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Businesses in Thailand

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  • #16
    (mardhi @ Jan. 12 2008,20:28) You can make serious money however its not easy but then again if it were, everybody would be doing it.    One of the key things to consider, is could you do it in your home country (i.e have a business and make a good income from it) - once you have the answer to that one, odds are it may be the same in Thailand - if realistically you could not run a business in your home country, odds are totally stacked against you for making a go of it in Thailand.      Business is very different here with lots of issues you may never have come across before.    

    Thanks Mardhi,

    Yes words of wisdom there. I have little to no experience running a business. I am a foreman in a factory. And I have had some management training.

    I never expected this to be easy. Before I started this thread I had no illussions that I was going to jump on a plane open a coffe shop or whatever and make 100,000 a month. I am reallistic. I understand that this will take a lot of hard work and effort on my part. And you are right I do not know the ins and outs of the laws and requirements in Thailand. I have been to the Thai consulate here and found out about Visas and the like.

    But this is exectly why I asked the questions. Now within an hour or so I am a lot wiser. And it is thanks to great and very useful information from both you and Stogie. I am determined to change my life and make this work. And at the end of all of this my girlfriend leaves me and I end up with nothing, hey at least I tried.

    Thanks Mardhi I do appreciate it. Great advise.


    • #17
      (stogie bear @ Jan. 12 2008,20:55) Cynical old bastard!

       Me? You got me all wrong, brother!    
      Sorry chief! Must have been that other cynical bastard I was thinking of...


      • #18
        I am determined to change my life and make this work...
        You are already half way home, bro'!


        • #19
          (Grinder @ Jan. 12 2008,12:45)
          Cynical old bastard! -
          Surely not
          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #20
            (stogie bear @ Jan. 12 2008,12:03)
            There was a company not so long ago looking for teachers for Thailand and...
            Forget that shit. Just get on a plane and apply for a job. You'll be earning in a week.
            Didn't you have this conversation with someone not so long ago
            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


            • #21
              (stogie bear @ Jan. 12 2008,22:11)
              I am determined to change my life and make this work...
              You are already half way home, bro'!
              I am sure all this will help. I have started to get into it anyway, instead of just sitting back thinking about it.


              • #22
                I went into business 5 years ago with my girlfriend helping her set up a travel agency in Rachada district.

                Our initial investment was 50/50 and we have always run the business on that basis - her family literally sold the family jewels to raise her stake.

                My view is that I have given her and her sister the opportunity to make a modest living in her chosen profession. Five years ago her friends where pressuring her to work in the bar scene to make a quick buck. I knew at the time that she would have hated bar work and it would have destroyed our relationship.

                I don't expect the business to make big profits - I just regard it as a sideline. For my girlfriend the business has changed her life completely and given her respect in a difficult world for a ladyboy.

                In the future when I am finacially secure I will move to Thailand but I will not get involved on a day to day in the business. She does a good job and she would not want me interfering in her business decisions - there can only be one boss.

                I am a qualified teacher and will initially find a job in that profession whilst finding my feet in the country.

                Maybe my girlfriend is an exception in that there is no evidence that she is trying to rip me off. She contacts me daily at the close of business about the days events and every month emails me a copy of the accounts.

                I always keep in mind that her family comes first and I come a long way second in her affections. My advice is always remember this when getting involved in business with your girlfriend.


                • #23
                  Good story, Terry. You have it sussed. Well done.


                  • #24
                    bomber, you say"what will i do if i live there?"why oh why don't you learne to speak read and write thai, the country where you will live??. it's not such a hard language to learn, if you go about it in a proper way. learn to read and write.this will take you about a year of tutoring and practice, then hey presto you will understand what the fuck is going on in and around you.
                    after you have a good grasp of thai then maybe you might have a chance of understanding how it all works there.
                    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                    • #25
                      I can't even count to 10...


                      • #26
                        (donnnnnny @ Jan. 13 2008,09:11) bomber, you say"what will i do  if i live there?"why oh why don't you learne to  speak read and write thai, the country where you will live??. it's not such a hard language to learn, if you go about it in a proper  way. learn to read and write.this will take you about a year of tutoring and practice, then hey presto you  will understand what  the fuck is  going on in and around you.
                        after you have a good  grasp of thai then maybe you might have a chance of understanding how   it all works there.
                        Donnnnnny, I have had 1 Thai lesson. It lasted an hour and cost me $70. At the end I thought that just cost me 2 cartons of beer. I figure if I make the move I can get by until i've settled in. I don't think it's a priority. However I think it would be a good thing to at least know a bit of the language.



                        • #27
                          TerryW. You make a very good point there mate. Regarding not getting involved with the running of the business. I think living and working together would put a strain on any relationship.



                          • #28
                            (bomber69 @ Jan. 13 2008,11:58)
                            (donnnnnny @ Jan. 13 2008,09:11) bomber, you say"what will i do  if i live there?"why oh why don't you learne to  speak read and write thai, the country where you will live??. it's not such a hard language to learn, if you go about it in a proper  way. learn to read and write.this will take you about a year of tutoring and practice, then hey presto you  will understand what  the fuck is  going on in and around you.
                            after you have a good  grasp of thai then maybe you might have a chance of understanding how   it all works there.
                            Donnnnnny, I have had 1 Thai lesson. It lasted an hour and cost me $70. At the end I thought that just cost me 2 cartons of beer. I figure if I make the move I can get by until i've settled in. I don't think it's a priority. However I think it would be a good thing to at least know a bit of the language.

                            you must be joking"not a priority" mate you will be living in a country and wont be able to communicate with the vast majority of the people there(they cant speak english).the only people you will be able to communicate with is ugly old whore mongers like me.
                            $70 for a lesson in your own country?? in thailand it will cost you half of this
                            GO LEARN THE LINGO AND LET ME KNOW HOW YOU LOVE IT
                            STOGIE NUNG SONG SAM CEE HAAA HOCK JET PAIT GOW SIP=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1O THATS $70 YOU OWN ME
                            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                            • #29
                              I think the most important thing at the moment is actually getting there. I do agree with you Donnnnnny that learning the language is a must. But I will leave it until I am there and settled in. I think I can manage until then. Cheers mate.


                              • #30
                                I suppose if you are doing business here then being fluent in Thai is very usefull.

                                I can't be arsed to learn it. Most Thais don't like it when you speak their language and I get what I want by pointing!

