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More foreign atriocities in the UK!

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  • #16
    i can't be arsed replying to this shit really but if u must know muslims haven't suddenly brought terrorism here. it has been here all along.

    most recently IRA might of done a tiny thing or two- do u recall that stoogie? maybe? yes ? no? search your brain? can u remember anything to do with irish people? they reprezent green things/guiness/leprecauns???? ringing any bells???? u fucking looser
    wake up

    ur so fucking stupid its untrue

    stick to the one thing your good at- finding nice femboys


    • #17
      yep the first terrorists were the good old IRA . they  blew  people up   for years  but  did  give  30 minute warnings before  the  bombs went off. cunts
      .muslims are cunts too unless they are secular  muslims  like in indonesia or  uar, we are now getting the problems the uk and  holland and france have with these so called  migrants.daughters not aloud to  go out with locals   sOns aloud to rape and  gang rape  australian girls with the blessings of the  mufti. the sydney mufti  described the victimes as uncovered meat.
      .I agree with stogies  statement  do it the thai way or  fuck off. same should apply  to uk  do it our way or  fuck off. the police are not  feared any there powers  have been stripped  by the do  gooders and wowsers.
      ID love to see some of these left wing toss pots  going of at a thai cop. He (the cop)would smirk and hit you with his  rifle but   and kick you on a plain. never to return again.
      We  had so called race riots in the australian beach suberb of  cronulla.  described by the media as  white supremesists  beating up  muslim youths  at the beach. Bollocks. I have good friends who live at cronulla, there side of the story not covered  by the media . we have had these middle eastern thug gangs turning up  in cronulla for years. abusing us  bashing us vandelising our  property and the final straw was when 3 of these  arab youths beat  a  life saverup
      .The follow weekend there was a demostration by the locals  stating the cronulla beach was for everyone  but  come here a  in peace  not anger.A few drunks got out of hand and bashed a coup[le of  people. Next  night was revenge  night where the gangs returned and stabbed and bashed  people  and destroyed more  property. They hate us so they should  pack there  bags and fuck of   home to the lebanon where they   fucking well belong, not here in australia.
      Australia like the uk is a  tolorant society, there being the problem, to easy to  push us about.

      well said stogie well said
      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


      • #18
        your off your rocker rayton....these same problems are going on in the USA. good example are all the illegals coming in to my country and demanding citizenship....the came illegally and know want to be a citizen. they suck off the welfare system. have multi births,live in near poverty because they dont want to stop having kids for the goverment to support. my tax dollars by the way. plus refuse to learn the language... i dont want to press fucking 1 in my own country to speak fing english......

        now i guess i am a racist right,,,,this is according to your logic to sb,,,, right so am a racist and think all the mexicans should get back to their fing country...

        sure i am since i am of spanish decent can speak spanish and look like them....gee what kind of racist am i??? please inlighten me rayton am cluless


        • #19
          A lot of opinions and emotions, not many facts, I would just make a couple of points.

          Female circumcision is not a Muslim practice but a cultural one, still carried out in a handful of countries mainly in sub Saharan Africa, granted they are muslim countries, but it is an important distinction to make that it is cultural and not religious.

          Terrorism is much older than the IRA and remember one man's terrorist is another man's hero. I'm sure the Muslims of Saladin's day thought that the Crusaders carried out many terrorist acts, while we were brought up in England believing they were the good guys spreading the word of God.
          I reckon religion has a lot to answer for on all sides. It won't be Islam that fucks the world, but it might be fundamentalism (fundamentalist anything, some of those fundamentalist Christians in the US are bloody scary too).

          Richard Dawkins in his book 'The God delusion' puts it well, with a quote along the lines of:
          "In a world without religion good people would do good things and evil people would do evil things. In a world with religion evil people still do evil things, but sometimes good people do evil things"
          Well I haven't added much in the way of fact, just more opinion, I guess it's that kind of debate.
          I just thought it was worth a bit more input from the left wing tosspot side of the fence.
          When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy...poverty


          • #20
            Let me ask SB a couple of more specific questions, just trying to find out where this hatred is really aimed:

            I am Scottish. I lived in London, England for 10 years. I got a speeding ticket once (ie broke the law). Should I be sent home to Scotland? And 'all the people who know me'? that would include all my English friends in london? They should be sent to Scotland as well?

            Your first rant was against black people (before it kind of got overtaken by Muslims). I believe Bit Beefy is black. When was the last time he posted on this forum? Why?

