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Down with George Bush!

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  • #31
    (Monkey @ May 27 2008,18:01) I think we should put our own houses in order before we start telling the rest of the world how crap they are.

    Hasn't Tony Blair just spent the last ten years licking the crosseyed cowboys arse  

    Hands up who didn't cringe when he greeted him with "Yo Blair " on TV

    The UK government has backed Bush to the hilt in Iraq .

    The UK and Irish ecomomies depend on the US heavily, thats why they hang on to the coat tails of every US president .

    Christ I remember we even had to bring Clinton over to bring peace in Ireland  

    Down with Bush , fair enough but leave America out of it , Im sure many decent Americans are sick of him , but the Ills of the world aint the fault of the ordinary guy in the street .
    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


    • #32
      Thanks Jim, that sums it up very well.
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #33
        well said
        i love t-girls


        • #34
          Well isn't this a jolly thread!

          I'm with seanbeag7 in that the US administration is way too big for it's boots, interfering all over the place, acting very often purely in the interests of certain commercial interests. But I would be naive to think that European or Asian countries are any different.
          The US of A just gets most of the stick, 'cos it is the single biggest power in the world, and it is very visible when it does something wrong.

          No I don't approve of alot that the USA as an administration does, but that has very little to do with American citizens per se. Just as little as I have to do with things done by the country that issued my passport, but I haven't lived in for most of my life.
          There is a massive difference between the people, a society, a country and it's parasitical politicians.

          I don't read and post here to disagree about one country's bunch of 'democratically elected' gangsters, but to engage in and enjoy this remarkable fellowship of LB lovers.

          thegame is right.
          Let's move this thread to the fishbox before someone gets hurt.


          • #35
            It's in the fishbox, idiot
            i love t-girls


            • #36
              ...acting very often purely in the interests of certain commercial interests.
              Isn't that their job, looking out for American interests and American people?

              With pump prices at just over $10 per gallon over here and them getting pissed off at $4 over there I think they aren't doing too badly.

              Just to make our US friends feel better this week, our Diesel is pushing $12...


              Sucks to be us if we gotta drive anywhere eh?
              I've made kathylc  


              • #37
                (seanbeag7 @ May 27 2008,18:45) It's in the fishbox, idiot
                Thanks for your correction.

                By the way I may be stupid but I'm not an idiot!


                • #38
                  lets have ww3 that will sort things out?


                  • #39
                    fleeing i have been at work for over 9 hours now and i am tired, and i just say things when i am tired, i am sorry
                    i love t-girls


                    • #40

                      the weather getting to you too sean.............hasn't been this bad in a while


                      • #41
                        (seanbeag7 @ May 28 2008,02:15) fleeing i have been at work for over 9 hours now and i am tired, and i just say things when i am tired, i am sorry
                        Sean as soon as the T-shirt arrives fro Stogie all will be well with the world in Galway


                        • #42
                          I have to get through a bank-holiday first
                          i love t-girls


                          • #43
                            (seanbeag7 @ May 28 2008,02:15) i have been at work for over 9 hours now and i am tired,
                            Must be a tough job yours , spend all day on the forum and pissed every Friday afternoon
                            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                            • #44
                              i work in an internet cafe
                              i love t-girls


                              • #45
                                do you have Ragnarok there?

                                I've made kathylc  

