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What are you most ashamed of?

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  • #16
    (Dieter @ May 01 2008,07:10) my pecker is 30cm long....
    Now I see why you wear that kind of trousers in your avatar
    Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


    • #17
      Outside of my Sexuality. I have always been very open with family and freinds. I've always admitted and talked about my mistakes.

      Having a Loving family to talk to, good freinds to share my stories with always gave me Great relief emotionally. I honestly can't think of anything I am ashamed of.

      Yes, I would like to do some things over again, but Ashamed ? No, not me. I can't think of anything.

      I had a very good upbringing. It wasn't until I reached the age of about 35yr's old when I became ;
      " A little " antisocial. I don't like crowds and I limit my friends. Fuck, who needs friends anyhow. They always want money or bail money, food, booze, Fuck'em. I don't need any.
      My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


      • #18
        I used to have quite a number of somehow "silly" reasons for being ashamed.
        Mostly because of my family background. Since my parents were not wealthy I was often (always?) in deny of all things teenagers like making me feel inferior to anyone else. My parents' vision of life didn't help much too!
        I also had a light stuttering problem that often put me in shame, and my physical characteristics also didn't help being tall but skinny and not exactly with a 'sportmen' look.

        Well - those days are over and making a fast forward to today I can say that I finally managed to live comfortably in my own skin and NOT giving a damn of what others may think or like/dislike about me
        What is left is my lack of physical agility, a not so elegant walk and I'm not exactly "Captain Coraugeous" but I can start now putting the blame on the age
        As for the character side, being mould at early age and heavily influenced by my parents, have learnt to live with it but trying my best to mitigate the cantankerous bouts that I sometimes have, and the obnoxious habit to interrupt someone's speach with questions
        Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


        • #19
          (Looker @ May 01 2008,10:52) Since my parents were not wealthy I was often (always?) in deny of all things teenagers like making me feel inferior to anyone else.
          I had previously posted I could not think of Anything I am Ashamed of.

          Well, Lookers post just brought back a rush of memories from when I was a young Kid.

          I remember as a young child, I too use to pick on the kids who were Less fortunant than I by calling them names. I do regret it now that I am Older and wiser.

          So I do guess I have something to be ashamed of.
          I apologize to all the Poor fucking bastards Like Looker I've ever picked on. JUST KIDDING,
          Bad Joke.

          In Hindsight, I am sorry. It wasn't very Cool at all.

          Keep on Trucking Looker. Love Ya' bro.
          My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


          • #20


            • #21
              (mirimark @ May 01 2008,11:48)  I remember as a young child, I too use to pick on the kids who were Less fortunant than I by calling them names.   I do regret it now that I am Older and wiser.
              It's ok. In fact, I guess Goldmountain's posting it's rather about what makes you feel ashamed at present days, but since I was at the keyboard decided to throw in also something about the past for good measure
              Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


              • #22
                Instead of reEditing my above post, just let me add to it.

                Now that I really think about it, calling those kids names becuase they wore cloths that were second hand. They look like dirty pigs who never took showers. Had that fucking winter coat so torn it didn't look like it could keep anyone warm from the elements. And the Shoes, Ahwwww ! god. the shoes didn't even Look wearable at all. Yes, I teased those kids growing up.

                Thanks Looker for the Guilt trip I'm going through right now. It was a pretty Fucked up thing I did.
                No, I won't lose any sleep, but it was wrong. But atleast I learned from it though. My 9yr' Old daughter says things sometimes that I have to keep her straight on.

                Oh ! daddy, Look at that Fat Lady.
                Oh ! daddy, Look at that guy, he is Ugly.
                Shit like that. Hey, guys. I do correct my daughter when she says stuff like that.
                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                • #23
                  (mirimark @ May 01 2008,12:01) I do correct my daughter when she says stuff like that.

                  That's good. The personality and character of a person it's formed at home. Keep up the good work bro!

                  BTW, I wasn't really wearing second hand hands clothes
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #24
                    (Looker @ May 01 2008,12:22)

                    That's good. The personality and character of  a person it's formed at home. Keep up the good work bro!

                    BTW, I wasn't really wearing second hand hands clothes  [/quote]
                    No,   But you do have a Fucking Second Hand Attitude.


                    Just kidding Looker.    Time fer' another beer fer' Me.

                      I am very serious when I say that about my daughter.
                    My Wife will not tolerate our daughter talking shit about other people.    My wife is Mexican.   She knows racisim first hand.   My daughter looks white.

                     My daughter will be fine,  I assure you all.

                    I like rapping with you Looker. Yer' Fun.
                    My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                    • #25

                      Glad you are directing her on the right path.
                      I'm perfectly aware of what racism is about. Being born in a family of "southerners" in the land of the "northerners"!
                      Now I have a good laugh on it..but back then
                      Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                      • #26
                        (Looker @ May 01 2008,12:52)
                        Glad you are directing her on the right path.
                        I'm perfectly aware of what racism is about. Being born in a family of "southerners" in the land of the "northerners"!
                        Now I have a good laugh on it..but back then  
                        Goodnight my Freind ; Looker.

                        I will see you soon bro. The wife needs attention and the kid Loves for me to tuck her in with few charley horses to boot.

                        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                        • #27
                          I used to be ashamed of my sexuality and would go to great lengths to hide it. I was petrified my family and friends would find out.
                          However i realised i couldn't be happy unless I was in a relationship with a LB, and told my parents who replied, 'Really. Good for you. Go and be happy son. We love you whatever you like."
                          Now i don't feel ashamed of anything, I hold my head up high, walking through the malls, streets, bars and restaurants in the company of ladyboys. 'Coming out' has been most liberating.

                          Oh & my Arsenal tattoo wasn't one of my best ideas, but i wouldn't say i was ashamed of it, it just serves as a reminder never to go to a tattoo studio under the influence of Bacardi & Magic mushrooms...


                          • #28
                            (haze69uk @ May 01 2008,11:18) Oh & my Arsenal tattoo wasn't one of my best ideas, but i wouldn't say i was ashamed of it, it just serves as a reminder never to go to a tattoo studio under the influence of Bacardi & Magic mushrooms...
                            Why, is it because you're a Spurs fan?  


                            • #29
                              Im ashamed of absolutely nothing in my life , sure if I could go back maybe 20 years or so , I might change a few things but I figure you gotta make mistakes to learn , its all part of the big wheel of life .

                              I live everyday like its my last , and try to do it with a big smile on my face , I don't take myself or life to serious , I have my health and Im happy , so Im lucky and Im thankful for what Ive got , what more could a guy need ?

                              Ok on second thoughts I could think of a few things   but Ill settle for what I got for now  

                              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                              • #30
                                Why, is it because you're a Spurs fan?
                                No thank god, it's just rubbish. The guy did it freehand using the badge on the strip as his guide.

