you should be able to get buy with your bar thai.If you can't speak thai learn it, its not thatr hard if you learn the correct way. learning to read and write thai is the only way to learne to speak it properly, so go to school and fucking learn it, if you want a serious relationship.
    most of us are there for a few weeks of fucking in the sun, so we use whores, i prefer whores as it is a simple transaction. i pick one we fuck i pay her she leaves,all over and on to the next one.Just the way i am might not be what you guys are looking for, but it is for me.Less hassel and less money.real relationships cost lots of money.
    Finally one of the things the thais are very good at is, playing with your emotions.I hear many storys of guys who chase girls on the internet and meet em in thailand(me included fuck wit) when they get there , there so called sweet heart is just another whore with another angle on it.(of course there are excepions to this) forget this aproach, just go there and you will find plenty of fantasy girls in the streets and bars, stop hasseling jon for girls numbers and emails.IT wont work, as soon as she knows you are very interested in her , up goes the price and down goes the service. WAKE UP.
    cheers donnnnny .
    20 years in thailand

  • #2
    Time honored advice... not so sure about the learning Thai bit, though! I don't know a bloody word!

    How does getting drunk and whoring mix? If I was to scoop up one of these delightful creatures for the night the last thing I would want to do is be drinking!

    That's kind of like playing snooker with a noodle!

    Is it just me? Have I got this wrong? Does whoring and drinking go hand in hand?


    • #3
      so remember fellas when you pay that bar fine and that tip you aren't buying sex,
      your paying for them to leave in the morning and that's a good thing


      • #4
        Ill be honest....Stogie......I personally think whore hunting and drinking go together. Dont ask me why....they just do in my world.... im yet to pick up a GG or LB in Thailand without atleast having a few brandys....

        As for Donkeyyy very good advise mate, one thing...Ive tried that 1000baht trick a few times...Not once has it been removed....twice i got a knock on the shower..." U Leave money here, no good, no good" they cry. 3rd one told me when i came out the shower, a few have just point blank ignored it, one asked if it was her tip and the others just peered at it i think they were going thru cold turkey, contemplating on the thought of it.... I have had one run in with to LB crooks and that was on my 1st ever trip.....My fault, walking around looking like a frigging tourist...pissed out of my box at 3am in the morning with a backpak, what i twat i had my camera, spare film, condoms, lubricant, aftershave, deodarant, insect repelant and a flannel..... the fukas thought theyd hit the jackpot......trying to rob me as i was sucking me nob the other on the floor going thru my shit.....
        Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


        • #5
          Good advice and I think we need it drummed into us more often than not, like me I have let my guard down on one occassion but no real harm done..
          We are mainly focusing on Lb's here, but what about the TG's ?
          Over the past 20 years Iv'e fucked around some seedy parts of Indonesia and never had a problem with Indo girls,,lost count of how many,,,some 300/500 maybe,,,not skiting here as you would know
          Maybe there too frightened to lift your things, if caught they would be hog tied and whipped..
          Jakarta waria's are ok from my past experiences, but never give them the chance like there thai counterparts..



          • #6
            Don't bust our balls about contacting Jon for a phone number or email address for one of the girls on the site. The site advertises "Contacts" and we are paying for this, aren't we? I think having a few babes lined up for my trip only adds to the excitement and anticipation. I'm heading over to LOS in mid-March. Don't be so jaded dude, it's all good.


            • #7
              stogie your right whoring and boozing dont go.moderation is the key if you drink.beefy they alll noticed your 1000 bhat and that was because they were looking for i say don't let them have an op and all will be well.
              as for poor service and all the fucking tricks they play now, wel thats another story.
              your right tooo ken never had a problem in jakarta either but then i dont leave to much lying around.I think the sceen in jakarta has too few bule(farang) so they are not very used to us yet.
              cheers donnnnny

              i.m afraid im with jon an some of the other,s on pree aranged meetings, i dont recon it works, but having said that it is always nice to have a few telephone numbers to call on quiet afternoons.Still you can get them of any girl you fuck as they will all offer there telephone number to you, for a rainy day


              • #8
                Sober shags...can't remember when I did this the last time???
                What for? Facing the bloody truth? Yuk!!! Are you really that tough, Stogie??



                • #9
                  Originally posted by
                  The site advertises "Contacts" and we are paying for this, aren't we?
                  Only in as much as we will provide the information that we have. Much of it is out of date and we simply can't keep up with these girls anymore.

                  But we do honestly provide the best information that we can to all the members here.


                  • #10
                    Well said MK....

                    Im no Alki but in the land i party every night. Whether it be a club or a bar..... Im gona try a few nights of non drinking on my next trip and see how it pans out....ill let u all know how i got on
                    Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                    • #11
                      i was in bkk a few weeks back and meet a very nice LB from patpong plaza. yes i heard about the reputation there. i was even worried when she offered me a drink of bottled water since i heard about them drugging the drinks. i spent 4 days with her and not once did she ask for money or made me feel like i need to lock up everything when i was not in the room. i even meet in off this site on my last day there and she spent the night in my room without and problems. we hear about alot of horror stories that is very true but lets not treat all the people we spend time with distrust. the advice about SECURING your belongings is very right. as noted above, even us old timers got burnt sometime. live and learn.

