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The Azza Files

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  • On another note- i had the not too uncommon pleasure of having to be quiet while Donnas teerak from europe made the call to his 'my girl is different to the rest' barbie doll.

    When are these guys going to learn (yes he is a sponsor)

    Having said that... i've barfined Ice 3 times this week....

    And i can understand how someone could fall for her big time

    But when in follow the use the maxi head not the mini


    A worthy trip report


    • (azza33 @ Apr. 28 2010,15:45) Donna (post-op) and Ice

      kinda got side tracked as i barfined both these ladies last night
      Hmmmm, Donna eh? I can see the attraction...      

      Azza & Donna Anteater...                It has a nice ring to it...        
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • Hi Batman.... hope you like.. passed on a message to Oh & i think a fairly nice picture
        Attached Files


        A worthy trip report


        • An eventful last night was had at C & D...

          I took quite a few pictures of the lovable but vunerable Sonya.

          Here is a sneak peak of some of the goodies...

          Then again.. maybe you cant be bothered seeing any more of my pics

          Let me know if they interest you
          Attached Files


          A worthy trip report


          • (pacman @ Apr. 28 2010,17:56)
            (azza33 @ Apr. 28 2010,15:45) Donna (post-op) and Ice

            kinda got side tracked as i barfined both these ladies last night
            Hmmmm, Donna eh? I can see the attraction...      

            Azza & Donna Anteater...                It has a nice ring to it...        
            She certainly does Pac


            A worthy trip report


            • Azza,

              I never get tired of seeing Sonya however I wish she would put on a few kilos. She is so damn pretty but much too thin... at least for my liking.


              • Oh by the way, your shower pic of Sonya is terrific and I do not mean just her. It was a stylish image capture. Good stuff.


                • (azza33 @ Apr. 29 2010,03:30) Hi Batman.... hope you like.. passed on a message to Oh & i think a fairly nice picture
                  thats more like it...

                  6 weeks left and i hopefully will take a picture like that.......with the same camera... or at least ...the same model...

                  thanx mate...owe you one....
                  all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


                  • omg
                    Sonya is so hottt god i wish i had taken her.

                    i hope you have more photos of her.

                    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
                    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
                    General George Patton Jr


                    • (Steff @ Apr. 29 2010,05:51) I never get tired of seeing Sonya however I wish she would put on a few kilos. She is so damn pretty but much too thin... at least for my liking.

                      I want to take your mind back to a simpler time in LOS before the locals lost the diet they lived on exclusively, before things like dairy products were introduced, when there were no fast food establishments & half the food the locals did eat was raw vegetables.

                      All the girls looked like Sonya does now (& there was little incidence of drugs). OK, I exaggerate, the very rare sighting of an overweight Thai was noticed by all because they were as common as albinos in our society.

                      The average weight of these delicate little creatures we met everywhere was 35 to 40 kilos. That's 77 too 88 pounds in imperial measurement.

                      Bad skin was never seen & the quality of sex these angels were capable of seems like a lost memory today. No wonder the Vietnam vets returned home with wanton tales of unbelievably hot babes who went off like New Years Eve.

                      So when I see Sonya I don't see a skinny underfed waif, I see a reminder of the pretty little things that were in every bar once.

                      You did say that she wasn't to your liking so I guess I won't need to compete with you for her charms. But I am sure many other guys will find her agreeable.

                      And thanks Azza, these pictures of Sonya are as good as any I have seen posted. I can't name one LB who poses better or has a more scampish look than our Sonya.

                      You may post some more please...            
                      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                      • Pacman,

                        Point well taken. Thank you.


                        • Azza,

                          Will be spending this coming long weekend in phuket before back to work in BKK on 5th..... hope to catch up with you tomorrow night (30th)...

                          That Donna is a yummy.....


                          • sorry lads, last night was my last night in Thailand

                            Just arrived in KL and have one night here before heading back to OZ.

                            I shall see how the night unfolds in KL

                            And don't worry i have lots of shots yet to post... Sonya lovers will be very happy im sure

                            stay tuned....


                            A worthy trip report


                            • Nuoy, Nookie & some random from Tequila bar
                              Attached Files


                              A worthy trip report


                              • Okay... time to start the Sonya show
                                Attached Files


                                A worthy trip report

