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Changes at the Kitten Club

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  • #46
    (negative bastard @ Oct. 09 2008,22:58)
    (pacman @ Oct. 09 2008,22:19) Once you have made your position clear on tips, you will find the attitude to be very agreeable.
    Complete rubbish.
    just a thought
    maybe there is a limit to what any bar can do for inadequate people?
    at the end of the day it is upto us to enjoy the facilities and, take such measures to ensure a good time
    tland is for big boys


    • #47
      (Ozzie @ Oct. 09 2008,22:59)
      (pacman @ Oct. 09 2008,22:19)     Think about what....      

      that the place is not entitled to make changes?

      that by your calculation they are expensive? that you feel the staff shouldn't ask for tips? that we had misjudged it?

      Rossco, you are welcome to your opinion but I feel the Kitten Club won't be your first choice of watering hole.

      The tip box is irrelevant to all other prices. It is a show of good faith expected of the farang owner.

      When the owner is confronted by the highest authorities demanding to know why he feels entitled to make money from Thai people, allowing them the right to ask for tips becomes a secondary consideration.

      No-one is forced to, a simple no is enough, but no way is it a a management practise or related to the pricing policy of the bar.

      Once you have made your position clear on tips, you will find the attitude to be very agreeable.
      Do you actually believe your own drivel? Why the hell does a bar need a tip box. Shit tipping is not even part of the Thai culture. The prices are on average about 30-40% higher than other ladyboy venues in Pattaya so why should anyone waste their time and money?

      I have been to this place half a dozen times and every time without fail I have been asked for a lady drink almost before even buying my own. I know there is market for this place (idiots who do not know better) but to try to sell this to an educated forum like this shows you clearly have no respect for the others that read here.

      Give it a rest    
      from your posts
      i would wonder what you would know about anything that concerns education
      and for a start read up a little on thai culture :>


      • #48
        (bigmick22 @ Oct. 10 2008,17:48) I think the tip box is a great idea

        This place sounds fantastic    

        Mardhi, I hope Jay is taking notes  
        someones got some class
        maybe we can meet in the kitten club/pattayaobsessions
        and maybe in the jacuzzi?
        get the tip box ready
        it might be a good show! lol


        • #49
          (petesie @ Oct. 11 2008,00:35) Tip box? It is not only against Thai culture it is a fucking personal insult to the customer.
          not if the show in the tub has been good but remember a negative attitude will never make u any thai friends


          • #50
            (stonefre @ Oct. 11 2008,14:03) It has been a while since I've been there but I was not impressed. Seems to be a lot of other better places to spend one's time. That tipbox thing is a real turn-off for me. However, I might stop by again in January to just to see how things have changed.
            it seems to me the management listen to what you say and it just keeps getting better


            • #51
              (rossco @ Oct. 12 2008,12:44) I thought I had entered the 'chat room' in error!

              Re Kitten Club.

              Any physical mods not required. Nobody raised the layout, position of walls as an issue.
              What most people have commented on is the 'attitude' of the place.
              The general opinion is that having visited we felt like Sheep not Customers - Fleeced not Fulfilled.
              The Tip Box is a good example.
              Half price drinks - never saw a voucher, never offered one.
              Note: I do not intend to spend hours talking to the owner to obtain some.
              Problems with bills and attitude are the issues and, dare I say it, you did not have a trouble free ride in there.
              Note: The owners response did not cover either of these issues - so much for listening to customers.

              I could not care if it was staffed with all the best LB's - if the attitude is wrong it kills the chemistry.
              In fact drink prices are irrelevant with the right attitude - and that they do not deliver.
              if you dont like the place then dont go there
              but remember at the end of the day you set the atmosphere yourself and if your hostile to thais then you will surely feel a chill
              seems like your shouting out loud for some free vouchers for yourself
              they are a privilege not a right
              dont expect too much you will be treated as you treat others
              and do you really think to obtain em you need to suck up to the owner :-)


              • #52
                (rossco @ Oct. 12 2008,15:00) Ok who decided to implement the "Tip Box". Not the owner?

                Who then? No other bar has implemented such a policy.

                My guess is that the staff were not getting much in tips - because the customers already felt that they had paid the bar enough through their drink prices and 'extras'.

                The box is NOT a good idea. Either the owner owns the bar and the format, policy and staff attitude, or he is not the owner just a 'bag man'.
                No one suggested taking down walls but people did comment on:

                Prices - you are the only guy I have seen with 50% vouchers and you had to spend a long time talking to get any.
                Tip Box. Unique and intimidating, and for a bar that already has prices near to the top end of the scale, just seen as bad customer care.
                Attitude. Most other bars you get time to settle down and choose who you want to sit with you. Customer orientated.

