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Vistiting a ladyboys apartment

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  • Vistiting a ladyboys apartment

    I had planned on spending time with the adorable Chompoo fromObsessions bar [see avatar] once i returned from the Philippines and was a little dejected to hear that she was 'busy'; she told me that she had some improvements done to her body and was out of action for about a
    week. naturally I assumed the worst; she was out of town with some guy and wouldn't be back for a while. so i was surprised when she texted me yesterday and we started chatting; I said 'since you can'tcome over, how about if i go to see you'?

    she was really surprised and happy to hear that, and said yes, by allmeans come over. about an hour later i hopped in a taxi and with herspeaking to the guy on my hand fone, we were able to find the place,which is way out by the airport. She always used to bitch to me how far she lived from me and how long it takes to get to my pad [about 40
    minutes], and now i can see why; 2 tolls and 200 baht later, I was ather apartment and it was great to see her again after a month.

    If you have ever been to a ladyboys or ladies apartment here it is always a new experience; most of our friends live in small, crowded shitholes that 90% of us from the west would never live in; we could never deal with the cramped quarters and lack of material things we have all come to enjoy, especially air conditioning. and, as often as not, they share them with another ladyboy! so here you have 2 girls living in a place the size of one standard bedroom in the west, sleeping
    in the same bed and usually sharing a shower with 10 other people on their floor. Typical cost; about 2500-3500 baht, or less than 100 dollars US. hey, ya' get what ya' pay for!

    Chompoo's situation was slightly different. she explained to me 3 or 4 times before i got there that she didn't have the power or time to clean it so please excuse the mess, but to me it looked fine and better than most of the places i have seen in the past. She shares it with her 24-year old sister from Issan, who works in a bank in bangkok, and we all
    had a nice visit and watched a movie with one of her friends as well. But still rather small, and they both share the same bed. they do have their own shower with hot water, and AC as well, and even a small balcony, for 3300 a month, or about 85 US dollars. not bad, really.....we could never find a place in the states that we could share with someone for 42 dollars a month. the hallway was a little worn down and it was typically all-thai and the sight of a farang way out
    there in the boondocks turned a lot of heads. But, happy to say, my dear friends' living conditions were much better than many of the other girls I have met, who live in places i wouldn't even let a dog live in. By the way......just outside her apartment, way out in the middle of
    nowhere, i saw 3 ladyboys sitting and chatting on the curb and they flirted with me as i left, proving yet again that Bangkok is the greatest city in the world with the most shemales.

    something i have always wondered; why do ladyboys not spend a more substantial amount of their incomes on housing? I mean, Som from obsessions and Chompoo probably make 40-50,000 baht per month and pay a fraction of that on rent, while the rest goes to mama in Issan, or, more likely, to plastic surgery and ways to improve their looks and apearance. but many of these girls live in crap holes and blow their cash on other stupid shit while they could be living in a nicer place, IMO.

    footnote here of great importance to me; Chompoo has decided, after speaking extensively with her friends and her sister, that she will postpone her SRS operation indefinately! good move.....she got back the cash she had given to some butcher and is not going to do that for now. as her sister and i were saying, she is only 19 and can do that
    anytime [hopefully never], so what's the rush? she see's logic in that and has talked to 2 or 3 girls who have done it and are depressed now and have 'no feeling'. so good for her, she will remain intact for now.

    remember the way these girls live the next time you are deciding whether to part with that extra 500baht or not. as I have always said, be fair with the girl if she makes you happy. Most of them live very spartan lives [yes, sometimes by choice] and the extra 500 is more important to them than to us, especially if she was good in bed.

     regards, Jon

  • #2
    Jon, Don't start feeling sorry for them , Chompoo or whoever choose to live like that and is nothing to do with us giving an extra 500bt for a fuck. If we did tip up extra then it wouldn't go a room but on make up , jewelry, yabba etc.
    I was talking to a gogo girl who lived in a similar type accomodation despite having a good sponsorship and being barfined most nights and she told me that paying extra for a room was a waste as most nights she was in a falangs hotel room so why waste her money on a better room ?


    • #3
      very valid point, and i am sure most of these bar workers are the very same way. as i said, I have never figured out why they live in such meager conditions while spending their cash on brand names or other worthless shit. even Natalie, probably the top money -earner on the site lives in a very nice place for thai standards, but small for westerners and only about 250$ US a month.

      had to delete some of my original post; I talked to chompoo and she saw it and didn't want the exact references to what she had done surgically-wise up here, so i deleted that part but left the rest.



      • #4
        Most office workers who make between 10 and 20 thousand a month are forced to live in cheap accommodation. I don't have much sympathy for a hooker on 50K who actually prefers it!


        • #5
          tonio is right about hardly being in their own place since many are frequently sleeping with us... in fact i've been to one such shithole and the lb in question actually had subleased it to a "friend" since she was hardly there  

          (hint: dont use this as a measurement of promiscuity, doesnt' work)


          • #6
            I still like  ChuckWow's  line  from 3 weeks ago, for guys who support their girlfriends from thousands of miles away;

             "I am not sure what your money is paying for, but it sure as hell ain't loyalty!"   could have been the best quote of the year.

              seems like it sure as hell aint paying for their apartment either!  If I was ever foolish enough to send  50K a month to some ladyboy [please  put me out of my misery if i ever do this] I  would make damned sure at least 10K of that was  going to better living conditions.


