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  • #16
    nice one Bricktop , lmao...


    • #17
      Yes Bricktop most ammusing, maybe you could write another one so i can laugh louder.

      I think you have some issues that need to be addressed such as the amount of time spent watching MTV Base,Beats & Rhymes & our good friend Mr Ali. G from Staines.

      All jokes aside everything is taken in jest here but someone working for a Government run organisation was recently made to squirm for similar comments. All the poor fucka said was you look like one of those guys off of MTV Base. There was no mallice intent but the guy took him to the union and life was made very uncomfortable. Why? They say racism is the negative or positive stereotyping in relation to ones Race, Colour, religon & culture. That means if i presume when Bricktop was younger he wore pinstrip jeans, Ben sherman Shirts, Chelsea Boots had several sovereign rings, had a girlfriend called tracy and spent a majority of his time when not working or studying in the pub discussing match of the day im being actively racist.. bollocks, im just taking the piss as we all do sometimes but there are some sensitive fuckas out there who will hang ure ass out to dry for it.

      I think some people just take shit too far sometimes & let the chips on their shoulders way them down..... Enough of this....

      Lets discuss the fact that i have a Bigger Dick, Can run faster & get more honeys than all of

      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


      • #18
        or even go back to discussing my back pack. I see what your getting at though brick.....but i have issues with my apperance, im not vain but i take great pride in it. regardless of where i am or what im doing i wana look good for myself not a LB or GG. i.e i like co-ordinating shit. for instance wen i got to the beach ill wear a white vest, white and red shorts and white trainers, obviously the towels gota be white and my Motorbike R6 or R1 will be white and red too the evening light blue shirt, dark blue shorts, light blue and dark blue trainers a sky blue watch with a blue draw string..bag.....b4 i 4get i dont mix sports names wont see me in a reebok shirt and a nike tracksuit. its just a big no no buddy.  

        U might be saying to yourself it must take me ages to get dressed, it doesnt as this has always been me or even i sound like a bird..believe i could tell you about male friends that i have who are 10times worse they spend hours grooming themselves...not saying i always look good but my colors always match up.

        Chuck Wow, the cynic, Thaipan, BB, Herder and stogie to name a few have given me a few pointers as to how i can cut down on my carry load. Im gona try but i have a feeling im gona buy this back pack and put a few things in it, there wont be enough space and revert to my huge keep u posted..

        Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


        • #19
          So much for attempted humour with regards a pretty dull subject. Sorry if I offended you Beef it was not intended. To be democratic and fair there are certain communities of caucasian people here in the uk who also wear alot of jewellry so I was not trying or implying any race issue here whatsoever period ! Could you not see the ridicule I would endure by walking into Nana dressed in an Armani suit and it being ripped off my back by a gaggle of ladyboys ? Oh well nothing ventured nothing gained back to sitting in the corner again with the silly hat on !

          Mai pen rai ?



          • #20
            Not offended me buddy honest. I came in lastnite pissed out of my little box after an evening of loud music brandy & champagne head pounding. Then woke up and read it again.... I could see the ridicule that you would indure.... it reminded me of a post on sticks site written by Dana about him walking out of Nana hotel wearing big bright suit big shoes a hat and sweating like a pig & encountering someone wearing a nicer suit and nicer was an attack on society with his post if u read between the lines but on the surface it was about what we are talking so i saw where you were coming from.... I merly posted the above as i wouldnt want u to walk the road that this guy has been forced to its how the perceive it now how it was meant to be.....

            From the posts that you have made b4 and our PM's i think its fair to see that your not into offending people on grounds of race culture blah blah blah...  so dont worry about it sir....

            Your are also right about caucasion groups wearing alot of gold.... What the the politicaly correct name for 1 of them is i dont know as it changes every 5minutes but i think its travellers  

            As for your silly hat pass it to me now......
            Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


            • #21
              Yet another example of how the radical, PC mob has run amok!! Just refuse to be PC thank you very much!


              • #22
                If it adds anything to this bizarre discussion, and it probably doesn't...

                I don't think LBs give a fuck what you're wearing, so long as you dress decently.

                The truly sexy ones respond to something, I don't know what, but it's not in the clothes.

                The other ones want one or both of two things:

                1) Your Money
                2) You to take them away from all this forever and ever...

                So, keep it simple, try to look smart, do your best to look sexy (but not gay! LBs generally don't respond to queers, they are looking for MEN).

                And bring one goddamn caryy-on backpack for chists sake! Half-empty!


                • #23
                  Just to end all speculation.... lol My suitcase is full of clothes & Footwear 4 me. Not for Stogie, Chuck Wow, Jon, The Cynic, bricktop, a GG or an LB to say damnnnnnnnn doesnt he look nice, sexy etc... Purely 4 me  . I like to look nice and i like to be coordinated whether i am at home or abroad, playing sport, Hanging from a cliff face, enjoying white water,on the beat or in the office. Thats just me guys....Im trying to find away of cutting down on the stuff that i bring. Dont get me wrong i wear every last piece of clothing that i bring with me but as many of u have broken down 4 me there are many ways to bring litteraly next to nothing clothing wise & id like to thank all of you.

                  Also Bricktop yet again mate i havent taken offence to anything u said i have however taken offence to the fact that we havent been for a drink yet.....  

                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #24
                    Hi Mr Beef,

                    I take your point exactly ! Lets meet up soon and I'll buy you a thoroughly decent brandy !!!! Then we can begin to put the World to rights - well almost !!!! Also, have you seen the absolute stunning totty visiting london now ? Check out Ana and Allanah and Paris yum yum but damned expensive I think my fine fellow ! Been trying to get hold of Ana but no luck. Just like to fuck the dream !



                    • #25
                      Lovely Jubly Bricky....What's Your Poison Sir.....Dya Fancy a Weeknight or a Weekend??

                      Allanah Allanah Allanah.... The Biggest pair this side of the Thames mate, her tits are huge. As for Ana & Paris... PM me a link, i dont think i no who they are, i may do just not by The Prices over here, Damn expensive is to rite, i just look at Allanah, sex doesnt cum to mind, just Baby oil, What a tit wank she must give...Here i will just watch her but if we crossed paths in the states id pay as her web site quotes some pretty nice prices in $$$$ guess she wants to Exploit us now shes here.... lol

                      Ever Crossed paths with Eva Vortex or the likes of Joanna Jet Brick?


                      Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                      • #26
                        Each time I come to LOS I carry less and less. On this last trip I brought a medium sized day pack. It was able to carried on. I also bring a small waist pack to hold little item I may want to access easily on the plane. The waist pack also works great for holding items for a day outing, like video camera ect. I will take even less next trip. I buy everything I need as I travel both acumulating and jetisoning as I go. I will leave things in storage at hotels whenever I take a side trip for a bit. For example I buy lots of stuff in Chiang Mai. The I pass through BKK on my way south. At this point I leave most of it at the hotel in BKK and go off to Pattaya or Phuket with practicaly nothing. My packing method is simple. I lay out what I think I need, the get rid of half of it. Then the day before I leave I try to get rif of half of that. Less is more. Here are my basics. 2 pair of pants. 2 pair of sox, 2 T shirts, 1 long sleeve dress shirt 3 underwear. small toiletries and small medical kit. By the way this is the total amount meaning these are not in addition to what I am wearing. Less is more


                        • #27
                          Hey dmlbl2001 thanks for the advice, u sound like you know what your doing.....
                          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!

