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Down with George Bush!

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  • wow, I never thought a thread about politics would have so many replies and so many views on the subject!

    for you people outside the USA, just imagine how bad it is here??

      it's all we ever hear about.....

      PD,  I fear you are right..... if we had   Gore in there now there would have been NO war, 4100 american kids would be alive, and while the Iraqi's would be living under a tyrant they could have consolation knowing they are the same as 20 or 30 nations around the globe, some of which are their neighbors.

       Scott McCLellan is making the rounds these days and the White House hates it ..... he was GW's press secretary for 3 full years, and the mouthpiece for that fool before and during March, 2003 ..... even HE says that the american public was lied to and the real reasons for us being in there just became the 'reason du jour' once  WMD's were not found, seriously, who would know more about the day-to-day affairs of the white house during that time than the guy who gave the daily press briefings?

     I am picking up that book today, should be an eye-opening weekend read.
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    • (azza33 @ May 30 2008,13:34)  

      By the way i cant wait to get to    and shag some sexy ladyboys      
      Thats the best thing you have said on the whole thread
      Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


      • when the President lies to his own people and constantly changes reasons as to why we invaded a sovereign nation, how can we believe anything from him?

        Phew, it will sure be nice to see President Cheney and that Texan puppet leave Washington

        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • Well JD you dont have long to wait. Thankfully in Jan 2009 there will be a smooth transition of power and civilian control of the militry will continue. Now, how many countries can say that?? You think Cbans want 60 years of Castro/communist party control?? Or how about Chavez in Venezuela? BTW how is it that countries like Venezuela and Mexico are so poor given all its natural resources?? Hummm maybe its Bush's fault? Dont get me wrong I soured on Bush a long tie ago and think he has been shite. But in 2004 what fucking choice did we have?? In 2008 what fucking choice do we have?? Its a disaster. The lack of quality people to run for office is appaling.

          Flame away but THE WORST President BY FAR was Jimmy Carter. What a bum/douche bag this guy was and still is! Bush's ratings are all time low but so are Congress' ratings. Anyone see that dumb bitch Maxine Waters berating some executive from Shell Oil?? What a stupid twat. If she ran a funeral parlor, people would stop dying. If she had the only hot dog stand in Manhattan, she couldnt turn a profit...

          JD if you think your taxes are high now, wait til Obama gets in. Yeah they will soak the rich but they wont tell you that if you make $45,000/year you will be considered rich!!!

          I stopped watching almost all the "shout shows". Here are some great TV shows you can watch:
          Jerry Springer
          Steve Wilkos
          The First 48
          Deadliest Catch
          Ax Men
          Ice Road Truckers
          Etc there are many more.
          Be careful out there!


          • (seamus @ May 30 2008,22:46)
            (azza33 @ May 30 2008,13:34)

            By the way i cant wait to get to and shag some sexy ladyboys
            Thats the best thing you have said on the whole thread
            Well Seamus its probably the only thing we'll all agree on


            A worthy trip report


            • hey Seamus take a look at my countdown clock


              A worthy trip report


              • now, seriously, who would know more about the day-to-day affairs of the white house during that time than the guy who gave the daily press briefings?
                how about the people feeding the lies to this guy?

                Oh i dont like the term lies - i prefer "misinformation" - makes it feel all warm and fuzzy


                A worthy trip report


                • Azza, you cut these WAR CRIMINAL filth far too much slack! I'd tighten the noose on them in a sec, after a "fair" trial, just like they give (actually not) to those sold to Guantanomo.


                  • perhaps i do, but then i wonder, given the War actually only ran from March 19th to May 1st 2003...

                    At what point in time do you start to consider that the Iraq people are more than partially responsible for the current mess.

                    Five years is a long time to have to babysit these people.


                    A worthy trip report


                    • (azza33 @ May 31 2008,09:28)
                      now, seriously, who would know more about the day-to-day affairs of the white house during that time than the guy who gave the daily press briefings?
                      how about the people feeding the lies to this guy?  
                      no doubt ..... McClellan says he feels used and dirty, and that after a while he even knew himself that we had no moral right to be in a country which had done nothing to us and the fact that his bosses were making him trot out that bad info to the press corps every day got to his conscience, and he quit.

                      2 years later he drops this bombshell of a book ..... and remember you kids at home, this is not a book by some left-wing nut like Michael Moore or Madonna, this is the press secretary for the United States of America! Way down on the list of important figues in the white house for sure, but on the other hand privy to all the info that flowed through the oval office on a daily basis! He knew it all, now he is telling it, and Washington is blown away; GW's 'legacy', such as it was, will now be more tarnished than ever.
                      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                      • Oh i dont like the term lies - i prefer "misinformation" - makes it feel all warm and fuzzy...
                        Yes... I love the new language of politics and business...

                        Accounting error used to be called 'embezzlement.'
                        Markdown used to be called 'loss.'
                        Misspoken used to be called 'deception.'

                        Not an interesting debate this.

                        I care more about the new scratch on my mobile than I do about anything happening in the world of politics.


                        • to be honest SB, I do as well!

                          when I travel that is! see, you lucky sods who live somewhere like Thailand aren't force-fed this shit daily unless you turn on CNN which you obviously don't. Good for you. When I used to travel there more often I never followed news from back home save for football and I never missed any of it!

                          Here, well it's hard to miss.

                          Sucks, trust me ..... one more crappy thing about living in a way over-rated and overly expensive country with zero culture.
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • Ok I didn't post on this thread for a long time because it is a very difficult issue. Good thing for me is I'm now totally shitfaced and have no inhibitions

                            Trying not to get too far involved but what the fuck is a legal war? Whoever thought of the term should be forced to lead the action in the next war and see how far their law books get them.

                            A war is the absence of law. Who ever wins then gets to wright the laws to say how right they were and how bad the enemy were. Law in War is the biggest lie there is and if your a soldier will do nothing but get you killed.

                            If you disagree let me ask you this. If your fighting a war would you prefer to break every "rule" and win. Or play the boyscout follow the rule book and lose?

                            I'll give all you who think there is a legal war out there a hint. Whenever people talk about the infamous "PC mafia" wrecking our civilization who no one knows how to define. They are talking about you.
                            Beer Baron


                            • For someone shitfaced you sure make sense. Good post.


                              • Well said Geezer
                                i love t-girls

