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iPod Touch vs iPhone (What to buy in LOS?)

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  • #16
    (Bicycle Pump! @ Sep. 30 2009,11:00) Apple cleverly release updates incrementally (and very slowly) to force users to buy them over and over again.

    The technology is already there to have 128 gigs of storage plus add on card storage plus decent camera, etc, but won't ever make them available until someone else does first or gets close to doing so.

    I can't see the appeal of these handcuffed and locked down toys. They have so much potential but actually do fuck all.
    Well, I honestly can't blame them for doing that but then with me Apple get away with murder (almost). Although I have switched to PC some years back, my heart still beats for Apple - can't really explain why ...



    • #17
      (Snick @ Sep. 30 2009,11:23) You gotta be kidding...
      Yes there are silly limitations, no SD slot, crippled bluetooth, expensive peripherals like video cables.
      But to say it does fuck all is ridiculous, its a web browser, news reader,mailer reader, VNC client, music player, video player, dictionary, etc....
      Not to mention tons of great games.
      Everytime I use it I think 'wow this is so Star Trek'

      And if wasn't Apple then who ?,
      Microsoft ?, Zune really does crap all;
      Nokia-amazing how they haven't made a device anywhere near as useful as an iPhone.
      Thanks Snick for saying this although I wouldn't want a platform war out there. However, as much as people might complain about Apple, this company has set standards over and over again.

      Any company is free to introduce an iPhone killer phone but a lot of them resort to copying. Just the other day I saw a Samsung phone or was it an LG which looks just like the iPhone.

      But as I said, it is much more a guts-feeling than necessarily rational.

      I have a crappy little Nokia phone I bought in HK over 4 years ago. For years I have been looking at phones but when it comes to making a decision, I say, well for a bit more I get an iPhone (and a compass :-). As I lived in China it never became true as I was never sure how well they would work there. Now, I am not sure where I'll be next year, so I am holding off but the Touch is on my shopping list.

      Sorry for rambling again ...


      • #18
        (Snick @ Sep. 30 2009,11:23) Nokia-amazing how they haven't made a device anywhere near as useful as an iPhone.
        You are right Snick, the iPhone is a minor wonder.

        As a non tech-head, I am delighted with my new toy.

        At least I was until I struck a problem. An hour & a half on the phone to tech support & the answer was......

        "return it to Apple for a complete reset"...        

        Less than 2 weeks old? Now who saw that coming?        
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #19
          iPhone is mediocre by itself - doesn't handle calls particularly well and the specs have all been surpassed by SE, Samsung, LG, and even Nokia in various forms or another.

          The only real reason to own a iPhone is the SOFTWARE. All of the advantages and uses that Snick rattled off is because the OSX platform, what powers the iPhone, is relatively easy to develop form and has had a tremendous amount of support from Apple which made it into what it is today - a powerhouse. Windows Mobile has had apps that could be loaded on those devices for years, but there was no app store and the interface was clunky and hard to use for even advanced techies. Apple's approach of a good user experience with the interface and apps, ease of use, and intuitiveness is what makes the difference.

          To be fair, Apple has imposed a lot of limitations such as limited functionality due to its licensing agreements with its partners (lookin at you AT&T) and near-absolute control over its app store, but I don't think there's a single device out there that can beat it as the best multi-media device to carry around in your pocket.

          However, for the power business user it is not unfortunately. I just got a new HTC Touch Pro 2 last week and love it despite WinMo 6.1. Without a physical keyboard I just can't see it taking over for me as someone who needs to punch out a ton of e-mails and texts every day.
          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


          • #20
            One thing to note, I've been only mildly-impressed with Android thus far, but lately seeing what HTC and SE (purportedly) have been able to do with Cupcake make me hopeful that Android 2.0 will be what many consider to be the first legitimate contender to Apple's OSX and iPhone. The new hardware should be very good and Android will finally have gotten around to mass market support for new apps and features that will enable it to have a user experience as good as the iPhones with the software and features to match.
            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