                When these issues, which are about attitude, not construction, are addressed then people will return.
                Actually this whole thread is just irritating. One BM supporting a bar that the majority have already adversely commented on.

                Other bars - Stringfellows, La Bamba, Pook, EZY bar all make an effort to satisfy customers, and encourage visitors.

                When did Kitten last have a party. Why does no one from the bar, nor the forum, promote with news and photos?

                All  very strange but hey they took down a wall that nobody had suggested was required.

                At least this thread is giving Kitten Club some air time and free publicity.
                seriously there does seem to be an awful lot of cheap charlies posting on this forum and as for the tip box i for one would be very happy to partake the odd 5 or 10 baht or more for what goes on in that infamous jacuzzi hot tub
                its strange how one of the very best nightspots in thailand is attracting so much animosity under various pathetic guises one feels that many of the postings may have a financial axe to grind
                if you dont like it dont go there and that makes room for the others that do
                just stop bitching and find something more important to do
                afterall there are a lot of really grotty bars around but you dont see me badmouthing em do ya


                • #53
                  but remember at the end of the day you set the atmosphere yourself...
                  I suspect that more often than not the customers go in search of an atmosphere rather than bring it with them when they go out.


                  • #54
                    (negative bastard @ Oct. 13 2008,15:42)
                    but remember at the end of the day you set the atmosphere yourself...
                    I suspect that more often than not the customers go in search of an atmosphere rather than bring it with them when they go out.
                    not in thailand
                    there you get what you give
                    and thats how ugly old turds get laid


                    • #55
                      (PigDogg @ Oct. 09 2008,18:00) Another good change would be to not have the girls plunck a tip box on your table and stay there for almost a minute with the box.

                      Much easier than knocking down walls.    
                      i dont know about the walls but there wasnt a free seat in there the other night
                      eat your heart out
                      maybe all the bad publicity is finally paying off for em
                      they say nothings easy


                      • #56
                        (rossco @ Oct. 12 2008,15:00) All  very strange but hey they took down a wall that nobody had suggested was required.

                        At least this thread is giving Kitten Club some air time and free publicity.
                        yeah and i couldnt get a free seat the other night
                        and i did put 500 baht in the tip box so i must be a bad guy


                        • #57
                          (rossco @ Oct. 12 2008,12:44) I thought I had entered the 'chat room' in error!

                          Re Kitten Club.

                          Any physical mods not required. Nobody raised the layout, position of walls as an issue.
                          What most people have commented on is the 'attitude' of the place.
                          The general opinion is that having visited we felt like Sheep not Customers - Fleeced not Fulfilled.
                          The Tip Box is a good example.
                          Half price drinks - never saw a voucher, never offered one.
                          Note: I do not intend to spend hours talking to the owner to obtain some.
                          Problems with bills and attitude are the issues and, dare I say it, you did not have a trouble free ride in there.
                          Note: The owners response did not cover either of these issues - so much for listening to customers.

                          I could not care if it was staffed with all the best LB's - if the attitude is wrong it kills the chemistry.
                          In fact drink prices are irrelevant with the right attitude - and that they do not deliver.
                          some people are just plane inadequate or are possibly paid mischief makers
                          maybe we could meet inside this infamous club and you could educate us all as to just how bad this great place is
                          would it be a case of strawberries to pigs?
                          get over it
                          and smell the roses


                          • #58
                            Well it's true I'm an 'ugly turd' but I'm still cogniscent enough to gravitate towards ladyboy venues where the atmosphere is there waiting for me rather than the other way around.
                            But I do know what you mean... there are a million visitors to Pattaya who are just happy to be there and will bring their upbeat souls with them and brighten up any house they visit.
                            Maybe the sedate and tired members of this particular message board just expect too much for too little.
                            I know I do!


                            • #59
                              never been to this bar, and why all the hotheaded shit about it/
                              who fucking cares, if you f go in and dont like it leave. if you like it stay.
                              There is no thai custom for tipping, its a western thing bropught into the country by tourists and the americans during viet nam.
                              and by the look of it, its here to stay
                              just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                              • #60
                                (verity @ Oct. 13 2008,14:31) from your posts
                                i would wonder what you would know about anything that concerns education
                                and for a start read up a little on thai culture :>
                                You are obviously either the manager or the owner of this place so why not have some balls and tell everyone  

                                I am sure you have enough idiots getting a taxi from the touts at suvarnabhumi to Pattaya and paying 2000-3000 baht to keep you in business.

                                I have no axe to grind either mate I am just another one of your unhappy customers. I gave the place many chances only to be underwhelmed every time.