            Is Bit Beefy OK? Or does he not belong in England either? I remember you posting a couple of years ago that he was a good guy? Buy why?...he is black after all?

            DaveDuke is from Manchester. Pretty different environment to your heritage in the Isle of Wight. Are 'northerners' OK'? Where is the line that says someone is OK or not?

            Terrorism? Hmmmm, lets see....IRA, ETA, Bader Meinhoff, Red Brigade. All pretty viscious groups around Europe from the 1970's, and ETA still around. Seems to me that terrorism is not just a Muslim thing. Or don't those count?
            Mister Arse


            • #21
              Criminals and bullies that aren't from the UK... that's my rant... All religous people (Especially Christians) and ALL terrorists - yes including the ludicrous IRA.

              White folks (drunks and gangs) who intimidate and leech of law abiders... segregate them. Gun crimes? LIFE and it should mean LIFE! Violent crimes? Stick them all together on a remote island where they can be violent together.

              Religeous people who brainwash their kids should be jailed for child abuse and have their kids fostered out.

              Sorry - I have NO patience for crooks and law breakers especially the ones that weren't even born in the UK...

              Yep - I know Beefy - we've been friends for years. He devotes his life to under priviledged black kids and will one day get a well deserved MBE or something. He'd be just as annoyed as I am that his losing battle is hampered even more by lawless immigrants and that his kids are getting dragged in to an easily avoided battle against drugs and crime and lawlessness.

              This isn't a struggle about color or race... It's about the preservation of certain standards of behaviour which the authorities have failed to uphold.

              It's about being able to go to a bar or a restaurant at night without fear of being accosted and abused and in danger.

              The government is increasing segregation and fear by forcing integration on an unwilling population and even more stubborn immigrants who hold our lifestyles and social services in contempt as something to be abused and not earned.

              I'm generalising and not every white person is a 'hoodie' and not every immigrant wants to torture their kids, but the incidence is high enough in the popular Western countires to warrant a civil war.

              Here's a question for you...

              Do you think that the people who died in the second world war would have had quite the same fierce sense of loyalty and patriotism if they had known back then that successive governments and liberal dreamers were going to demolish a whole system and standard of living?

              The ills of society in the UK are as plain as the nose on my face... weed out the criminals 'Thai style' and you''ll have a happier population of law abiding citizens.

              The word 'society' means just that: People living and working harmoniously together for the common good... In Thailand 'society' seems to work better despite the obvious flaws in it's management.

              You don't have to be a racist to want to preserve your way of life. You shouldn't be forced to tolerate something from another country unless those people have equal tolerance for the way of life in their new place of residence.


              • #22
                (trocks69 @ Aug. 05 2007,07:48) your off your rocker rayton....these same problems are going on in the USA. good example are all the illegals coming in to my country and demanding citizenship....the came illegally and know want to be a citizen. they suck off the welfare system. have multi births,live in near poverty because they dont want to stop having kids for the goverment to support. my tax dollars by the way. plus refuse to learn the language... i dont want to press fucking 1 in my own country to speak fing english......

                now i guess i am a racist right,,,,this is according to your logic to sb,,,, right so am a racist and think all the mexicans should get back to their fing country...

                sure i am since i am of spanish decent can speak spanish and look like them....gee what kind of racist am i??? please inlighten me rayton am cluless
                yes you are a racist for singling these people out. here lots of people have kids to get free money from the goverment- but most are whites.
                i'm not saying there aren't problems when people come to live here, i'm just trying to say that we are all as bad as each other and blaming particular colours/races is wrong.
                i've never seen an asian begging on the street because most come here with a proactive mindset- they open up succsesful businesses that makes lazy white guys jelous.
                and as for them not giving enough to society or conforming to our ways..... did we conform to aboriginal ways when we went to live in australia or indian's ways the in usa?

                oh and donny... the IRA weren't the first terrorists in uk- read a history book and you'll see that shit has been going on forever. read a book by someone like Noam Chomsky and you'll see that we do as much as anyone else (in a politically and more economicaly viable way)


                • #23
                  (stogie bear @ Aug. 05 2007,10:56) Criminals and bullies that aren't from the UK... that's my rant... All religous people (Especially Christians) and ALL terrorists - yes including the ludicrous IRA.

                  White folks (drunks and gangs) who intimidate and leech of law abiders... segregate them. Gun crimes? LIFE and it should mean LIFE! Violent crimes? Stick them all together on a remote island where they can be violent together.