            • #21
              (Snick @ Sep. 30 2009,09:46) I have an 8gb Touch -- I always run out of space
              Now I filled up my 32gb iPhone !
              Maybe you should delete some of the 300 LB porn videos you have on the iPhone, that would free us some space


              • #22
                Or get this 6th generation iphone



                • #23
                  (snapper @ Oct. 01 2009,03:04)
                  (Snick @ Sep. 30 2009,09:46) I have an 8gb Touch -- I always run out of space
                  Now I filled up my 32gb iPhone !
                  Maybe you should delete some of the 300 LB porn videos you have on the iPhone, that would free us some space
                  Best idea ever Snapper!
                  I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                  • #24
                    After a week in the shop, I received my iPhone back yesterday.

                    Not exactly mine, they sent me a new one. But that seems standard, everyone else I know who bought one had their iPhone replaced too...    

                    Now my mission is to download all those annoying apps designed to drive non-believers crazy...    (hello rusty nail )

                    "Look everyone, my GPS gives me the distance from the South Pole to Walking Street & can translate 'one beer please' into Thai, Swahili & Tagalog."

                    How did I ever cope before this thing came along?      
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #25
                      Did they give you an explanation on why your iPhone went tits up? I've had mine for a couple of months and nothing weird has happened yet. (Fingers crossed)

                      What did you do to it? Have an LB bukkake session on the poor thing? Dropped it in the bath? ... Genuine curiousity from my part. Just want to avoid having to replace mine...
                      "Even ladyboys are size queens" - Anonymous


                      • #26
                        (snapper @ Oct. 01 2009,03:04)
                        (Snick @ Sep. 30 2009,09:46) I have an 8gb Touch -- I always run out of space
                        Now I filled up my 32gb iPhone !
                        Maybe you should delete some of the 300 LB porn videos you have on the iPhone, that would free us some space
                        But which one to delete
                        Eats getting banged hard, or Eats Banging Hard, or Eats and Joy banging each other hard
                        or Sindy in Leather; or Rose in PVC
                        I just can't decide so I keep them all.
                        "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                        • #27
                          (ezflip @ Oct. 02 2009,18:47) Did they give you an explanation on why your iPhone went tits up?
                          iPhone's are very susceptible to moisture & I was very careful to keep it dry. n.b. all the guys who have theirs in one of those protective rubber holders - they cause condensation & can make the phone wet.

                          Plus water damage voids the warranty. Good luck at Songkran.

                          My reason for calling tech support was because I was having trouble loading my email account onto the phone. Having cleared & retried it several times, I was told to return the phone for resetting by Apple.

                          On the Job Sheet that came back with the new phone, the Fault Code is - Connectivity (Web-GPS-WiFi-BT).

                          This was also the problem with my friend's iPhone, it must be fairly common.
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the info. Guess I'll have to be careful not to drop it in the snow The rubber casing is useful for me since I spend a lot of time on construction sites.
                            "Even ladyboys are size queens" - Anonymous


                            • #29
                              The downloading of Apps is going well...      
                              I found one sure to endear me to everyone I meet - "Totally awesome facts to impress & annoy your friends with" ...   & it's free...        

                              Another will prove invaluable in LOS - "Love poem generator" with such winning lines as:

                              You are my eternal sunshine
                              We met each other, some time ago
                              Until soon, when we meet again
                              Bye bye my love, you are my one true gem

                              Words fail me to express just how handy that app will prove to be...    
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • #30
                                Well, I got the 64GB 3rd Gen. iPod Touch and it is a nice gadget indeed. I'm curr staying at the Royal Asia Lodge which isn't bad but their internet is damn sloooow. Hope that Pattaya will be better.

                                Battery life seems ok, just wish dl-ed programs could be organized into categories to reduce the button-mania after startup and also wish there was a simple back-button to wherever one had been before, but perhaps I need to dig a bit further into this thing to get more out of it.

                                Otherwise I luv it :-)

