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-- Election '08 --

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  • #61
    None of the above. I will probably write in Edwards. He seemed like the only one that actually stood up to the special interests ect. The other dems are going to be just biz as usual and take two full terms to do squat. It is going to be a vile general election because I know that the right will pull out all the stops to destroy their opponent. Should be interesting to say the least. At the very least I think Edwards may be the VP or the attorney general or some such post.


    • #62
      It is interesting that you would notice that about Edwards...I am a Republican and think Edwards is not a bad guy...he has the brains but not the charisma. Yes, this election should be interesting....Obama better not have any skeletons in his closet.....


      • #63
        Yet another Obama sweep tonight!


        • #64
          (PigDogg @ Feb. 20 2008,11:37) Yet another Obama sweep tonight!
          As the New York Giants showed, it's only the last one that counts.
          Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

          Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


          • #65
            (post-op lover @ Feb. 20 2008,16:55) As the New York Giants   showed, it's only the last one that counts.      
            For being a post-op lover, I am surprised to see that you're such a lackey for that old rough TV, Hillary!


            • #66
              The witch looked desperate during the debate tonight.

              She munched her attack lines and got booed!

              I doubt she'll be able to lose gracefully.

              There is something freaky about her that reminds me of that Glenn Close character who screamed "I won't be ignored!"



              • #67
                Ralph Nader the narcissist just announced on Meet the Press he will run as an independent for President.

                This was what nuked Gore in 2000, and cost him the election!

                Thank you Gore for helping to elect McCain!!!!


                • #68
                  I have to agree with what Stogie said about things not really changing and the machine grinding on. The faces and the rhetoric do change but the system does not.
                  I liked Kucinich, but he's out.
                  Race and gender aside, in terms of policy, Clinton and Obama are just about identical. I personally like Obama much better. I have to admit the guy is smart and charismatic. He's quite the performer when it comes to delivering a speech.
                  Despite my revulsion and cynicism at this charade I'll be voting for whoever emerges victorious from the democratic primary. I'm hoping it's Obama.
                  Unfortunately, I think that this is still and extremely racist and sexist country that will not elect either a woman or a black man as president any time soon. So we'll get the old war monger McCain as the next president of the U.S.
                  I hope I'm wrong.
                  "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                  Salin' on a summer breeze
                  And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                  -Harry Nilsson


                  • #69
                    (surferboy @ Feb. 24 2008,08:06) Ralph Nader the narcissist just announced on Meet the Press he will run as an independent for President.
                    I predict that Nader gets only about 20% of the votes he got in 2000 (if Obama gets the nomination).

                    The type of people who vote for Nader don't want biz as usual and Gore was biz as usual. True or not, Obama represents thechange that appeals to Nader voters IMO.


                    • #70
                      (PigDogg @ Feb. 25 2008,02:08)
                      (surferboy @ Feb. 24 2008,08:06) Ralph Nader the narcissist just announced on Meet the Press he will run as an independent for President.
                      I predict that Nader gets only about 20% of the votes he got in 2000 (if Obama gets the nomination).    

                      The type of people who vote for Nader don't want biz as usual and Gore was biz as usual.  True or not, Obama represents thechange that appeals to Nader voters IMO.
                      Good point.


                      • #71
                        (strocube @ Feb. 25 2008,02:00) Unfortunately, I think that this is still and extremely racist and sexist country that will not elect either a woman or a black man as president any time soon. So we'll get the old war monger McCain as the next president of the U.S.
                        I hope I'm wrong.
                        I think you are.


                        • #72
                          (strocube @ Feb. 24 2008,19:00) Unfortunately, I think that this is still and extremely racist and sexist country that will not elect either a woman or a black man as president any time soon. So we'll get the old war monger McCain as the next president of the U.S.
                          I hope I'm wrong.
                          I Hate to say it, but i think you are right.

                          I think unless Hilary wins, McCain is a shoe-in for the next president.
                          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                          • #73
                            McCain, war monger? That is Democratic Party trash talking with no basis in fact. Let's see....if Gore had been President when Osama attacked the US, what would have been his response....hmmmm? Wimp out, would be my guess....kind of like Europe's response to Hitler....wimp out. I am a Republican, through and through but the political analyst in me says I would not be too hasty to assume that minorities, women, and the traditional non-voters won't elect Obama over McCain. As I said before, the trends since FDR say it is a Democrats turn...


                            • #74
                              President Obama, thats my pick --- and you can trust me --- I also got the superbowl right (giants by 3)

                              And just like the superbowl, this game is fun...not a boring scripted event like 2004.
                              "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                              • #75
                                John McClain will be president matter what all u liberals here think and voted for!!!

