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Premiership predictions 2009/10...

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  • (BlueBallz @ Aug. 04 2009,06:00)  face it the way your club carry on is an embassment and that drunken bully manager of yours is the most graceless twat I ahve seen in the world of sports in my 46 years of life and 31 years of supporting City.  Just think 700 million in debt and still climbing!!!  
    Being the Premier League Title holders 11 times now since1992 and of course a record 11 FA Cups....yeah BB you are dead right pal, that is an embarrassment....but one I am prepared to live with.

    700 million in debt, that indeed may be true seeing as the Glaziers secured the loan to purchase United on the strength of their existing shareholding however, prior to that takeover; Manchester United PLC always showed a healthy profit, even taking into account transfers.

    With City's recent activity in the transfer market, I guarantee that their balance sheet shall also show a massive debt financed by a loan from their rag head owners in a similar fashion to many clubs including Chelsea and Liverpool.
    I seriously doubt Man City shall even generate enough income to pay their wage bill, they shall probably have to ponce off the arabs just to make ends meet.
    City are little more than a community club with precious little support outside Greater Manchester.

    As for you comments regarding Sir Alex.....I would suggest that if you ran a poll among other premiership managers, he would come out on top as the most admired and respected.


    •  Man of my "old heart" pentire        

      daveduke007 alias Man United "fanatic" since 1967
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • Look we all know that since 1992 (btw the advent of $ky TV) Streford scousers have been THEE most successful club in the English game. I woukdnt trade all your titles for swapping being a City fan for a SS fan. While some managers might look up to and respect your Drunkard of a manager, The Stretford Scouseers are deffo the most HATED, DESPISED club in England if nt in Europe. On the few occasions when things dont go there way, they become the most bitter, unsportsmanlike, petulant pieces of shit that exist. They all take their collective cue from that Purple Nosed bully. now two seasons ago when City had the goos fortune of turning over the Stretford Turds (The Pride of Singapore) TWICE, your "respected" manager didnt even ahve the testicular fortitude to face the media. What a gormless worm!!!!

        The last time the playing field was even REMOTELY level, was pre 1992. The advent of $ky flooded money towards the coffers of the bigger club with Stretford Scousers on top of the list. Lets not even BEGIN talking about the preferential treatment that united receive with in credibly boring predictability. Now people piss and moan about City spending loads of money. Lets face it, teams know City have money to burn and money is no object so they will ahve to pay over the odds for the forseeable future. There has been such a lack of investment for some many years they need to catch up-BIG TIME!!!!

        I dont care how many trophy your lot win. You cannot buy grace and class something that you lot definitely lack!!!
        Be careful out there!


        • I dont care how many trophy your lot win. You cannot buy grace and class something that you lot definitely lack!!!
           And I can see that you have it in abundance  


          • Streford scousers
            WTF! I know they are obsessed with Liverpool F.C but thats going a bit far..
            Forgot how this forum works  


            • Yeah you Commie Nazi's are really getting on my tits.

              Beer Baron


              • (BlueBallz @ Aug. 05 2009,15:46) Look we all know that since 1992 (btw the advent of $ky TV) Streford scousers have been THEE most successful club in the English game.  I woukdnt trade all your titles for swapping being a City fan for a SS fan.  While some managers might look up to and respect your Drunkard of a manager, The Stretford Scouseers are deffo the most HATED, DESPISED club in England if nt in Europe.  On the few occasions when things dont go there way, they become the most bitter, unsportsmanlike, petulant pieces of shit that exist.  They all take their collective cue from that Purple Nosed bully.  now two seasons ago when City had the goos fortune of turning over the Stretford Turds (The Pride of Singapore) TWICE, your "respected" manager didnt even ahve the testicular fortitude to face the media.  What a gormless worm!!!!

                The last time the playing field was even REMOTELY level, was pre 1992.  The advent of $ky flooded money towards the coffers of the bigger club with Stretford Scousers on top of the list.  Lets not even BEGIN talking about the preferential treatment that united receive with in credibly boring predictability.  Now people piss and moan about City spending loads of money.  Lets face it, teams know City have money to burn and money is no object so they will ahve to pay over the odds for the forseeable future.  There has been such a lack of investment for some many years they need to catch up-BIG TIME!!!!

                I dont care how many trophy your lot win.  You cannot buy grace and class something that you lot definitely lack!!!
                well said sir


                • daveduke007 united fanatic since 1967-1980

                  1980-1990 liverpool fanatic

                  1990 leeds

                  1990 -2000 united

                  2000-2005 chelski

                  2005-2009 united

                  2010 city


                  • (pentire @ Aug. 05 2009,05:41) City are little more than a community club with precious little support outside Greater Manchester.
                    Im not a city fan but I struggle to see anything wrong with this.
                    Beer Baron


                    • (geezer @ Aug. 05 2009,17:37)
                      (pentire @ Aug. 05 2009,05:41) City are little more than a community club with precious little support outside Greater Manchester.
                      Im not a city fan but I struggle to see anything wrong with this.
                      They are what you call a proper football club.....
                      United fans can't see the beauty in that?
                      Forgot how this forum works  


                      • if city do go onto winning things the glory boys will get on the bandwagon and citys fan base will grow which will piss me off a bit you see it on every street corner of england kids wear the shirts of the champions and having been to los for 20 years its the same in asia,there is no loyalty in footy to the glory boys ask daveduke ?


                        • well done celtic


                          • You can practically see the foam coming from BB's mouth.Calm down dear,its only football!.BTW-could you explain "streford scousers"?Your club and your fans especially,have a real soft spot for LFC-We would never have signed mcmanaman and fowler ,2 of your former stars.Also the much beloved former city player Joey "the thug"Barton-where was he from again?


                            • and thats from a rangers fan


                              • (allstar88 @ Aug. 06 2009,01:19) and thats from a rangers fan
                                Oh, you´re scottish?
                                "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                                Jaidee 2009

                                The other white meat