                  Religeous people who brainwash their kids should be jailed for child abuse and have their kids fostered out.

                  Sorry - I have NO patience for crooks and law breakers especially the ones that weren't even born in the UK...

                  Yep - I know Beefy - we've been friends for years. He devotes his life to under priviledged black kids and will one day get a well deserved MBE or something. He'd be just as annoyed as I am that his losing battle is hampered even more by lawless immigrants and that his kids are getting dragged in to an easily avoided battle against drugs and crime and lawlessness.

                  This isn't a struggle about color or race... It's about the preservation of certain standards of behaviour which the authorities have failed to uphold.

                  It's about being able to go to a bar or a restaurant at night without fear of being accosted and abused and in danger.

                  The government is increasing segregation and fear by forcing integration on an unwilling population and even more stubborn immigrants who hold our lifestyles and social services in contempt as something to be abused and not earned.

                  I'm generalising and not every white person is a 'hoodie' and not every immigrant wants to torture their kids, but the incidence is high enough in the popular Western countires to warrant a civil war.

                  Here's a question for you...

                  Do you think that the people who died in the second world war would have had quite the same fierce sense of loyalty and patriotism if they had known back then that successive governments and liberal dreamers were going to demolish a whole system and standard of living?

                  The ills of society in the UK are as plain as the nose on my face... weed out the criminals 'Thai style' and you''ll have a happier population of law abiding citizens.

                  The word 'society' means just that: People living and working harmoniously together for the common good... In Thailand 'society' seems to work better despite the obvious flaws in it's management.

                  You don't have to be a racist to want to preserve your way of life. You shouldn't be forced to tolerate something from another country unless those people have equal tolerance for the way of life in their new place of residence.

                  i wish you'd said this in the beginning lol.
                  i agree


                  • #24
                    and as for them not giving enough to society or conforming to our ways..... did we conform to aboriginal ways when we went to live in australia or indian's ways the in usa?
                    Do you honestly think that we should have?


                    • #25
                      (stogie bear @ Aug. 05 2007,11:12)
                      and as for them not giving enough to society or conforming to our ways..... did we conform to aboriginal ways when we went to live in australia or indian's ways the in usa?
                      Do you honestly think that we should have?
                      and nore should immigrants conform to our ways- they should respect our laws but they have every right in the world to do as they please otherwise.


                      • #26
                        This isn't a struggle about color or race...
                        Yet you opened up this thread with a tirade against muslims. Again.

                        I could have a sensible debate about your last post.

                        In fact, I am against the integration of the EU for many of the reasons you highlighted. Integration takes thousands of years and evolves......politicians are far too keen to force different peoples togather far too quickly, and that causes big problems
                        Mister Arse


                        • #27
                          The Daily Telegraph, about the only sensible paper left commented last week that in some town immigration is so high that the indiginoeus population in many part of the UK will soon have no sense of identity...

                          It also made the point that if this carries on the in a few years time we will be in " new territory" whatever that means. At some stage there will be a massive backlash and the sooner it comes the better. You can feel it building up week by week , yhear by year.. people have had enough.

                          My office in in East London and all i can say is that people here in this area just exist in what is now part of the third world within the UK.. ...


                          • #28
                            Would also like to add that a lot of the talked about Black on Black violence in the UK is the Afro Carribean community vs the new wave of African immigration, racism pure and simple. These communities do not get along and the only reason why it ain't reported as such is a lot of people have the attitude that one Black man is the same as the other. Make of it what you will.
                            Beer Baron


                            • #29
                              Yes - I agree, a lot of these shootings in Manchester and SE London are black on black crime between rival gangs, about territory and drugs.

                              As for Muslim extremists, i believe that those that preach violence and terrorism should be deported, as should those who commit terrorist acts against the general public.

                              We often talk here about how to behave in Thailand, do not let them lose face, etc, and to respect the King and the Country. I just wish that visitors to my country would extend us the same courtesies.
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                              • #30
                                (stogie bear @ Aug. 04 2007,16:41) Black kids kill each other again...

                                Pakistani parents torture kid to death!

                                 All just a day in the life of jolly old England!

                                15 years of spineless polititions and policing have cremated a once proud nation.  
                                You are right there Stoogie. the uk is finished, some nonsense called 'consensus politics' from the 60s too, ie nobody to blame, societies fault etc etc

                                "Liberalism is just another word for mediocrity"

