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Down with George Bush!

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  • #16
    "Down With America"

    This is about as divisive a thread as I've ever seen here...

    Guaranteed to endear all us Yanks to you Irish guys...

    I don't much care if you want to attack Bush...Get in line....But to call for the demise of my country is more than a bit harsh...
    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


    • #17
      (kahuna @ May 27 2008,21:58) I don't much care if you want to attack Bush...Get in line....But to call for the demise of my country is more than a bit harsh...
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • #18

        I personally like yanks and i think nearly all Irish people do too...
        The Irish economy was built on american money and Paddy helped build America and many a Mick died in the civil war.

        i don't think any Irish people on this thread have knocked American people....Just been critical of the current Administrations foreign policies.

        George Bush is an idiot and what has happened in Iraq is a humanitarian disaster but there are other rising superpowers that would make old Bushy look like a saint.

        Imagine China as a superpower? i shudder to think.


        • #19
          Everytime i see your avatar i feel like watching that movie again. It´s great. John Torturro as Angel in the bowling scene is so good. One of Coen´s best movies, in my opinion.
          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

          Jaidee 2009

          The other white meat


          • #20
            A lot of my relations have lived in America since famine times, and i still have some great american friends, and the idea for this topic came from pacman.

            So, kuhuna, i am NOT saying anything bad about americans, but i stand by my words about bush, in ireland when bush was elected for the second term most of the papers had the same headline "how can 52 million people be so stupid"
            i love t-girls


            • #21
              (orgasmaddict @ May 27 2008,23:13) Imagine China as a superpower? i shudder to think.
              it's comin'

              man, are they sucking up a lot of oil now also

                India also

                 Stog's once said to me  'we are probably living in the best time ever, right now'

              which is probably true..... we have the modern conveniences and technologies that past generations could not enjoy, and yet [most of us] won't be around when this world implodes on itself around 2050.

                enjoy the good times now, gents..... travel!
              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


              • #22
                i trust and would rather be with america than the backstabbing  e.u. countries that shit on and hate the u.k.


                • #23
                  Everytime i see your avatar i feel like watching that movie again. It´s great. John Torturro as Angel in the bowling scene is so good. One of Coen´s best movies, in my opinion.
                  yea..its one of my favs too.......John Torturro is Jesus

                  How are you getting on back home? pity didn't catch you for a beer in Patts, you were in that Cabaret on 2nd road one night if i remember correctly.

                  I was obsessed with one of the LBs there...maybe bb has a pic of her...have you bb?


                  • #24
                    (orgasmaddict @ May 27 2008,23:13) Imagine China as a superpower? i shudder to think.
                    WTF !!

                    Hey OA, in case you missed it China are a superpower, at last count holding over 1.7 trillion US$ in their current account balance.

                    Seeing how the US owes 67 trillion US$ to the rest of the world with no hope of ever repaying it, I think we can work out who can buy & sell who.

                    The problem the rest of the world has with the US is that as commodities are priced in US$, we all suffer from the price inflation that is wrecking the US economy.

                    As we speak countries around the world are moving to uncouple their currencies from the US$, be it a hard peg or a soft peg.

                    As every country needs to buy oil, gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, gold, etc, etc, the rest of the world finds their prices ever increasing in response to the falling US$.
                    And greedy market speculators. The bastards are now targeting food.

                    But wait till I get hold of young seanbeag for starting this thread, I wrote that if someone tried to start this it would be quickly deleted as it is divisive.

                    No-one on this forum should take any satisfaction from the failing of America or hold it against any of our fellow Americans for George W.

                    Live & let live sounds like a plan to me.
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #25
                      Do you think George W. Bush will come to Nana Plaza or The Guess Bar in January 2009, after he leaves the Oval Office?

                      Was it George W. Bush's fault that Clinton Plaza closed down?

                      Please can the political stuff be posted on one of the Political Blogs or forums please, except stuff that impacts on South East Asia!.

                      Direct Link to an Index of Political blogs

                      Direct Link to Politico bog

                      Direct Link to The Caucus Blog

                      Direct Link to the Media Cynic Blog

                      Direct Link to The Huffington blog

                      Direct Link to The Neo-Con Blog Spot



                      • #26
                        problem is, some of us don't like politics {I know I am damn tired of it} but most of us like reading in this room!

                        because it covers every topic .... including politics and sports, current events, etc..... I also follow but have no problem reading about football here as well.

                        gotta admit game, these threads today are getting a lot of play!
                        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                        • #27
                          (seanbeag7 @ May 27 2008,23:30) So, kuhuna, i am NOT saying anything bad about americans,

                          Your title states very clearly "Down with America."

                          On other threads you have stated that you hope
                          the USA falls as the Roman Empire did...

                          "The Mouse that Roared"

                          I'm truly sorry I dignified this thread with a reply...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #28
                            , in case you missed it China are a superpower
                            Your right fella and i thought about this before i posted................

                            China has already began to rape and exploit Africa......they believe in torture and still execute people.....and nobody in the world can stop them.

                            Just like the states you might add

                            But at least in the west when this stuff goes on.... the media talks about it and the humanitarian issues are highlighted.

                            In many parts of Asia there is no free press and i find this to be a bit of a freak out when it comes to such matters.


                            • #29
                              Sean, I hope you don't plan to make a habit of starting such preposterous threads, particularly after I wrote that it should be deleted if anyone had the bad taste to do it.

                              The fortunes of America are the subject of much speculation, a matter I find endlessly fascinating, but to go out of your way to upset a fine bunch of fellows is something you should hold beneath you.

                              I can criticise the current administration for their failure to help their country, but to villify US citizens because we don't agree with their President is something else again.

                              I'm not sure how you might placate kahuna, perhaps you can shout him a drink when you get to the Guess Bar. It would be a good start to improving US-Irish relations.

                              And kahuna, Seans enthusiasm on the topic is exactly what I was referring to when I wrote before that previously rusted-on allegiance to the US had been seriously undermined by the behaviour of the neo-cons who control Washington.

                              When these guys set out to make America's bed, you all are having to lie in it.
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • #30
                                Kahuna this is not BULLSHITE....

                                here in galway, we get a group of collage students who spend 5 months studing european culture and irish history, and we as galwegians always treat them with respect

                                And in the other thread i did say america should fall like the roman empire, and my reason is simple, the FBI and CIA last year requested all info on irish people and europeans who travel to anyplace from ireland. Who the FUCK gave those WANKERS the right to know info about me, my family or anyone who is close to me... WHO, nobody and that my friend is bullshite, they do not have any rights to know fuckall about me because i am a european and an irishman and i am not or ever will be looking to america for citzenship.
                                i love t-girls

