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  • (Tomcat @ May 23 2010,23:45) Anne Rice of whom i have everything except the controversial  book she wrote  about a sort of fictional Autobiography of Jesus Christ.( cant remember the name)
    'Christ the Lord Out of Egypt'. Haven't read that one...

    Here's her email: [email protected]

    Drop her a line
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • "The shadow lines" by Amitav Ghosh.

      I have mentioned this author a number of times before and always enjoyed the detail, and the intricate stories he weaves. This was his second book ©1988 ISBN: 0-618-32996-X


      • 'At the CENTER of the STORM. My years at the CIA'. By George Tenet.
        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


        • "The Unforgiving Minute" Craig M Mullaney.

          A working Class boy with standards, who goes to West Point, gets a Rhodes Scholarship, and ends up in Afganistan.

          Very well written and moving. The gaining of a lot of wisdom in 10 years that most of us don't get in a lifetime.

          A book to keep and revisit.

          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


          • (guydesavoy @ Jun. 15 2010,16:55) 'At the CENTER of the STORM. My years at the CIA'. By George Tenet.
            send that my way when you are done, eh Guy??

            I am into Neil Shubin's "Your Inner Fish" right now......been on kind of an evolutionary kick lately; I also ripped through The Ancestors Tale by Richard Dawkins and "Lucy's Legacy", written by Donald Johanson, by the researcher who actually found her bones in Africa.

            Still highly recommending "Nothing to Envy'' by Barbara Demmick to you lot, about North Korea; I couldn't put it down.
            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


            • You know they just don't have threads like this on other Thailand forums... and I am not talking only ladyboy forums either.

              It is a constant and pleasant surprise to realise that the majority of you here are not thick.

              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


              • Right now I'm in the middle of Sebastian Junger's "War," which is incredibly well written, set primarily in Afghanistan. Equally good is Dexter Filkins' "The Forever War," also about Afghanistan, but with a longer perspective and forays into Iraq.

                Bit of a short story fan, recently read "Burning Bright" by Ron Rash (with a name like that he's bound to be famous) and "Poachers" by Tom Franklin. High recommended if you want stories that move quickly but are character driven and thought provoking.


                • Two, just finished Shakespeare: A Biography, written by Peter Ackroyd, a 3rd rate British authors take oe a 3rd rate English playwright,

                  Also The Mao Case by Qiu Xiaolong
                  Life is short. Live it well.


                  • (kevin4252 @ Jun. 16 2010,09:28) Also The Mao Case by  Qiu Xiaolong
                    If you enjoyed that, check out Mao by Jung Chang

                    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                    • You would enjoy another book I'm reading

                      "Copernicus, Darwin & Freud" "Revolutions in the history and Philosophy of science"   by Friedel Weinert  ISBN: 978-1-4051-8184-6 (hard cov)  ISBN: 978-1-4051-8184-9 (Paper Back)


                      • (JaiDee @ Jun. 15 2010,21:00)
                        (guydesavoy @ Jun. 15 2010,16:55) 'At the CENTER of the STORM. My years at the CIA'. By George Tenet.
                        send that my way when you are done, eh Guy??
                         Still highly recommending "Nothing to Envy'' by Barbara Demmick to you lot, about North Korea; I couldn't put it down.
                        Will do. I'll look for that Nth Korea book. That must be an eye-opener  
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • Just finished Bangkok Days by a guy called Lawence Osbourne. I enjoyed the book has anyone read it here?
                          i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                          • Just finished Sex at Dawn, The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality[I], by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha.
                            This is an amazing read, very informative and very accessible to just about anyone.
                            The following is from the inside of the dust jacket:
                            "Ryan and Jetha's central contention is that human beings evolved in egalitarian groups that shared food, child care, and, often sexual partners. Weaving together convergent frequently overlooked evidence from anthropology, archeology, primatology, anatomy and psychosexuality, the authors show how far from human nature monogamy really is."
                            "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                            Salin' on a summer breeze
                            And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                            -Harry Nilsson


                            • UNLOCKED by Louis Ferrante. This guy was in the mob for years in the 90's. just started it and the stories are, well, interesting. Love books in this genre.....
                              Be careful out there!


                              • So, 'strocube', you think I can use that argument to justify my mongering?!!  

                                Looking through "Red Light Nights, Bangkok Daze", William Sparrow --- maybe I've just been doing it too long, but Mr. Sparrow seems to be something of a newbie from his reflections(?).

                                An interesting (in part) read was "My Thai Girl and I", Andrew Hicks --- he seems happy, but marriage to a Thai sounds like a one-way street ... in her direction.
                                More, More, More ... how do you like it?, how do you like it? ... More, More, More ...

